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ADAPTS Vignette #2: Single Cell Analysis

Samuel Danziger, PhD


This code can install ADAPTSdata3

install.packages(‘devtools’) library(devtools) devtools::install_github(‘sdanzige/ADAPTSdata3’)

doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = parallel::detectCores())

method <- 'DCQ'
#Set to FALSE to use saved version of processor intensive variables
#  If set to TRUE, it will probable take 50+ minutes to complete
rebuild <- FALSE

Step 1: Build a signature matrix from the normal data

normalData <- log(ADAPTSdata3::normalData.5061+1)

Step 1a: Make a gList to rank genes

#The gList has the significantly different genes ranked by expression ratio
#  Note, this is slow
if(rebuild==TRUE) {
  gList <- ADAPTS::rankByT(normalData,remZinf = TRUE)
} else {
  gList <- ADAPTSdata3::gList

Step 1b: Determine 100 highest variance genes

#Find the most variant genes across cell types 
cNames <- sub('\\.+[0-9]+$','',colnames(normalData))
ctMeans <- apply(normalData, 1, function(x){tapply(x, cNames, mean, na.rm=TRUE)})

gVars <- apply(ctMeans, 2, var)
topGenes <- names(tail(sort(gVars),100))

Step 1c: Build the seed signature matrix & augment

sigMat1 <- t(ctMeans[,topGenes])

allSCdata <- normalData
colnames(allSCdata) <- cNames

topAug.var100 <- AugmentSigMatrix(origMatrix=sigMat1, fullData=allSCdata, newData=allSCdata, gList=gList, nGenes=1:100, plotToPDF=FALSE, imputeMissing=TRUE, condTol=1.01, postNorm=FALSE, minSumToRem=NA, addTitle=NULL, autoDetectMin=FALSE, calcSpillOver=TRUE)

Step 2: Deconvolve pseudo-bulk

pseudoBulk <- log(rowSums(ADAPTSdata3::normalData.5061, na.rm=TRUE)+1)
cellEst.top100 <- estCellPercent(refExpr = sigMat1, geneExpr = data.frame(pseudoBulk=pseudoBulk), method=method)
cellEst.aug <- estCellPercent(refExpr = topAug.var100$sigMatrix, geneExpr = data.frame(pseudoBulk=pseudoBulk), method=method)

actualFrac <- ADAPTSdata3::enumerateCellTypes(ADAPTSdata3::normalData.5061)
#>                 acinar.cell                  alpha.cell 
#>                         130                         541 
#>                   beta.cell          co.expression.cell 
#>                         152                          23 
#>                  delta.cell                 ductal.cell 
#>                          44                         179 
#>            endothelial.cell                epsilon.cell 
#>                          11                           5 
#>                  gamma.cell                   mast.cell 
#>                         107                           4 
#>           MHC.class.II.cell                    PSC.cell 
#>                           2                          32 
#> unclassified.endocrine.cell 
#>                          25
actualFrac <- actualFrac / sum(actualFrac)
actualFrac <- c(actualFrac, 0) * 100
deconTable <- data.frame(top100=cellEst.top100, augmented=cellEst.aug, ref=actualFrac)
colnames(deconTable) <- c('top100','augmented','ref')

Caclulate some statistics

AbsError <- abs(deconTable - actualFrac)
deconTableP <-
RMSEs <- apply(AbsError, 2, function(x){sqrt(mean(x^2))})
deconTableP$RMSE <- RMSEs
rhos <- apply(deconTable, 2, function(x){cor(x, actualFrac)})
deconTableP$rho <- rhos
rhos.spear <- apply(deconTable, 2, function(x){cor(x, actualFrac, method='spearman')})
deconTableP$rho.spear <- rhos.spear

deconTableP <- t(deconTableP)
colnames(deconTableP) <- c('top100', 'augmented', 'ref')
#>                             top100 augmented   ref
#> acinar.cell                  11.38     11.56 10.36
#> alpha.cell                    7.32      7.85 43.11
#> beta.cell                     7.46      8.34 12.11
#> co.expression.cell           11.66      9.68  1.83
#> delta.cell                    7.11      7.66  3.51
#> ductal.cell                   4.36     11.49 14.26
#> endothelial.cell              0.00      2.56  0.88
#> epsilon.cell                  7.02      6.11  0.40
#> gamma.cell                    8.37      7.63  8.53
#> mast.cell                     0.00      2.13  0.32
#> MHC.class.II.cell             0.00      2.68  0.16
#> PSC.cell                      0.00      5.96  2.55
#> unclassified.endocrine.cell  35.33     16.37  1.99
#> others                        0.00      0.00  0.00
#> RMSE                         13.82     10.72  0.00
#> rho                           0.05      0.26  1.00
#> rho.spear                     0.50      0.69  1.00

