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Cross-validating mixed-effects models

John Fox and Georges Monette


The fundamental analogy for cross-validation is to the collection of new data. That is, predicting the response in each fold from the model fit to data in the other folds is like using the model fit to all of the data to predict the response for new cases from the values of the predictors for those new cases. As we explained in the introductory vignette on cross-validating regression models, the application of this idea to independently sampled cases is straightforward—simply partition the data into random folds of equal size and leave each fold out in turn, or, in the case of LOO CV, simply omit each case in turn.

In contrast, mixed-effects models are fit to dependent data, in which cases as clustered, such as hierarchical data, where the clusters comprise higher-level units (e.g., students clustered in schools), or longitudinal data, where the clusters are individuals and the cases repeated observations on the individuals over time.1

We can think of two approaches to applying cross-validation to clustered data:2

  1. Treat CV as analogous to predicting the response for one or more cases in a newly observed cluster. In this instance, the folds comprise one or more whole clusters; we refit the model with all of the cases in clusters in the current fold removed; and then we predict the response for the cases in clusters in the current fold. These predictions are based only on fixed effects because the random effects for the omitted clusters are presumably unknown, as they would be for data on cases in newly observed clusters.

  2. Treat CV as analogous to predicting the response for a newly observed case in an existing cluster. In this instance, the folds comprise one or more individual cases, and the predictions can use both the fixed and random effects.

Example: The High-School and Beyond data

Following their use by Raudenbush & Bryk (2002), data from the 1982 High School and Beyond (HSB) survey have become a staple of the literature on mixed-effects models. The HSB data are used by Fox & Weisberg (2019, sec. 7.2.2) to illustrate the application of linear mixed models to hierarchical data, and we’ll closely follow their example here.

The HSB data are included in the MathAchieve and MathAchSchool data sets in the nlme package (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000). MathAchieve includes individual-level data on 7185 students in 160 high schools, and MathAchSchool includes school-level data:

data("MathAchieve", package = "nlme")
#> [1] 7185    6
head(MathAchieve, 3)
#> Grouped Data: MathAch ~ SES | School
#>   School Minority    Sex    SES MathAch MEANSES
#> 1   1224       No Female -1.528   5.876  -0.428
#> 2   1224       No Female -0.588  19.708  -0.428
#> 3   1224       No   Male -0.528  20.349  -0.428
tail(MathAchieve, 3)
#> Grouped Data: MathAch ~ SES | School
#>      School Minority    Sex    SES MathAch MEANSES
#> 7183   9586       No Female  1.332  19.641   0.627
#> 7184   9586       No Female -0.008  16.241   0.627
#> 7185   9586       No Female  0.792  22.733   0.627

data("MathAchSchool", package = "nlme")
#> [1] 160   7
head(MathAchSchool, 2)
#> 1224   1224  842 Public   0.35   1.597       0  -0.428
#> 1288   1288 1855 Public   0.27   0.174       0   0.128
tail(MathAchSchool, 2)
#> 9550   9550 1532   Public   0.45   0.791       0   0.059
#> 9586   9586  262 Catholic   1.00  -2.416       0   0.627

The first few students are in school number 1224 and the last few in school 9586.

We’ll use only the School, SES (students’ socioeconomic status), and MathAch (their score on a standardized math-achievement test) variables in the MathAchieve data set, and Sector ("Catholic" or "Public") in the MathAchSchool data set.

Some data-management is required before fitting a mixed-effects model to the HSB data, for which we use the dplyr package (Wickham, François, Henry, Müller, & Vaughan, 2023):

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
MathAchieve %>% group_by(School) %>%
  summarize( = mean(SES)) -> Temp
Temp <- merge(MathAchSchool, Temp, by = "School")
HSB <- merge(Temp[, c("School", "Sector", "")],
             MathAchieve[, c("School", "SES", "MathAch")], by = "School")
names(HSB) <- tolower(names(HSB))

HSB$cses <- with(HSB, ses -

In the process, we created two new school-level variables: meanses, which is the average SES for students in each school; and cses, which is school-average SES centered at its mean. For details, see Fox & Weisberg (2019, sec. 7.2.2).

