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International Mortality Tables Overview


library(tidyverse, quietly = TRUE)
#> Warning: Paket 'tidyverse' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'ggplot2' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'tibble' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'tidyr' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'readr' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'purrr' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'dplyr' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'stringr' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'forcats' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Warning: Paket 'lubridate' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
#> ✔ dplyr     1.1.3     ✔ readr     2.1.4
#> ✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.0
#> ✔ ggplot2   3.4.4     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
#> ✔ lubridate 1.9.3     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
#> ✔ purrr     1.0.2     
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#> ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
#> ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors

1 Austria

1.1 Annuities

Annuity tables in Austria are traditionally published by the Actuarial Association of Austria (AVÖ).

1.1.1 ÖVM 59/61 - RR 67

[TODO: Get actual table data and publication]

  • Source: H. Nabl: ÖVM 59/61 - RR67 - 3%, Die Versicherungsrundschau, 22. Jahrgang, Heft 12, Dez. 1967, p.373–380.
plotMortalityTables(RR67, mort.AT.census.1961.male)

1.1.2 EROM/F 85 (Period table 2020), EROM/F G 1950 (Cohort table with age shift)

  • EROM/F 85: gender-specific period tables, projected to year 2020 to account for mortality improvement

    • male+female, ages 0-99
  • EROM/F G 1950: gender-specific cohort tables, base cohort 1950 with age-shifting to account for mortality improvement

    • male+female, ages 0-99
  • Derived from population mortalities 1980/82 (improvements from population mortalities 1949/51 and 1980/82), with annuitants’ selection factors applied

  • First-order table without explicit security loadings

  • Usage: Individual Annuity pricing and reserving

  • Publisher: Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ),

  • Target collective: Individual annuitants

  • Usage with the MortalityTables package:


  • Source: F.G. Liebmann, W. Schachermayer, M. Willomitzer: Zur Erstellung von Sterbetafeln EROM 85 und EROF 85, Mitteilungen der Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs, Heft 4, Dezember 1986, p. 1–52.
  • Source: F.G. Liebmann, W. Schachermayer, M. Willomitzer: Die Generationen-Sterbetafeln EROM G 1950 und EROF G 1950, Mitteilungen der Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs, Heft 4, Dezember 1986, p. 54–94.

1.1.3 AVÖ 1996-R

  • gender-specific cohort tables with age-specific trend to account for mortality improvement (approximation via age-shifting given alternatively)

    • male+female, ages 0-112, individual and group variants
  • Derived from population mortalities 1990/92 with annuitants’ selection factors applied

    • Trend factors derived from short-term population trend 1980–95 and long-term population trend 1865–1990
  • First-order table without explicit security loadings

  • Usage: Individual and Group Annuity pricing and reserving; Minimum required by Austrian Financial Authority until publication of successor table AVÖ 2005R

  • Publisher: Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ),

  • Target collective: Individual and group annuitants

  • Usage with the MortalityTables package:

  • Source: S. Jörgen, F.G. Liebmann, F.W. Pagler, W. Schachermayer: Herleitung der Sterbetafel AVÖ 1996R für Rentenversicherungen, Mitteilungen der Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs, Heft 9, November 1997, p. 39–82.

1.1.4 AVÖ 2005-R

  • gender-specific cohort tables with age-specific trend to account for mortality improvement (approximation via age-shifting given alternatively)

    • male+female, ages 0-112, individual and group variants
    • unisex table published 2012 by mixing male+female tables
  • Derived from population mortalities 2000/02 with annuitants’ selection factors applied

    • Trend factors derived from mid-term population trend 1970–2000
  • First-order table with explicit security loadings and second-order table without security loadings

  • Usage: Individual and Group Annuity pricing and reserving; Current minimum required by Austrian Financial Authority

  • Publisher: Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ),

  • Target collective: Individual and group annuitants

  • Usage with the MortalityTables package:




1.1.5 Comparisons

plotMortalityTables(RR67, EROM85.male, EROF85.female, EROM.G1950.male.av, EROF.G1950.female.av, AVOe1996R[, "Einzel"], AVOe2005R[c("m", "w"), "Einzel","loaded"],
                    aes = aes(color = year), Period = 2020, title = "Austrian Annuity Tables, Period 2020", 
                    legend.position = "right"
) + facet_grid(sex ~ .)

plotMortalityTables(RR67, EROM85.male, EROF85.female, EROM.G1950.male.av, EROF.G1950.female.av, AVOe1996R[, "Einzel"],AVOe2005R[c("m", "w"), "Einzel","loaded"],
                    aes = aes(color = year), YOB = 1965, title = "Austrian Annuity Tables, Cohort 1965", 
                    legend.position = "right"
) + facet_grid(sex ~ .)

