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Sampling recordings - Multple Time Periods

This brief vignette shows an example of a basic workflow selecting recordings for different times of day by site and year.

First we’ll load the packages we want to work with


Next we’ll prepare our metadata on the recordings, by cleaning, adding site-level information and calculating the time to sunrise/sunset for each file. We’ll also define recordings as either ‘early’ (occurring before 6am) or ‘late’ (occurring after 6am).

s <- clean_site_index(example_sites_clean,
  name_date = c("date_time_start", "date_time_end")
m <- clean_metadata(project_files = example_files) |>
  add_sites(s) |>
  calc_sun() |>
    time_period = if_else(hour(date_time) < 6, "early", "late"),
    year = year(date)
#> Extracting ARU info...
#> Extracting Dates and Times...
#> Joining by columns `date_time_start` and `date_time_end`
#> # A tibble: 42 × 15
#>   file_name   type  path  aru_type aru_id site_id date_time           date      
#>   <chr>       <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>   <dttm>              <date>    
#> 1 P01_1_2020… wav   a_BA… BarLT    BARLT… P01_1   2020-05-02 05:00:00 2020-05-02
#> 2 P01_1_2020… wav   a_BA… BarLT    BARLT… P01_1   2020-05-03 05:20:00 2020-05-03
#> 3 P02_1_2020… wav   a_S4… SongMet… S4A01… P02_1   2020-05-04 05:25:00 2020-05-04
#> 4 P02_1_2020… wav   a_S4… SongMet… S4A01… P02_1   2020-05-05 07:30:00 2020-05-05
#> # ℹ 38 more rows
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: longitude <dbl>, latitude <dbl>, tz <chr>, t2sr <dbl>,
#> #   t2ss <dbl>, time_period <chr>, year <dbl>

Time to do some sampling!

First we define the selection parameters for each time frame we’re interested in sampling. This might be “dawn” and “dusk”, or in this example, “early” and “late” morning.

This function will also simulate the selection weights so we can see what we’ve defined.

p <- list(
  "early" = sim_selection_weights(min_range = c(-70, 240)),
  "late" = sim_selection_weights(min_range = c(100, 300), min_mean = 200)

#> $early
#> $early$min_range
#> [1] -70 240
#> $early$min_mean
#> [1] 30
#> $early$min_sd
#> [1] 60
#> $early$day_range
#> [1] 120 201
#> $early$day_mean
#> [1] 161
#> $early$day_sd
#> [1] 20
#> $early$offset
#> [1] 0
#> $early$return_log
#> [1] TRUE
#> $early$selection_fun
#> [1] "norm"
#> $late
#> $late$min_range
#> [1] 100 300
#> $late$min_mean
#> [1] 200
#> $late$min_sd
#> [1] 60
#> $late$day_range
#> [1] 120 201
#> $late$day_mean
#> [1] 161
#> $late$day_sd
#> [1] 20
#> $late$offset
#> [1] 0
#> $late$return_log
#> [1] TRUE
#> $late$selection_fun
#> [1] "norm"

Now we can calculate selection weights

Here we’ll calculate a separate set of selection weights for early and late recordings in each year. Then we’ll group recordings by site, year, and time period.

w <- m |>
  nest(data = c(-time_period, -year)) |>
    params = p,
    sel = map2(data, params, calc_selection_weights)
  ) |>
  unnest(sel) |>
  select(-"data", -"params") |>
  mutate(selection_group = glue("{site_id}_{year}_{time_period}"))
#> # A tibble: 21 × 24
#>   time_period  year file_name                type  path  aru_type aru_id site_id
#>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr>                    <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  
#> 1 early        2020 P01_1_20200503T052000_A… wav   a_BA… BarLT    BARLT… P01_1  
#> 2 early        2020 P02_1_20200504T052500_A… wav   a_S4… SongMet… S4A01… P02_1  
#> 3 early        2020 P06_1_20200509T052000_A… wav   a_BA… BarLT    BARLT… P06_1  
#> 4 early        2020 P07_1_20200509T052500_A… wav   a_S4… SongMet… S4A01… P07_1  
#> # ℹ 17 more rows
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: date_time <dttm>, date <date>, longitude <dbl>,
#> #   latitude <dbl>, tz <chr>, t2sr <dbl>, t2ss <dbl>, doy <dbl>, psel_by <chr>,
#> #   psel_min <dbl>, psel_doy <dbl>, psel <dbl>, psel_scaled <dbl>,
#> #   psel_std <dbl>, psel_normalized <dbl>, selection_group <glue>

This w data sets contains the original sampling recordings, but now also new columns containing various measures of the probability of selection.