Still following Fox and Weisberg, we proceed to use the lmer() function in the lme4 package (Bates, Mächler, Bolker, & Walker, 2015) to fit a mixed model for math achievement to the HSB data:

#> Loading required package: Matrix
hsb.lmer <- lmer(mathach ~ * cses + sector * cses
                 + (cses | school), data = HSB)
summary(hsb.lmer, correlation = FALSE)
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: mathach ~ * cses + sector * cses + (cses | school)
#>    Data: HSB
#> REML criterion at convergence: 46504
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
#> -3.159 -0.723  0.017  0.754  2.958 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
#>  school   (Intercept)  2.380   1.543        
#>           cses         0.101   0.318    0.39
#>  Residual             36.721   6.060        
#> Number of obs: 7185, groups:  school, 160
#> Fixed effects:
#>                     Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)           12.128      0.199   60.86
#>               5.333      0.369   14.45
#> cses                   2.945      0.156   18.93
#> sectorCatholic         1.227      0.306    4.00
#>          1.039      0.299    3.48
#> cses:sectorCatholic   -1.643      0.240   -6.85

We can then cross-validate at the cluster (i.e., school) level,

#> Loading required package: doParallel
#> Loading required package: foreach
#> Loading required package: iterators
#> Loading required package: parallel

   k = 10,
   clusterVariables = "school",
   seed = 5240)
#> R RNG seed set to 5240
#> 10-Fold Cross Validation based on 160 {school} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 39.157
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 39.148
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (38.066, 40.231)
#> full-sample criterion = 39.006

or at the case (i.e., student) level,

cv(hsb.lmer, seed = 1575)
#> R RNG seed set to 1575
#> Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
#> Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00587228 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
#> 10-Fold Cross Validation
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 37.445
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 37.338
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (36.288, 38.388)
#> full-sample criterion = 36.068

For cluster-level CV, the clusterVariables argument tells cv() how the clusters are defined. Were there more than one clustering variable, say classes within schools, these would be provided as a character vector of variable names: clusterVariables = c("school", "class"). For cluster-level CV, the default is k = "loo", that is, leave one cluster out at a time; we instead specify k = 10 folds of clusters, each fold therefore comprising \(160/10 = 16\) schools.

If the clusterVariables argument is omitted, then case-level CV is employed, with k = 10 folds as the default, here each with \(7185/10 \approx 719\) students. Notice that one of the 10 models refit with a fold removed failed to converge. Convergence problems are common in mixed-effects modeling. The apparent issue here is that an estimated variance component is close to or equal to 0, which is at a boundary of the parameter space. That shouldn’t disqualify the fitted model for the kind of prediction required for cross-validation.

There is also a cv() method for linear mixed models fit by the lme() function in the nlme package, and the arguments for cv() in this case are the same as for a model fit by lmer() or glmer(). We illustrate with the mixed model fit to the HSB data:

#> Attaching package: 'nlme'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:lme4':
#>     lmList
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     collapse
hsb.lme <- lme(
  mathach ~ * cses + sector * cses,
  random = ~ cses | school,
  data = HSB,
  control = list(opt = "optim")
#> Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
#>   Data: HSB 
#>     AIC   BIC logLik
#>   46525 46594 -23252
#> Random effects:
#>  Formula: ~cses | school
#>  Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
#>             StdDev   Corr  
#> (Intercept) 1.541177 (Intr)
#> cses        0.018174 0.006 
#> Residual    6.063492       
#> Fixed effects:  mathach ~ * cses + sector * cses 
#>                       Value Std.Error   DF t-value p-value
#> (Intercept)         12.1282   0.19920 7022  60.886   0e+00
#>             5.3367   0.36898  157  14.463   0e+00
#> cses                 2.9421   0.15122 7022  19.456   0e+00
#> sectorCatholic       1.2245   0.30611  157   4.000   1e-04
#>        1.0444   0.29107 7022   3.588   3e-04
#> cses:sectorCatholic -1.6421   0.23312 7022  -7.044   0e+00
#>  Correlation: 
#>                     (Intr) cses   sctrCt
#>             0.256                            
#> cses                 0.000  0.000                     
#> sectorCatholic      -0.699 -0.356  0.000              
#>        0.000  0.000  0.295  0.000       
#> cses:sectorCatholic  0.000  0.000 -0.696  0.000 -0.351
#> Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
#>       Min        Q1       Med        Q3       Max 
#> -3.170106 -0.724877  0.014892  0.754263  2.965498 
#> Number of Observations: 7185
#> Number of Groups: 160