Show how combining Cell Types that are highly correlated improves correlation Step 3: Deconvolve pseudo-bulk with heirarchical deconvolution

#This is pretty slow

if(rebuild==TRUE) {
  hier.top100 <- ADAPTS::hierarchicalSplit(sigMatrix = sigMat1, geneExpr = allSCdata, method=method)
  hier.augment <- ADAPTS::hierarchicalSplit(sigMatrix = topAug.var100$sigMatrix, geneExpr = allSCdata, method=method)
} else {
  hier.top100 <- ADAPTSdata3::hier.top100
  hier.augment <- ADAPTSdata3::hier.augment
pheatmap(t(hier.top100$deconMatrices[[2]]), cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE, main='Top 100 genes:spillover matrix')

pheatmap(t(hier.top100$deconMatrices[[length(hier.top100$deconMatrices)]]), main='Top 100 genes:clustered spillover matrix')
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "acinar.cell" "ductal.cell"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "alpha.cell" "gamma.cell"
#> [[3]]
#> [1] "beta.cell"                   "co.expression.cell"         
#> [3] "delta.cell"                  "unclassified.endocrine.cell"
#> [[4]]
#> [1] "endothelial.cell" "PSC.cell"        
#> [[5]]
#> [1] "epsilon.cell"
#> [[6]]
#> [1] "mast.cell"
#> [[7]]
#> [1] "MHC.class.II.cell"

#conv <- ADAPTS::spillToConvergence(sigMatrix = sigMat1, geneExpr = allSCdata)

pheatmap(t(hier.augment$deconMatrices[[2]]), cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE, main='Augmented:spillover matrix')

pheatmap(t(hier.augment$deconMatrices[[length(hier.augment$deconMatrices)]]), main='Augmented:clustered spillover matrix')
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "acinar.cell" "ductal.cell"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "alpha.cell"                  "beta.cell"                  
#> [3] "co.expression.cell"          "delta.cell"                 
#> [5] "gamma.cell"                  "unclassified.endocrine.cell"
#> [[3]]
#> [1] "endothelial.cell" "PSC.cell"        
#> [[4]]
#> [1] "epsilon.cell"
#> [[5]]
#> [1] "mast.cell"         "MHC.class.II.cell"

#conv <- ADAPTS::spillToConvergence(sigMatrix = sigMat1, geneExpr = allSCdata)

groups <- sapply (unlist(hier.top100$allClusters), function(g) {
  which(sapply(hier.top100$allClusters, function(x){g %in% x}))
groups <- c(groups, others=max(groups)+1)

comb.top100 <- apply(deconTable, 2, function(x){tapply(x, groups, sum)})
cors.top100 <- apply(comb.top100, 2, function(x){cor(x, comb.top100[,'ref'])})
cors.spear.top100 <- apply(comb.top100, 2, function(x){cor(x, comb.top100[,'ref'], method='spearman')})
rmses.top100 <- apply(comb.top100, 2, function(x){sqrt(mean((x-comb.top100[,'ref'])^2))})

combP.top100 <-
colnames(combP.top100) <- c(sapply(hier.top100$allClusters, function(x){paste(x, collapse='_')}),'others')

combP.top100$RMSE <- rmses.top100
combP.top100$rho <- cors.top100
combP.top100$rho.spear <- cors.spear.top100

combP.top100 <- t(combP.top100)
combP.top100 <- combP.top100[,c(1,3)]