We’ll define the number of samples we’d like to have.

n <- w |>
  summarize(n_recordings = n(), .by = c("selection_group", "time_period")) |>
    n = if_else(time_period == "early", 5, 2),
    n_os = if_else(time_period == "early", floor(n * 1 / 3), floor(n * 1 / 4)),
    n_os = pmax(0, pmin(n_recordings - n, round(n / 3))),
    n = pmin(n, n_recordings)
#> # A tibble: 7 × 5
#>   selection_group  time_period n_recordings     n  n_os
#>   <glue>           <chr>              <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 P01_1_2020_early early                  3     3     0
#> 2 P02_1_2020_early early                  3     3     0
#> 3 P06_1_2020_early early                  3     3     0
#> 4 P07_1_2020_early early                  3     3     0
#> # ℹ 3 more rows

And finally sample the recordings!

g <- sample_recordings(w, n,
  col_site_id = selection_group,
  col_sel_weights = psel_normalized
#> Summary of Site Counts: 
#> siteuse by total: 
#>       Base Over
#> total   19    2
#> siteuse by stratum: 
#>                  Base Over
#> P01_1_2020_early    3    0
#> P02_1_2020_early    3    0
#> P03_1_2020_late     2    1
#> P06_1_2020_early    3    0
#> P07_1_2020_early    3    0
#> P08_1_2020_late     2    1
#> P09_1_2020_early    3    0