   k = 10,
   clusterVariables = "school",
   seed = 5240)
#> R RNG seed set to 5240
#> 10-Fold Cross Validation based on 160 {school} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 39.157
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 39.149
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (38.066, 40.232)
#> full-sample criterion = 39.006

cv(hsb.lme, seed = 1575)
#> R RNG seed set to 1575
#> 10-Fold Cross Validation
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 37.442
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 37.402
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (36.351, 38.453)
#> full-sample criterion = 36.147

We used the same random-number generator seeds as in the previous example cross-validating the model fit by lmer(), and so the same folds are employed in both cases.3 The estimated covariance components and fixed effects in the summary output differ slightly between the lmer() and lme() solutions, although both functions seek to maximize the REML criterion. This is, of course, to be expected when different algorithms are used for numerical optimization. To the precision reported, the cluster-level CV results for the lmer() and lme() models are identical, while the case-level CV results are very similar but not identical.

Example: Contrived hierarchical data

We introduce an artificial data set that exemplifies aspects of cross-validation particular to hierarchical models. Using this data set, we show that model comparisons employing cluster-based and those employing case-based cross-validation may not agree on a “best” model. Furthermore, commonly used measures of fit, such as mean-squared error, do not necessarily become smaller as models become larger, even when the models are nested, and even when the measure of fit is computed for the whole data set.

Consider a researcher studying improvement in a skill, yodeling, for example, among students enrolled in a four-year yodeling program. The plan is to measure each student’s skill level at the beginning of the program and every year thereafter until the end of the program, resulting in five annual measurements for each student. It turns out that yodeling appeals to students of all ages, and students enrolling in the program range in age from 20 to 70. Moreover, participants’ untrained yodeling skill is similar at all ages, as is their rate of progress with training. All students complete the four-year program.

The researcher, who has more expertise in yodeling than in modeling, decides to model the response, \(y\), yodeling skill, as a function of age, \(x\), reasoning that students get older during their stay in the program, and (incorrectly) that age can serve as a proxy for elapsed time. The researcher knows that a mixed model should be used to account for clustering due to the expected similarity of measurements taken from each student.

We start by generating the data, using parameters consistent with the description above and meant to highlight the issues that arise in cross-validating mixed-effects models:4

# Parameters:
Nb <- 100     # number of groups
Nw <- 5       # number of individuals within groups
Bb <- 0       # between-group regression coefficient on group mean
SDre <-
  2.0   # between-group SD of random level relative to group mean of x
SDwithin <- 0.5  # within group SD
Bw <- 1          # within group effect of x
Ay <- 10         # intercept for response
Ax <- 20         # starting level of x
Nx <- Nw * 10    # number of distinct x values

Data <- data.frame(group = factor(rep(1:Nb, each = Nw)),
                   x = Ax + rep(1:Nx, length.out = Nw * Nb)) |>
    xm  <- ave(x, group, FUN = mean) # within-group mean
    y <- Ay +
      Bb * xm +                      # contextual effect
      Bw * (x - xm) +                # within-group effect
      rnorm(Nb, sd = SDre)[group] +  # random level by group
      rnorm(Nb * Nw, sd = SDwithin)  # random error within groups

Here is a scatterplot of the data for a representative group of 10 (without loss of generality, the first 10) of 100 students, showing the 95% concentration ellipse for each cluster:5

plot <- xyplot(
  y ~ x,
  data = Data[1:Nx,],
  group = group,
  ylim = c(4, 16),
  par.settings = list(superpose.symbol = list(pch = 1, cex =
) +
  layer(panel.ellipse(..., center.cex = 0))
plot # display graph
Hierarchical data set, showing the first 10 of 100 students.

Hierarchical data set, showing the first 10 of 100 students.