print('Top 100 Combination Predictions')
#> [1] "Top 100 Combination Predictions"
#>                                                                     top100
#> acinar.cell_ductal.cell                                              18.70
#> alpha.cell_gamma.cell                                                19.12
#> beta.cell_co.expression.cell_delta.cell_unclassified.endocrine.cell  18.49
#> endothelial.cell_PSC.cell                                             8.37
#> epsilon.cell                                                          0.00
#> mast.cell                                                             0.00
#> MHC.class.II.cell                                                    35.33
#> others                                                                0.00
#> RMSE                                                                 17.15
#> rho                                                                   0.32
#> rho.spear                                                             0.51
#>                                                                       ref
#> acinar.cell_ductal.cell                                             53.47
#> alpha.cell_gamma.cell                                               13.94
#> beta.cell_co.expression.cell_delta.cell_unclassified.endocrine.cell 19.04
#> endothelial.cell_PSC.cell                                            8.84
#> epsilon.cell                                                         0.16
#> mast.cell                                                            2.55
#> MHC.class.II.cell                                                    1.99
#> others                                                               0.00
#> RMSE                                                                 0.00
#> rho                                                                  1.00
#> rho.spear                                                            1.00
groups <- sapply (unlist(hier.augment$allClusters), function(g) {
  which(sapply(hier.augment$allClusters, function(x){g %in% x}))
groups <- c(groups, others=max(groups)+1)

comb.augment <- apply(deconTable, 2, function(x){tapply(x, groups, sum)})
cors.augment <- apply(comb.augment, 2, function(x){cor(x, comb.augment[,'ref'])})
cors.spear.augment <- apply(comb.augment, 2, function(x){cor(x, comb.augment[,'ref'], method='spearman')})
rmses.augment <- apply(comb.augment, 2, function(x){sqrt(mean((x-comb.augment[,'ref'])^2))})

combP.augment <-
colnames(combP.augment) <- c(sapply(hier.augment$allClusters, function(x){paste(x, collapse='_')}),'others')

combP.augment$RMSE <- rmses.augment
combP.augment$rho <- cors.augment
combP.augment$rho.spear <- cors.spear.augment

combP.augment <- t(combP.augment)
combP.augment <- combP.augment[,c(2,3)]

print('Augment Combination Predictions')
#> [1] "Augment Combination Predictions"
#>                                                                                           augmented
#> acinar.cell_ductal.cell                                                                       19.41
#> alpha.cell_beta.cell_co.expression.cell_delta.cell_gamma.cell_unclassified.endocrine.cell     45.84
#> endothelial.cell_PSC.cell                                                                      9.76
#> epsilon.cell                                                                                   2.68
#> mast.cell_MHC.class.II.cell                                                                   22.33
#> others                                                                                         0.00
#> RMSE                                                                                          16.58
#> rho                                                                                            0.58
#> rho.spear                                                                                      0.71
#>                                                                                             ref
#> acinar.cell_ductal.cell                                                                   53.47
#> alpha.cell_beta.cell_co.expression.cell_delta.cell_gamma.cell_unclassified.endocrine.cell 32.99
#> endothelial.cell_PSC.cell                                                                  8.84
#> epsilon.cell                                                                               0.16
#> mast.cell_MHC.class.II.cell                                                                4.54
#> others                                                                                     0.00
#> RMSE                                                                                       0.00
#> rho                                                                                        1.00
#> rho.spear                                                                                  1.00

Step 4: Hierarchical Deconvolution

#cellEst.top100.hier <- ADAPTS::hierarchicalClassify(sigMatrix = sigMat1, toPred = data.frame(pseudoBulk=pseudoBulk), geneExpr = allSCdata, hierarchData = hier.top100, method=method)
cellEst.top100.hier <- ADAPTS::hierarchicalClassify(sigMatrix = sigMat1, toPred = data.frame(pseudoBulk=pseudoBulk), geneExpr = allSCdata, hierarchData = hier.top100, method=method)
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>                             pseudoBulk
#> acinar.cell                   7.884952
#> ductal.cell                   7.853475
#> alpha.cell                    7.922658
#> gamma.cell                    7.765773
#> beta.cell                    11.745648
#> co.expression.cell           16.910532
#> delta.cell                   12.268908
#> unclassified.endocrine.cell  20.628756
#> endothelial.cell              0.000000
#> PSC.cell                      0.000000
#> epsilon.cell                  7.019298
#> mast.cell                     0.000000
#> MHC.class.II.cell             0.000000
#> others                        0.000000
cellEst.augment.hier <- ADAPTS::hierarchicalClassify(sigMatrix = topAug.var100$sigMatrix, toPred = data.frame(pseudoBulk=pseudoBulk), geneExpr = allSCdata, hierarchData = hier.augment, method=method)
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>                             pseudoBulk
#> acinar.cell                 10.4856529
#> ductal.cell                 12.5597381
#> alpha.cell                   9.5135593
#> beta.cell                    8.5069856
#> co.expression.cell          10.7674625
#> delta.cell                   8.4092042
#> gamma.cell                   8.0353339
#> unclassified.endocrine.cell 12.2859508
#> endothelial.cell             0.0000000
#> PSC.cell                     8.5182963
#> epsilon.cell                 6.1087782
#> mast.cell                    0.7992621
#> MHC.class.II.cell            4.0097760
#> others                       0.0000000