1.2 Population Mortality (Austrian Census tables) Census tables

  • gender-specific period tables
    • male+female, unisex only starting 2000/02; ages 0–95, from 1930 on 0–100
  • Based on the official census data:
    • 1868/71
    • 1879/82
    • 1889/92
    • 1899/1902
    • 1909/12
    • 1930/33
    • 1949/51
    • 1959/61
    • 1970/72
    • 1980/82
    • 1990/92
    • 2000/02
    • 2010/12
    • 2020/22
  • Usage with the MortalityTables package:
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1869                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1880                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1890                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1900                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1910                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1931                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1951                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1961                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1971                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1981                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1991                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u NA                                                                         
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 2001                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u <S4 class 'mortalityTable.mixed' [package "MortalityTables"] with 9 slots> 
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 2011                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 2021                                                                       
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          u <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>

1.2.1 Official population forecast (by Statistik Austria)

  • Gender-specific forecast (middle scenario) of the mortalities to 2080
  • Provided by Statistik Austria (no formal publication of the tables), can be used freely with attribution
  • Usage with the MortalityTables package:

1.2.2 Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo-fitted population forecast (by J. Hirz)

  • Gender-specific forecast (middle scenario) of the mortalities by a MCMC-fit of age-specific trend factors
  • Derived for the Austrian pension Table AVÖ 2018-P.
  • Creator: Jonas Hirz
  • Usage with the MortalityTables package:
#> Lade nötiges Paket: reshape2
#> Warning: Paket 'reshape2' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Attache Paket: 'reshape2'
#> Das folgende Objekt ist maskiert 'package:tidyr':
#>     smiths
#> Lade nötiges Paket: pracma
#> Warning: Paket 'pracma' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
#> Attache Paket: 'pracma'
#> Das folgende Objekt ist maskiert 'package:purrr':
#>     cross
#> Lade nötiges Paket: MortalityLaws
#> Warning: Paket 'MortalityLaws' wurde unter R Version 4.2.3 erstellt
  • Source: R. Kainhofer, J. Hirz, A. Schubert: AVÖ 2018-P - Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Pensionsversicherung, Dokumentation der Pensionstafel, Arbeitskreis Rechnungsgrundlagen, Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ), 30. August 2018.

1.2.3 Observed population mortalities 1947–2022 (by Statistik Austria)

  • Gender-specific observations of the mortalities from 1947
  • Provided by Statistik Austria (no formal publication of the tables), can be used freely with attribution
  • Usage with the MortalityTables package:

1.2.4 Comparison

  mort.AT.census[c("m", "w"),],
  aes = aes(color = table),
  legend.position = "right", legend.key.width = unit(2, "lines"),
  title = "Comparison of Austrian Census Mortalities"
) + labs(color = NULL) + facet_grid(sex ~ .)

  mort.AT.census[c("m", "w"),"2011"],
  mort.AT.forecast %>% mT.setDimInfo(table = "Official forecast"),
  mort.AT.MCMC[c("m", "w")] %>% mT.setDimInfo(table = "MCMC forecast"),

  YOB = 1980,
  aes = aes(color = table),
  legend.position = "right", legend.key.width = unit(2, "lines"),
  title = "Projected Austrian Population Mortalities, YOB 1980"
) + labs(color = NULL) + facet_grid(sex ~ .)