The between-student effect of age is 0 but the within-student effect is 1. Due to the large variation in ages between students, the least-squares regression of yodeling skill on age (for the 500 observations among all 100 students) produces an estimated slope close to 0 (though with a small \(p\)-value), because the slope is heavily weighted toward the between-student effect:

summary(lm(y ~ x, data=Data))
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = y ~ x, data = Data)
#> Residuals:
#>    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
#> -5.771 -1.658 -0.089  1.552  7.624 
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)  9.05043    0.34719   26.07   <2e-16 ***
#> x            0.02091    0.00727    2.87   0.0042 ** 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Residual standard error: 2.35 on 498 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  0.0163, Adjusted R-squared:  0.0143 
#> F-statistic: 8.26 on 1 and 498 DF,  p-value: 0.00422

The initial mixed-effects model that we fit to the data is a simple random-intercepts model:

# random intercept only:
mod.0 <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | group), Data)
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: y ~ 1 + (1 | group)
#>    Data: Data
#> REML criterion at convergence: 2103.1
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -2.0351 -0.7264 -0.0117  0.7848  2.0438 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  group    (Intercept) 2.90     1.70    
#>  Residual             2.71     1.65    
#> Number of obs: 500, groups:  group, 100
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)   10.002      0.186    53.9

We will shortly consider three other, more complex, mixed models; because of data-management considerations, it is convenient to fit them now, but we defer discussion of these models:

# effect of x and random intercept:
mod.1 <- lmer(y ~ x + (1 | group), Data)

# effect of x, contextual (student) mean of x, and random intercept:
mod.2 <- lmer(y ~ x + xm + (1 | group), Data)
        # equivalent to y ~ I(x - xm) + xm + (1 | group)

# model generating the data (where Bb = 0)
mod.3 <- lmer(y ~ I(x - xm) + (1 | group), Data)

We proceed to obtain predictions from the random-intercept model (mod.0) and the other models (mod.1, mod.2, and mod.3) based on fixed effects alone, as would be used for cross-validation based on clusters (i.e., students), and for fixed and random effects—so-called best linear unbiased predictions or BLUPs—as would be used for cross-validation based on cases (i.e., occasions within students):

Data <- within(Data, {
  fit_mod0.fe <- predict(mod.0, re.form = ~ 0) # fixed effects only <- predict(mod.0) # fixed and random effects (BLUPs)
  fit_mod1.fe <- predict(mod.1, re.form = ~ 0) <- predict(mod.1)
  fit_mod2.fe <- predict(mod.2, re.form = ~ 0) <- predict(mod.2)
  fit_mod3.fe <- predict(mod.3, re.form = ~ 0) <- predict(mod.3)

We then prepare the data for plotting:

Data_long <- reshape(Data[1:Nx, ], direction = "long", sep = ".", 
              timevar = "effect", varying = grep("\\.", names(Data[1:Nx, ])))
Data_long$id <- 1:nrow(Data_long)
Data_long <- reshape(Data_long, direction = "long", sep = "_", 
              timevar = "modelcode",  varying = grep("_", names(Data_long)))
Data_long$model <- factor(
  c("~ 1", "~ 1 + x", "~ 1 + x + xm", "~ 1 + I(x - xm)")
  [match(Data_long$modelcode, c("mod0", "mod1", "mod2", "mod3"))]

Predictions based on the random-intercept model mod.0 for the first 10 students are shown in the following graph:

  plot +
      fit ~ x,
      subset(Data_long, modelcode == "mod0" & effect == "fe"),
      groups = group,
      type = "l",
      lwd = 2
    ) +
      fit ~ x,
      subset(Data_long, modelcode == "mod0" &  effect == "re"),
      groups = group,
      type = "l",
      lwd = 2,
      lty = 3
) |> update(
  main="Model: y ~ 1 + (1 | group)",
    corner=c(0.05, 0.05),
    text=list(c("fixed effects only","fixed and random")),
    lines=list(lty=c(1, 3))))
Predictions from the random intercept model.

Predictions from the random intercept model.

The fixed-effect predictions for the various individuals are identical—the estimated fixed-effects intercept or estimated general mean of \(y\)—while the BLUPs are the sums of the fixed-effects intercept and the random intercepts, and are only slightly shrunken towards the general mean. Because in our artificial data there is no population relationship between age and skill, the fixed-effect-only predictions and the BLUPs are not very different.