Combine and calculate statistics

deconTable.hier <- data.frame(top100.hier=cellEst.top100.hier, augmented.hier=cellEst.augment.hier)
colnames(deconTable.hier) <- c('top100.hier','augmented.hier')
deconTable.all <- cbind(deconTable.hier, deconTable)
deconTableP.all <-

#AbsError.all <- abs(deconTable.all - actualFrac)
#RMSEs.all <- apply(AbsError.all, 2, function(x){sqrt(mean(x^2))})
#rhos.all <- apply(deconTable.all, 2, function(x){cor(x, actualFrac)})

cors.aug <- apply(deconTable.all, 2, function(x){cor(x, deconTable.all[,'ref'])})
cors.aug.spear <- apply(deconTable.all, 2, function(x){cor(x, deconTable.all[,'ref'], method='spearman')})
rmses.aug <- apply(deconTable.all, 2, function(x){sqrt(mean((x-deconTable.all[,'ref'])^2))})

deconTableP.all$RMSE <- rmses.aug
deconTableP.all$rho <- cors.aug
deconTableP.all$rho.spear <- cors.aug.spear

deconTableP.all <- t(deconTableP.all)
#colnames(deconTableP) <- c('top100', 'augmented', 'ref')
deconTableP.all <- deconTableP.all[,c('top100','top100.hier','augmented','augmented.hier','ref')]
colnames(deconTableP.all) <- c('top','top.hier','aug','aug.hier','ref')
print('Normal Cell Predictions')
#> [1] "Normal Cell Predictions"
#>                               top top.hier   aug aug.hier   ref
#> acinar.cell                 11.38     7.88 11.56    10.49 10.36
#> ductal.cell                  7.32     7.85  7.85    12.56 43.11
#> alpha.cell                   7.46     7.92  8.34     9.51 12.11
#> gamma.cell                  11.66     7.77  9.68     8.51  1.83
#> beta.cell                    7.11    11.75  7.66    10.77  3.51
#> co.expression.cell           4.36    16.91 11.49     8.41 14.26
#> delta.cell                   0.00    12.27  2.56     8.04  0.88
#> unclassified.endocrine.cell  7.02    20.63  6.11    12.29  0.40
#> endothelial.cell             8.37     0.00  7.63     0.00  8.53
#> PSC.cell                     0.00     0.00  2.13     8.52  0.32
#> epsilon.cell                 0.00     7.02  2.68     6.11  0.16
#> mast.cell                    0.00     0.00  5.96     0.80  2.55
#> MHC.class.II.cell           35.33     0.00 16.37     4.01  1.99
#> others                       0.00     0.00  0.00     0.00  0.00
#> RMSE                        13.82    12.09 10.72    10.16  0.00
#> rho                          0.05     0.12  0.26     0.39  1.00
#> rho.spear                    0.50     0.31  0.69     0.37  1.00

Step 5: Deconvolve Diabetes data

pseudoBulk.diabetes <- log(rowSums(ADAPTSdata3::diabetesData.5061, na.rm=TRUE)+1)
pb.d.df <- data.frame(pseudoBulk.diabetes=pseudoBulk.diabetes)
cellEst.d.top100 <- estCellPercent(refExpr = sigMat1, geneExpr = pb.d.df, method=method)
cellEst.d.augment <- estCellPercent(refExpr = topAug.var100$sigMatrix, geneExpr = pb.d.df, method=method)

