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Passerines Diversification

This article aims to replicate the case study developed by Araujo et al. (in review). We will also present the workflow executed within the study for both a single passerine phylogeny and multiple passerine phylogenies, in order to control the results for phylogenetic uncertainty Rangel et al. (2015).

Before starting our analysis, we’ll need to load the ape, ggplot2, and ggpubr packages. Additionally, if required, install the devtools to invoke the treesliceR package:

# Loading the packages that we'll use

Now, we’ll need to load (and install if necessary) the treesliceR package:

# Loading it

1. Passerines study for a single phylogeny

1.1. First framework example

Herein, we’ll compare the passerines tip diversification rates (DR) before and after the Australian aridification (~33 Mya). Our used passerines phylogenies are subsets of the global birds phylogenies made available by Jetz et al. (2012).

Thus, primarily, we can load the passerines phylogeny available within the package by calling the pass_trees object:

tree <- pass_trees[[1]]

Now, we need to split the phylogeny into two distinct portions, one representing the last 33 millions of years ago (Mya) and another representing the cladogenesis events before this period. To capture the root slice before 33 Mya, we can slice our phylogeny tipwardly (i.e., from tips to root) using the squeeze_tips() function. Alternatively, the phylogeny slice of the last 33 Mya can be obtained through the squeeze_root() function, which slices a phylogeny rootwardly (i.e, from root to tips).

Since DR calculations are dependent on the node’s path to a given tip, we set the argument dropNodes = TRUE in our functions to remove those “void nodes” (nodes with zero branch length) to avoid biases in our DR estimates:

recent <- squeeze_root(tree = tree, time = 33, dropNodes = T)
old <- squeeze_tips(tree = tree, time = 33, dropNodes = T)

Let’s compare our original phylogeny with those cut ones:

oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) # Setting an 1x3 graphical display
plot(tree, main = "Complete tree", show.tip.label = F); axisPhylo()
plot(old, main = "Old tree", show.tip.label = F); axisPhylo()
plot(recent, main = "Recent tree", show.tip.label = F); axisPhylo()
par(oldpar) # Returning to the original display

Then, we need to calculate the DR separately for each phylogeny slice while finding the difference between them. To calculate the DR, we can use the DR() function available within the treesliceR package:

DR_diff <- DR(tree = recent)[,2] - DR(tree = old)[,2]

Now we’ll assign these DR differences to a data frame inside our tree object containing passerines information:

tree$Species_info$DR_diff <- DR_diff

To calculate the mean and standard deviation differences per family, we use the tapply() function to aggregate the calculated DRs by passerine families:

# tapply() for means
fam_DR <- tapply(tree$Species_info$DR_diff, tree$Species_info$Family, mean)
# tapply() for standard deviations
fam_DR_sd <- tapply(tree$Species_info$DR_diff, tree$Species_info$Family, sd)

To visualize DR differences among families, we’ll create a new data frame with our outputs:

# Creating the families DR data frame
fam_df <- data.frame(Family = names(fam_DR), DR_diff = fam_DR, DR_sd = fam_DR_sd)
# Sorting them based on DR's value
fam_df <- fam_df[order(fam_df$DR_diff),]
# Turning this order into a factor to plot it
fam_df$Family <- factor(fam_df$Family, levels = fam_df$Family)

Now, we can create a graph similar to the one displayed in Araujo et al. (in review) using the ggplot2 package:

ggplot(fam_df, aes(x = Family, y = DR_diff,
                    ymin = DR_diff - DR_sd,
                    ymax = DR_diff + DR_sd)) +
  geom_pointrange(color = "#d90429") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype="dashed", color = "black") +
  coord_flip() + theme_minimal() + 
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 13),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank()) +
  ylab(expression(paste(DR["recent"]-DR["past"]))) + xlab(NULL)

Notice that the final output is slightly different from what was observed in Araujo et al. (in review). However, remember that here we executed the analysis only for a single passerine phylogeny. A more comprehensive assessment using all phylogenies could be carried out in the sections below (for example in the section “2. Passerines study for multiple phylogenies”).

1.2. Second framework example

Herein, we’ll calculate the CpB-rate of Australian passerines for both turnover and nestedness components. Firstly, we’ll need to load the assemblages containing the species matrix stored within the package by calling the internal object pass_mat. Additionally, to calculate the beta-diversity metrics, it is necessary to provide the adjacency matrix containing the focal cells and their respective neighborhoods, which can be accessed through the AU_adj object. Let’s examine the header of the assemblage matrix containing the species, focusing on the first four columns (or species):

head(pass_mat[, 1:4])
#>   Heteromyias_albispecularis Myzomela_obscura Taeniopygia_guttata
#> 1                          0                1                   0
#> 2                          0                1                   0
#> 3                          0                1                   0
#> 4                          0                1                   0
#> 5                          0                1                   0
#> 6                          0                1                   0
#>   Dicaeum_hirundinaceum
#> 1                     1
#> 2                     1
#> 3                     1
#> 4                     1
#> 5                     1
#> 6                     1