Our next model, mod.1, includes a fixed intercept and fixed effect of x along with a random intercept:

#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: y ~ x + (1 | group)
#>    Data: Data
#> REML criterion at convergence: 1564.5
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -2.9016 -0.6350  0.0188  0.5541  2.8293 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  group    (Intercept) 192.941  13.890  
#>  Residual               0.257   0.507  
#> Number of obs: 500, groups:  group, 100
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept) -33.9189     1.5645   -21.7
#> x             0.9653     0.0158    61.0
#> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
#>   (Intr)
#> x -0.460

Predictions from this model appear in the following graph:

  plot +
      fit ~ x,
      subset(Data_long, modelcode == "mod1" & effect == "fe"),
      groups = group,
      type = "l",
      lwd = 2
    ) +
      fit ~ x,
      subset(Data_long, modelcode == "mod1" & effect == "re"),
      groups = group,
      type = "l",
      lwd = 2,
      lty = 3
) |> update(
  main="Model: y ~ 1 + x + (1 | group)",
  ylim=c(-15, 35),
    corner=c(0.95, 0.05),
    text=list(c("fixed effects only","fixed and random")),
    lines=list(lty=c(1, 3))))
Predictions from the model with random intercepts and $x$ as a fixed-effect predictor.

Predictions from the model with random intercepts and \(x\) as a fixed-effect predictor.

The BLUPs fit the observed data very closely, but predictions based on the fixed effects alone, with a common intercept and slope for all clusters, are very poor—indeed, much worse than the fixed-effects-only predictions based on the simpler random-intercept model, mod.0. We therefore anticipate (and show later in this section) that case-based cross-validation will prefer mod1 to mod0, but that cluster-based cross-validation will prefer mod0 to mod1.

Our third model, mod.2, includes the contextual effect of \(x\)—that is, the cluster mean xm—along with \(x\) and the intercept in the fixed-effect part of the model, and a random intercept:

#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: y ~ x + xm + (1 | group)
#>    Data: Data
#> REML criterion at convergence: 1169.2
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -2.9847 -0.6375  0.0019  0.5568  2.7325 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  group    (Intercept) 3.399    1.844   
#>  Residual             0.255    0.505   
#> Number of obs: 500, groups:  group, 100
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)   9.4787     0.6171    15.4
#> x             0.9915     0.0160    62.1
#> xm           -0.9800     0.0206   -47.7
#> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
#>    (Intr) x     
#> x   0.000       
#> xm -0.600 -0.777

This model is equivalent to fitting y ~ I(x - xm) + xm + (1 | group), which is the model that generated the data once the coefficient of the contextual predictor xm is set to 0 (as it is in mod.3, discussed below).

Predictions from model mod.2 appear in the following graph:

  plot +
      fit ~ x,
      subset(Data_long, modelcode == "mod2" & effect == "fe"),
      groups = group,
      type = "l",
      lwd = 2
    ) +
      fit ~ x,
      subset(Data_long, modelcode == "mod2" & effect == "re"),
      groups = group,
      type = "l",
      lwd = 2,
      lty = 3
) |> update(
  main="Model: y ~ 1 + x + xm + (1 | group)",
  ylim=c(4, 16),
    corner=c(0.05, 0.05),
    text=list(c("fixed effects only","fixed and random")),
    lines=list(lty=c(1, 3))))
Predictors from the model with random intercepts, $x$, and the group (student) mean of $x$ as predictors.

Predictors from the model with random intercepts, \(x\), and the group (student) mean of \(x\) as predictors.

Depending on the estimated variance parameters of the model, a mixed model like mod.2 will apply varying degrees of shrinkage to the random-intercept BLUPs that correspond to variation in the heights of the parallel fitted lines for the individual students. In our contrived data, the mod.2 applies little shrinkage, allowing substantial variability in the heights of the fitted lines, which closely approach the observed values for each student. The fit of the mixed model mod.2 is consequently similar to that of a fixed-effects model with age and a categorical predictor for individual students (i.e., treating students as a factor, and not shown here).

The mixed model mod.2 therefore fits individual observations well, and we anticipate a favorable assessment using individual-based cross-validation. In contrast, the large variability in the BLUPs results in larger residuals for predictions based on fixed effects alone, and so we expect that cluster-based cross-validation won’t show an advantage for model mod.2 compared to the smaller model mod.0, which includes only fixed and random intercepts.