The recordings selected for sampling…

#> Simple feature collection with 19 features and 32 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 124 ymin: -53.21667 xmax: 132 ymax: 238.3167
#> Projected CRS: WGS 84 / World Mercator
#> First 10 features:
#>       siteID siteuse replsite   lon_WGS84     lat_WGS84          stratum wgt ip
#> 1  sample-01    Base     None 0.001113911 -4.812753e-04 P01_1_2020_early   1  1
#> 2  sample-02    Base     None 0.001113911 -4.812753e-04 P01_1_2020_early   1  1
#> 3  sample-03    Base     None 0.001113911 -4.812753e-04 P01_1_2020_early   1  1
#> 4  sample-04    Base     None 0.001122894 -4.273146e-04 P02_1_2020_early   1  1
#> 5  sample-05    Base     None 0.001122894 -4.273146e-04 P02_1_2020_early   1  1
#> 6  sample-06    Base     None 0.001122894 -4.273146e-04 P02_1_2020_early   1  1
#> 7  sample-07    Base     None 0.001167810  3.240657e-05 P06_1_2020_early   1  1
#> 8  sample-08    Base     None 0.001167810  3.240657e-05 P06_1_2020_early   1  1
#> 9  sample-09    Base     None 0.001167810  3.240657e-05 P06_1_2020_early   1  1
#> 10 sample-10    Base     None 0.001167810 -3.701886e-04 P07_1_2020_early   1  1
#>    caty   aux time_period year                     file_name type
#> 1  None 0.001       early 2020 P01_1_20200503T052000_ARU.wav  wav
#> 2  None 0.001       early 2020 P01_1_20200503T052000_ARU.wav  wav
#> 3  None 0.001       early 2020 P01_1_20200503T052000_ARU.wav  wav
#> 4  None 0.001       early 2020 P02_1_20200504T052500_ARU.wav  wav
#> 5  None 0.001       early 2020 P02_1_20200504T052500_ARU.wav  wav
#> 6  None 0.001       early 2020 P02_1_20200504T052500_ARU.wav  wav
#> 7  None 0.001       early 2020 P06_1_20200509T052000_ARU.wav  wav
#> 8  None 0.001       early 2020 P06_1_20200509T052000_ARU.wav  wav
#> 9  None 0.001       early 2020 P06_1_20200509T052000_ARU.wav  wav
#> 10 None 0.001       early 2020 P07_1_20200509T052500_ARU.wav  wav
#>                                                path  aru_type     aru_id
#> 1  a_BARLT10962_P01_1/P01_1_20200503T052000_ARU.wav     BarLT BARLT10962
#> 2  j_BARLT10962_P01_1/P01_1_20200503T052000_ARU.wav     BarLT BARLT10962
#> 3  o_BARLT10962_P01_1/P01_1_20200503T052000_ARU.wav     BarLT BARLT10962
#> 4    a_S4A01234_P02_1/P02_1_20200504T052500_ARU.wav SongMeter   S4A01234
#> 5    j_S4A01234_P02_1/P02_1_20200504T052500_ARU.wav SongMeter   S4A01234
#> 6    o_S4A01234_P02_1/P02_1_20200504T052500_ARU.wav SongMeter   S4A01234
#> 7  a_BARLT10962_P06_1/P06_1_20200509T052000_ARU.wav     BarLT BARLT10962
#> 8  j_BARLT10962_P06_1/P06_1_20200509T052000_ARU.wav     BarLT BARLT10962
#> 9  o_BARLT10962_P06_1/P06_1_20200509T052000_ARU.wav     BarLT BARLT10962
#> 10   a_S4A01234_P07_1/P07_1_20200509T052500_ARU.wav SongMeter   S4A01234
#>    site_id           date_time       date longitude latitude               tz
#> 1    P01_1 2020-05-03 05:20:00 2020-05-03    -85.03    50.01  America/Toronto
#> 2    P01_1 2020-05-03 05:20:00 2020-05-03    -85.03    50.01  America/Toronto
#> 3    P01_1 2020-05-03 05:20:00 2020-05-03    -85.03    50.01  America/Toronto
#> 4    P02_1 2020-05-04 05:25:00 2020-05-04    -87.45    52.68  America/Toronto
#> 5    P02_1 2020-05-04 05:25:00 2020-05-04    -87.45    52.68  America/Toronto
#> 6    P02_1 2020-05-04 05:25:00 2020-05-04    -87.45    52.68  America/Toronto
#> 7    P06_1 2020-05-09 05:20:00 2020-05-09    -90.08    52.00 America/Winnipeg
#> 8    P06_1 2020-05-09 05:20:00 2020-05-09    -90.08    52.00 America/Winnipeg
#> 9    P06_1 2020-05-09 05:20:00 2020-05-09    -90.08    52.00 America/Winnipeg
#> 10   P07_1 2020-05-09 05:25:00 2020-05-09    -86.03    50.45  America/Toronto
#>        t2ss psel_by   psel_min   psel_doy      psel psel_scaled psel_std
#> 1  498.4167    t2sr -0.5359972 -0.9351720 0.2296568   0.8502302        1
#> 2  498.4167    t2sr -0.5359972 -0.9351720 0.2296568   0.8502302        1
#> 3  498.4167    t2sr -0.5359972 -0.9351720 0.2296568   0.8502302        1
#> 4  483.4167    t2sr -0.5240265 -0.9200039 0.2359748   0.8736204        1
#> 5  483.4167    t2sr -0.5240265 -0.9200039 0.2359748   0.8736204        1
#> 6  483.4167    t2sr -0.5240265 -0.9200039 0.2359748   0.8736204        1
#> 7  521.9333    t2sr -0.4585242 -0.8503970 0.2701113   1.0000000        1
#> 8  521.9333    t2sr -0.4585242 -0.8503970 0.2701113   1.0000000        1
#> 9  521.9333    t2sr -0.4585242 -0.8503970 0.2701113   1.0000000        1
#> 10 488.7500    t2sr -0.5129536 -0.8503970 0.2558023   0.9470254        1
#>    psel_normalized  selection_group              geometry
#> 1            0.001 P01_1_2020_early POINT (124 -53.21667)
#> 2            0.001 P01_1_2020_early POINT (124 -53.21667)
#> 3            0.001 P01_1_2020_early POINT (124 -53.21667)
#> 4            0.001 P02_1_2020_early    POINT (125 -47.25)
#> 5            0.001 P02_1_2020_early    POINT (125 -47.25)
#> 6            0.001 P02_1_2020_early    POINT (125 -47.25)
#> 7            0.001 P06_1_2020_early  POINT (130 3.583333)
#> 8            0.001 P06_1_2020_early  POINT (130 3.583333)
#> 9            0.001 P06_1_2020_early  POINT (130 3.583333)
#> 10           0.001 P07_1_2020_early POINT (130 -40.93333)

These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.