We can run some sensitivity analysis to find the most parsimonious number of slices to assess the CpB-rate patterns. But first, we need to create a vector containing our desired number of slices for assessment:

vec <- c(250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000)

Let’s run the sensitivity analysis for both turnover and nestedness components:

sens_turn <- CpR_sensitivity(tree = tree, vec = vec, samp = 100,
                             mat = pass_mat, adj = AU_adj, rate = "CpB", comp = "turnover")
sens_nest <- CpR_sensitivity(tree = tree, vec = vec, samp = 100,
                             mat = pass_mat, adj = AU_adj, rate = "CpB", comp = "nestedness")

So, we can visualize our sensitivity analysis using the CpR_sensitivity_plot function. We use the ggplot2 syntax to add a vertical line showing our selected number of slices to run our subsequent analysis:

# Store each graph within a respective object
turn_sens_plot <- CpR_sensitivity_plot(sens_turn, rate = "CpB", stc = "mean") + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1000, linetype="dashed", color = "black")
nest_sens_plot <- CpR_sensitivity_plot(sens_nest, rate = "CpB", stc = "mean") + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1000, linetype="dashed", color = "black")
# To plot them together
ggarrange(turn_sens_plot, nest_sens_plot,
                    labels = c("a)", "b)"), ncol = 2, nrow = 1)

Now, we can finally calculate the CpB-rates for turnover and nestedness components, in this case, under a multisite approach (PS: this may take a few minutes):

# For turnover component
turn <- CpB(tree = tree, n = 1000, mat = pass_mat, adj = AU_adj, comp = "turnover")
# For nestedness component
nest <- CpB(tree = tree, n = 1000, mat = pass_mat, adj = AU_adj, comp = "nestedness")

Finally, we can plot these CpB over time and map them. To map them, we’ll use an Australian grid map stored within our package in the object AU_grid. Let’s plot these patterns for the turnover component:

turn_1 <- CpR_graph(data = turn, rate = "CpB", qtl = TRUE)
turn_2 <- CpR_graph(data = turn, rate = "CpB", qtl = TRUE, map = AU_grid)
# To plot them together
ggarrange(turn_1, turn_2,
                    labels = c("a)", "b)"), ncol = 2, nrow = 1)

And we can do the same for the nestedness component:

nest1 <- CpR_graph(data = nest, rate = "CpB", qtl = TRUE)
nest2 <- CpR_graph(data = nest, rate = "CpB", qtl = TRUE, map = AU_grid)
# To plot them together
ggarrange(nest1, nest2,
                    labels = c("a)", "b)"), ncol = 2, nrow = 1)

2. Passerines study for multiple phylogenies

2.1. First framework example

Herein, we’ll do the same as we have done in the previous section but using multiple (100) phylogenies. We’ll use all these phylogenies to control for phylogenetic uncertainty present in the position of inputted tips.

Thus, let’s firstly cut our 100 phylogenies to compare their tip-DR before and after Australia aridification (~33Mya). This can be done easily for our list of trees using the lapply() function:

recent <- lapply(tree, function(x){return(squeeze_root(x, 33, dropNodes = T))})
old <- lapply(tree, function(x){return(squeeze_tips(x, 33, dropNodes = T))})

In the same way, we can calculate their species DR separately using the same function:

DR_rec <- lapply(recent, function(x){DR(x)})
DR_old <- lapply(old, function(x){DR(x)})

Once the DRs are calculated, we can capture their mean values per species. However, since species positions are generally different among the phylogenies, we’ll need to merge the lists based on the species column:

# Recent
f_DRrec <- DR_rec[[1]]
colnames(f_DRrec)[2] <- 1
# Old
f_DRold <- DR_old[[1]]
colnames(f_DRold)[2] <- 1

# Looping
for (i in 2:length(DR_rec)) {
  # Recent
  f_DRrec <- merge(f_DRrec, DR_rec[[i]], by = "Species", sort = FALSE)
  colnames(f_DRrec)[i + 1] <- i
  # Old
  f_DRold <- merge(f_DRold, DR_old[[i]], by = "Species", sort = FALSE)
  colnames(f_DRold)[i + 1] <- i

Now, we can calculate the mean and standard deviation of DRs per passerine species for each phylogeny time slice. Then, calculate their mean differences as done in the first workflow for one phylogeny:

# Recent
DR_rec_mean <- apply(f_DRrec[, -1], 1, mean)
DR_rec_sd <- apply(f_DRrec[, -1], 1, sd)

# Old
DR_old_mean <- apply(f_DRold[, -1], 1, mean)
DR_old_sd <- apply(f_DRold[, -1], 1, sd)

# Capturing their mean difference
DR_diff <- DR_rec_mean - DR_old_mean

Again, we can merge these DR differences into a data frame inside our tree object containing passerine information, and then obtain this information per passerine family using the tapply() function:

df <- data.frame(Specie = f_DRrec[, 1], DR_diff = DR_diff)
# Capturing families information
df <- merge(df, tree[[1]]$Species_info, by = "Specie", sort = FALSE)

## Displaying it graphically for families
fam_DR <- tapply(df$DR_diff, df$Family, mean)
fam_DR_sd <- tapply(df$DR_diff, df$Family, sd)

Before plotting, we’ll create a new data frame containing our DRs per family and sort it based on the highest DR values:

fam_df <- data.frame(Family = names(fam_DR), DR_diff = fam_DR, DR_sd = fam_DR_sd)
# Ordering to plot
fam_df <- fam_df[order(fam_df$DR_diff),]
fam_df$Family <- factor(fam_df$Family, levels = fam_df$Family)

Plotting it!

ggplot(fam_df, aes(x = Family, y = DR_diff,
                    ymin = DR_diff - DR_sd,
                    ymax = DR_diff + DR_sd)) +
  geom_pointrange(color = "#d90429") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype="dashed", color = "black") +
  coord_flip() + theme_minimal() + 
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 13),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank()) +
  ylab(expression(paste(DR["recent"]-DR["past"]))) + xlab(NULL)

2.2. Second framework example

Once we have already decided on the number of slices in the previous sections (in section “1.2.”), we’ll skip the sensitivity analysis step to calculate the CpB-rates. Thus, here we’ll calculate the CpB-rate for the 100 phylogenies using our previously defined criterion of 1000 slices.

First, we’ll run the CpB-rate analysis for the turnover component. To obtain our CpB-rates faster for our 100 phylogenies, pay attention that we set the CpB() function to run under parallel programming (using the argument ncor). Before run it, you must confirm if the number of cores set (5) is supported by your machine. Anyway, the following function can may take some minutes to finish, but it can run faster if you are able to set a higher number of cores:

CpB_turn <- lapply(pass_trees, function(x){
  return(CpB(tree = x, n = 1000, mat = pass_mat, adj = AU_adj, comp = "turnover", ncor = 5))

Now, we capture can capture the mean of each parameter outputted in on our list of CpB() outputs using the sapply() function. We’ll store them within a new data frame containing the format that our CpR_graph() is able to read (which is the same as the CpB() output):

CpB_val <- sapply(CpB_turn, function(x){return(x[,1])})
pB_val <- sapply(CpB_turn, function(x){return(x[,2])})
pBO_val <- sapply(CpB_turn, function(x){return(x[,3])})
# Creating the new data frame
turn_100trees <- data.frame(CpB = apply(CpB_val, 1, mean),
                            pB = apply(pB_val, 1, mean),
                            pBO = apply(pBO_val, 1, mean))

Plotting the CpB outputs for the turnover component:

turn_1 <- CpR_graph(data = turn_100trees, rate = "CpB", qtl = TRUE)
turn_2 <- CpR_graph(data = turn_100trees, rate = "CpB", qtl = TRUE, map = AU_grid)
# To plot them together
ggarrange(turn_1, turn_2,
          labels = c("a)", "b)"), ncol = 2, nrow = 1)

Now, we’ll do the same for the nestedness component:

CpB_nest <- lapply(pass_trees, function(x){
  return(CpB(tree = x, n = 1000, mat = pass_mat, adj = AU_adj, comp = "nestedness", ncor = 5))

Separating and summarizing each parameter:

CpB_val <- sapply(CpB_nest, function(x){return(x[,1])})
pB_val <- sapply(CpB_nest, function(x){return(x[,2])})
pBO_val <- sapply(CpB_nest, function(x){return(x[,3])})
# DF
nest_100trees <- data.frame(CpB = apply(CpB_val, 1, mean),
                            pB = apply(pB_val, 1, mean),
                            pBO = apply(pBO_val, 1, mean))

Plotting the CpB outputs for the nestedness component:

nest_1 <- CpR_graph(data = nest_100trees, rate = "CpB", qtl = TRUE)
nest_2 <- CpR_graph(data = nest_100trees, rate = "CpB", qtl = TRUE, map = AU_grid)
# To plot them together
ggarrange(nest_1, nest_2,
          labels = c("a)", "b)"), ncol = 2, nrow = 1)

That’s all folks!


Jetz, W., Thomas, G. H., Joy, J. B., Hartmann, K. and Mooers, A. O. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. - Nature 491(7424): 444–448.

Rangel, T. F., Colwell, R. K., Graves, G. R., Fučíková, K., Rahbek, C. and Diniz-Filho, J. A. F. 2015. Phylogenetic uncertainty revisited: Implications for ecological analyses. - Evolution 69(5): 1301–1312.

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