Had the mixed model applied considerable shrinkage, then neither cluster-based nor case-based cross-validation would show much improvement over the random-intercept-only model. In our experience, the degree of shrinkage does not vary smoothly as parameters are changed but tends to be “all or nothing,” and near the tipping point, the behavior of estimates can be affected considerably by the choice of algorithm used to fit the model.

Finally, mod.3 directly estimates the model used to generate the data. As mentioned, it is a constrained version of mod.2, with the coefficient of xm set to 0, and with x expressed as a deviation from the cluster mean xm:

#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: y ~ I(x - xm) + (1 | group)
#>    Data: Data
#> REML criterion at convergence: 1163.2
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -2.9770 -0.6320  0.0063  0.5603  2.7249 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  group    (Intercept) 3.391    1.842   
#>  Residual             0.255    0.505   
#> Number of obs: 500, groups:  group, 100
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)   10.002      0.185    53.9
#> I(x - xm)      0.992      0.016    62.1
#> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
#>           (Intr)
#> I(x - xm) 0.000

The predictions from mod.3 are therefore similar to those from mod.2:

  plot +
      fit ~ x,
      subset(Data_long, modelcode == "mod3" & effect == "fe"),
      groups = group,
      type = "l",
      lwd = 2
    ) +
      fit ~ x,
      subset(Data_long, modelcode == "mod3" & effect == "re"),
      groups = group,
      type = "l",
      lwd = 2,
      lty = 3
) |> update(
  main="Model: y ~ 1 + I(x - xm) + (1 | group)",
  ylim=c(4, 16),
    corner=c(0.05, 0.05),
    text=list(c("fixed effects only","fixed and random")),
    lines=list(lty=c(1, 3))))
Predictions from the estimated model generating the data.

Predictions from the estimated model generating the data.

We next carry out case-based cross-validation, which, as we have explained, is based on both fixed and predicted random effects (i.e., BLUPs), and cluster-based cross-validation, which is based on fixed effects only. In order to reduce between-model random variability in comparisons of models, we apply cv() to the list of models created by the models() function (introduced previously), performing cross-validation with the same folds for each model:

modlist <- models(
  "~ 1" = mod.0,
  "~ 1 + x" = mod.1,
  "~ 1 + x + xm" = mod.2,
  "~ 1 + I(x - xm)" = mod.3
cvs_clusters <-
    data = Data,
    cluster = "group",
    k = 10,
    seed = 6449
plot(cvs_clusters, main = "Model Comparison, Cluster-Based CV")
10-fold cluster-based cross-validation comparing random intercept models with varying fixed effects. The error bars show the 95% confidence interval around the CV estimate of the MSE for each model.

10-fold cluster-based cross-validation comparing random intercept models with varying fixed effects. The error bars show the 95% confidence interval around the CV estimate of the MSE for each model.

cvs_cases <- cv(modlist, data = Data, seed = 9693)
plot(cvs_cases, main = "Model Comparison, Case-Based CV")
10-fold case-based cross-validation comparing random intercept models with varying fixed effects.

10-fold case-based cross-validation comparing random intercept models with varying fixed effects.

In summary, model mod.1, with \(x\) alone and without the contextual mean of \(x\), is assessed as fitting very poorly by cluster-based CV, but relatively much better by case-based CV. Model mod.2, which includes both \(x\) and its contextual mean, produces better results using both cluster-based and case-based CV. The data-generating model, mod.3, which includes the fixed effect of x - xm in place of separate terms in x and xm, isn’t distinguishable from model mod.2, which includes x and xm separately, even though mod.2 has an unnecessary parameter (recall that the population coefficient of xm is 0 when x is expressed as deviations from the contextual mean). These conclusions are consistent with our observations based on graphing predictions from the various models, and they illustrate the desirability of assessing mixed-effect models at different hierarchical levels.

Example: Crossed random effects

Crossed random effects arise when the structure of the data aren’t strictly hierarchical. Nevertheless, crossed and nested random effects can be handled in much the same manner, by refitting the mixed-effects model to the data with a fold of clusters or cases removed and using the refitted model to predict the response in the removed fold.