actualFrac.diabetes <- ADAPTSdata3::enumerateCellTypes(ADAPTSdata3::diabetesData.5061)
#>                 acinar.cell                  alpha.cell 
#>                          55                         345 
#>                   beta.cell          co.expression.cell 
#>                         118                          16 
#>                  delta.cell                 ductal.cell 
#>                          70                         207 
#>            endothelial.cell                epsilon.cell 
#>                           5                           2 
#>                  gamma.cell                   mast.cell 
#>                          90                           3 
#>           MHC.class.II.cell                    PSC.cell 
#>                           3                          22 
#> unclassified.endocrine.cell 
#>                          16
actualFrac.diabetes <- actualFrac.diabetes / sum(actualFrac.diabetes)
actualFrac.diabetes <- c(actualFrac.diabetes, 0) * 100

#Heirarchical Deconvolution
cellEst.d.top100.hier <- ADAPTS::hierarchicalClassify(sigMatrix = sigMat1, toPred = pb.d.df, geneExpr = allSCdata, hierarchData = hier.top100, method=method)
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
cellEst.d.augment.hier <- ADAPTS::hierarchicalClassify(sigMatrix = topAug.var100$sigMatrix, toPred = pb.d.df, geneExpr = allSCdata, hierarchData = hier.augment, method=method)
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
#>   missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
deconTable.d.aug <- data.frame(top100.d=cellEst.d.top100, top100.d.hier=cellEst.d.top100.hier, augmented.d=cellEst.d.augment, augmented.d.hier=cellEst.d.augment.hier, ref.d=actualFrac.diabetes)
colnames(deconTable.d.aug) <- c('top.d', 'top.d.hier', 'aug.d', 'aug.d.hier', 'ref.d')

cors.d.aug <- apply(deconTable.d.aug, 2, function(x){cor(x, deconTable.d.aug[,'ref.d'])})
cors.d.aug.spear <- apply(deconTable.d.aug, 2, function(x){cor(x, deconTable.d.aug[,'ref.d'], method='spearman')})
rmses.d.aug <- apply(deconTable.d.aug, 2, function(x){sqrt(mean((x-deconTable.d.aug[,'ref.d'])^2))})

deconTableP.d.aug <-
deconTableP.d.aug$RMSE <- rmses.d.aug
deconTableP.d.aug$rho <- cors.d.aug
deconTableP.d.aug$rho.spear <- cors.d.aug.spear

print('Deconvolution of diabetes samples')
#> [1] "Deconvolution of diabetes samples"
#>                             top.d top.d.hier aug.d aug.d.hier ref.d
#> acinar.cell                  7.40       4.32 10.82       8.89  5.78
#> alpha.cell                   7.93       9.01  7.94      14.41 36.24
#> beta.cell                    8.04       8.44  8.58       9.35 12.39
#> co.expression.cell          12.33       7.95 10.03       8.55  1.68
#> delta.cell                   9.38      11.50  8.13      10.93  7.35
#> ductal.cell                  5.93      17.06 12.49       8.90 21.74
#> endothelial.cell             0.00      13.80  2.58       7.91  0.53
#> epsilon.cell                 6.56      21.36  5.83      12.12  0.21
#> gamma.cell                   8.46       0.00  7.61       0.00  9.45
#> mast.cell                    0.00       0.00  1.72       8.51  0.32
#> MHC.class.II.cell            0.00       6.56  2.88       5.83  0.32
#> PSC.cell                     0.00       0.00  5.93       0.55  2.31
#> unclassified.endocrine.cell 33.97       0.00 15.47       4.05  1.68
#> others                       0.00       0.00  0.00       0.00  0.00
#> RMSE                        12.76      10.68  9.44       8.91  0.00
#> rho                          0.06       0.24  0.35       0.46  1.00
#> rho.spear                    0.46       0.22  0.64       0.39  1.00

Try Rescaling predictions based on single cell data

#> [1] 26178  1255
nCounts <- colSums(ADAPTSdata3::normalData.5061)
lnCounts <- log(nCounts)
cellTable <- sub('.cell$', '', sub('\\.+[0-9]+$', '', names(nCounts)))
boxplot(nCounts~cellTable, main='Counts by Cell Type', las=2, cex.lab = 0.65)