We’ll illustrate with data on pig growth, introduced by Diggle, Liang, & Zeger (1994, Table 3.1). The data are in the Pigs data frame in the cv package:

head(Pigs, 9)
#>   id week weight
#> 1  1    1   24.0
#> 2  1    2   32.0
#> 3  1    3   39.0
#> 4  1    4   42.5
#> 5  1    5   48.0
#> 6  1    6   54.5
#> 7  1    7   61.0
#> 8  1    8   65.0
#> 9  1    9   72.0
head(xtabs( ~ id + week, data = Pigs), 3)
#>    week
#> id  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#>   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>   2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>   3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
tail(xtabs( ~ id + week, data = Pigs), 3)
#>     week
#> id   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#>   46 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>   47 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>   48 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Each of 48 pigs is observed weekly over a period of 9 weeks, with the weight of the pig recorded in kg. The data are in “long” format, as is appropriate for use with the lmer() function in the lme4 package. The data are very regular, with no missing cases.

The following graph, showing the growth trajectories of the pigs, is similar to Figure 3.1 in Diggle et al. (1994); we add an overall least-squares line and a loess smooth, which are nearly indistinguishable:

plot(weight ~ week, data = Pigs, type = "n")
for (i in unique(Pigs$id)) {
  with(Pigs, lines(
    x = 1:9,
    y = Pigs[id == i, "weight"],
    col = "gray"
abline(lm(weight ~ week, data = Pigs),
       col = "blue",
       lwd = 2)
  with(Pigs, loess.smooth(week, weight, span = 0.5)),
  col = "magenta",
  lty = 2,
  lwd = 2
Growth trajectories for 48 pigs, with overall least-squares line (sold blue) and loess line (broken magenta).

Growth trajectories for 48 pigs, with overall least-squares line (sold blue) and loess line (broken magenta).

The individual “growth curves” and the overall trend are generally linear, with some tendency for variability of pig weight to increase over weeks (a feature of the data that we ignore in the mixed model that we fit to the data below).

The Stata mixed-effects models manual proposes a model with crossed random effects for the Pigs data (StataCorp LLC, 2023, p. 37):

[S]uppose that we wish to fit \[ \mathrm{weight}_{ij} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \mathrm{week}_{ij} + u_i + v_j + \varepsilon_{ij} \] for the \(i = 1, \ldots, 9\) weeks and \(j = 1, \dots, 48\) pigs and \[ u_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2_u); v_j \sim N(0, \sigma^2_v ); \varepsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^2_\varepsilon) \] all independently. That is, we assume an overall population-average growth curve \(\beta_0 + \beta_1 \mathrm{week}\) and a random pig-specific shift. In other words, the effect due to week, \(u_i\), is systematic to that week and common to all pigs. The rationale behind [this model] could be that, assuming that the pigs were measured contemporaneously, we might be concerned that week-specific random factors such as weather and feeding patterns had significant systematic effects on all pigs.

Although we might prefer an alternative model,6 we think that this is a reasonable specification.

The Stata manual fits the mixed model by maximum likelihood (rather than REML), and we duplicate the results reported there using lmer():

m.p <- lmer(
  weight ~ week + (1 | id) + (1 | week),
  data = Pigs,
  REML = FALSE, # i.e., ML
  control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")
#> Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: weight ~ week + (1 | id) + (1 | week)
#>    Data: Pigs
#> Control: lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")
#>      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
#>   2037.6   2058.0  -1013.8   2027.6      427 
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
#> -3.775 -0.542  0.005  0.476  3.982 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  id       (Intercept) 14.836   3.852   
#>  week     (Intercept)  0.085   0.292   
#>  Residual              4.297   2.073   
#> Number of obs: 432, groups:  id, 48; week, 9
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)  19.3556     0.6334    30.6
#> week          6.2099     0.0539   115.1
#> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
#>      (Intr)
#> week -0.426

We opt for the non-default "bobyqa" optimizer because it provides more numerically stable results for subsequent cross-validation in this example.

We can then cross-validate the model by omitting folds composed of pigs, folds composed of weeks, or folds composed of pig-weeks (which in the Pigs data set correspond to individual cases, using only the fixed effects):

cv(m.p, clusterVariables = "id")
#> n-Fold Cross Validation based on 48 {id} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 19.973
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 19.965
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (17.125, 22.805)
#> full-sample criterion = 19.201

cv(m.p, clusterVariables = "week")
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
#> n-Fold Cross Validation based on 9 {week} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 19.312
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 19.305
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (16.566, 22.044)
#> full-sample criterion = 19.201

  clusterVariables = c("id", "week"),
  k = 10,
  seed = 8469
#> R RNG seed set to 8469
#> 10-Fold Cross Validation based on 432 {id, week} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 19.235
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 19.233
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (16.493, 21.973)
#> full-sample criterion = 19.201

We can also cross-validate the individual cases taking account of the random effects (employing the same 10 folds):

cv(m.p, k = 10, seed = 8469)
#> R RNG seed set to 8469
#> 10-Fold Cross Validation
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 5.1583
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 5.0729
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (4.123, 6.0229)
#> full-sample criterion = 3.796

Because these predictions are based on BLUPs, they are more accurate than the predictions based only on fixed effects.7 As well, the difference between the MSE computed for the model fit to the full data and the CV estimates of the MSE is greater here than for cluster-based predictions.


Bates, D., Mächler, M., Bolker, B., & Walker, S. (2015). Fitting linear mixed-effects models using lme4. Journal of Statistical Software, 67(1), 1–48.
Diggle, P. J., Liang, K.-Y., & Zeger, S. L. (1994). Analysis of longitudinal data. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fox, J., & Weisberg, S. (2019). An R companion to applied regression (Third edition). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
Pinheiro, J. C., & Bates, D. M. (2000). Mixed-effects models in S and S-PLUS. New York: Springer.
Raudenbush, S. W., & Bryk, A. S. (2002). Hierarchical linear models: Applications and data analysis methods (Second edition). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
Sarkar, D. (2008). Lattice: Multivariate data visualization with R. New York: Springer. Retrieved from
Sarkar, D., & Andrews, F. (2022). latticeExtra: Extra graphical utilities based on lattice. Retrieved from
StataCorp LLC. (2023). Stata multilevel mixed-effects reference manual, release 18. College Station TX: Stata Press. Retrieved from
Vehtari, A. (2023). Cross-validation FAQ. Retrieved October 15, 2023, from
Wickham, H., François, R., Henry, L., Müller, K., & Vaughan, D. (2023). Dplyr: A grammar of data manipulation. Retrieved from

  1. There are, however, more complex situations that give rise to so-called crossed (rather than nested) random effects. For example, consider students within classes within schools. In primary schools, students typically are in a single class, and so classes are nested within schools. In secondary schools, however, students typically take several classes and students who are together in a particular class may not be together in other classes; consequently, random effects based on classes within schools are crossed. The lmer() function in the lme4 package is capable of modeling both nested and crossed random effects, and the cv() methods for mixed models in the cv package pertain to both nested and crossed random effects. We present an example of the latter later in the vignette.↩︎

  2. We subsequently discovered that Vehtari (2023, sec. 8) makes similar points.↩︎

  3. The observant reader will notice that we set the argument control=list(opt="optim") in the call to lme(), changing the optimizer employed from the default "nlminb". We did this because with the default optimizer, lme() encountered the same convergence issue as lmer(), but rather than issuing a warning, lme() failed, reporting an error. As it turns out, setting the optimizer to "optim" avoids this problem.↩︎

  4. We invite the interested reader to experiment with varying the parameters of our example.↩︎

  5. We find it convenient to use the lattice (Sarkar, 2008) and latticeExtra (Sarkar & Andrews, 2022) packages for this and other graphs in this section.↩︎

  6. These are repeated-measures data, which would be more conventionally modeled with autocorrelated errors within pigs. The lme() function in the nlme package, for example, is capable of fitting a mixed-model of this form.↩︎

  7. Even though there is only one observation per combination of pigs and weeks, we can use the BLUP for the omitted case because of the crossed structure of the random effects; that is each pig-week has a pig random effect and a week random effect. Although it probably isn’t sensible, we can imagine a mixed model for the pig data that employs nested random effects, which would be specified by lmer(weight ~ week + (1 | id/week), data=Pigs)—that is, a random intercept that varies by combinations of id (pig) and week. This model can’t be fit, however: With only one case per combination of id and week, the nested random-effect variance is indistinguishable from the case-level variance.↩︎

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