Generate the scaling factors

ref <- mean(tapply(nCounts, cellTable, mean))
relExp <- nCounts / ref
aveRelExpr <- tapply(relExp, cellTable, mean)
plot(aveRelExpr, xaxt = "n", xlab="")
axis(1, at=1:length(aveRelExpr), labels=names(aveRelExpr), las=2, cex.axis=0.5)

Rescale the precitions based on the single cell counts

deconTableP.rescale.all <- deconTableP.all
for(j in 1:4) {
  corNames <- paste(names(aveRelExpr), 'cell', sep='.')
  x <- deconTableP.rescale.all[,j]
  x[corNames] <- x[corNames] / aveRelExpr
  x[corNames] <- 100 * x[corNames] / sum(x[corNames])
  x['rho'] <- cor(x[corNames], deconTableP.rescale.all[corNames,'ref'])
  x['RMSE'] <- sqrt(mean((x[corNames] - deconTableP.rescale.all[corNames,'ref'])^2))
  deconTableP.rescale.all[,j] <- x
#>                               top top.hier   aug aug.hier   ref
#> acinar.cell                  9.40     7.33  9.76     9.15 10.36
#> ductal.cell                  8.45    10.20  9.26    15.32 43.11
#> alpha.cell                   7.76     9.28  8.88    10.47 12.11
#> gamma.cell                   8.87     6.65  7.53     6.84  1.83
#> beta.cell                    4.94     9.19  5.45     7.91  3.51
#> co.expression.cell           3.51    15.34  9.47     7.16 14.26
#> delta.cell                   0.00    10.18  1.93     6.26  0.88
#> unclassified.endocrine.cell  7.13    23.59  6.35    13.19  0.40
#> endothelial.cell            11.01     0.00 10.27     0.00  8.53
#> PSC.cell                     0.00     0.00  2.73    11.30  0.32
#> epsilon.cell                 0.00     8.25  2.86     6.74  0.16
#> mast.cell                    0.00     0.00  7.08     0.98  2.55
#> MHC.class.II.cell           38.93     0.00 18.45     4.67  1.99
#> others                       0.00     0.00  0.00     0.00  0.00
#> RMSE                        14.71    12.18 10.95    10.04  0.00
#> rho                          0.03     0.15  0.26     0.46  1.00
#> rho.spear                    0.50     0.31  0.69     0.37  1.00

Repeat with blind predictions.

deconTableP.d.rescale.all <- t(deconTableP.d.aug)
for(j in 1:4) {
  corNames <- paste(names(aveRelExpr), 'cell', sep='.')
  x <- deconTableP.d.rescale.all[,j]
  x[corNames] <- x[corNames] / aveRelExpr
  x[corNames] <- 100 * x[corNames] / sum(x[corNames])
  x['rho'] <- cor(x[corNames], deconTableP.d.rescale.all[corNames,'ref.d'])
  x['RMSE'] <- sqrt(mean((x[corNames] - deconTableP.d.rescale.all[corNames,'ref.d'])^2))
  deconTableP.d.rescale.all[,j] <- x
#>                             top.d top.d.hier aug.d aug.d.hier ref.d
#> acinar.cell                  6.68       3.53  9.38       7.48  5.78
#> alpha.cell                   9.03       9.28  8.68      15.27 36.24
#> beta.cell                    6.11       5.81  6.26       6.61 12.39
#> co.expression.cell          10.87       6.34  8.49       7.01  1.68
#> delta.cell                   7.56       8.39  6.29       8.20  7.35
#> ductal.cell                  7.48      19.48 15.13      10.45 21.74
#> endothelial.cell             0.00      17.96  3.56      10.59  0.53
#> epsilon.cell                 7.49      22.07  6.39      12.89  0.21
#> gamma.cell                   7.04       0.00  6.08       0.00  9.45
#> mast.cell                    0.00       0.00  2.10      10.06  0.32
#> MHC.class.II.cell            0.00       7.15  3.33       6.54  0.32
#> PSC.cell                     0.00       0.00  7.81       0.71  2.31
#> unclassified.endocrine.cell 37.74       0.00 16.50       4.18  1.68
#> others                       0.00       0.00  0.00       0.00  0.00
#> RMSE                        13.68      11.53  9.70       9.31  0.00
#> rho                          0.03       0.17  0.32       0.41  1.00
#> rho.spear                    0.46       0.22  0.64       0.39  1.00

These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.