  YOB = 1940,
  aes = aes(color = sex),
  legend.position = "right", legend.key.width = unit(2, "lines"),
  title = "Historic Austrian Population Mortalities (yearly raw observations), YOB 1940"
#> Warning in deathProbabilities(t, YOB = YOB): deathProbabilities: Not all observation years 1940-2040 of observed mortalityTable are available, using closest observations.
#> Available periods: 1947-2022

#> Warning in deathProbabilities(t, YOB = YOB): deathProbabilities: Not all observation years 1940-2040 of observed mortalityTable are available, using closest observations.
#> Available periods: 1947-2022
#> Warning in deathProbabilities(t, YOB = YOB): deathProbabilities: Not all observation years 1940-2040 of observed mortalityTable are available, using closest observations.
#> Available periods: 2002-2022

1.3 Occupational Pensions

1.3.1 Ettl-Pagler

  • gender-specific period tables for active and disabled persons (also transitions), as well as pensioners and widows
  • second-order table, describing the transition probabilities of the Austrian social security system
# pensionTables.load("Austria_EttlPagler")
# EttlPagler.male
# EttlPagler.female
  • Source: Ettl W. und Pagler F.: “Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Pensionsversicherung”, Verlag: Verband der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs, Wien, 1989

1.3.2 AVÖ 1999-P - Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Pensionsversicherung - Pagler-Pagler

  • gender-specific period tables for active and disabled persons (also transitions), as well as pensioners and widows
    • 2 Variants: “P” for pension reserves, “PK” for pension funds
    • 2 collectives: White-collar workers (“Angestellte”) and mixed collective of white- and blue-collar workers
  • second-order table, describing the transition probabilities of the Austrian social security system
  • Publisher: Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ), Creator: Pagler & Pagler
  • No documentation available
# pensionTables.load("Austria_AVOe1999P")
# AVOe1999P

1.3.3 AVÖ 2008-P - Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Pensionsversicherung - Pagler-Pagler

  • gender-specific period tables for active and disabled persons (also transitions), as well as pensioners and widows
    • 2 Variants: “P” for pension reserves, “PK” for pension funds
    • 2 collectives: White-collar workers (“Angestellte”) and mixed collective of white- and blue-collar workers
  • second-order table, describing the transition probabilities of the Austrian social security system
  • Publisher: Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ), Creator: Pagler & Pagler
  • No documentation available
# pensionTables.load("Austria_AVOe2008P")
# AVOe2008P

1.3.4 AVÖ 2018-P - Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Pensionsversicherung

  • gender-specific period tables for active and disabled persons (also transitions), as well as pensioners and widows
    • 2 Variants: “Rehageld” (“rehab money”) considered as invalidity or considered as active
    • 2 collectives: White-collar workers (“Angestellte”) and mixed collective of white- and blue-collar workers
  • second-order table, describing real the transition probabilities of the Austrian social security system (2000/2010 – 2016)
  • Publisher: Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ), Creator: R. Kainhofer, J. Hirz, A. Schubert
# pensionTables.load("Austria_AVOe2018P")
# AVOe2018P
  • Source: R. Kainhofer, J. Hirz, A. Schubert: AVÖ 2018-P - Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Pensionsversicherung, Dokumentation der Pensionstafel, Arbeitskreis Rechnungsgrundlagen, Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ), 30. August 2018.

1.4 Experience Tables

1.4.1 Gesamtbestand (total portfolio) of life insurance companies 2012–16

  • gender-specific experience tables (period tables for 2012–16, central year 2014) for the whole Austrian insurance portfolio
    • separated into tradiional and unit-linlked contracts
  • Experience mortality and lapse rates for the total portfolio of all Austrian Life insurance companies, 2012-2016
  • Publisher: Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ)
  • Creator: G. Friesacher, Th. Spanninger, R. Kainhofer Usage with the MortalityTables package:
plotMortalityTables(VU.Gesamtbestand, legend.position = c(0.01, 0.99), legend.justification = c(0,1), title = "Austrian insurance portfolio moratlities 2012-16")

Source: G. Friesacher, Th. Spanninger, R. Kainhofer: Gesamtbestandstafel – Lebensversicherungsbestand in Österreich von 2012 bis 2016, Arbeitskreis Rechnungsgrundlagen, Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ), 24. Oktober 2019.

1.4.2 Gesamtbestand (total portfolio) of Austrian Pension Funds (Pensionskassen) 2010–16

  • gender-specific experienc tables (period tables for 2010–16, central year 2013) for the four largest Austrian pension funds
    • mortalities and lapse rates
  • Experience mortality and lapse rates for the total portfolio of the four largest Austrian pension funds, 2010-2016
  • Publisher: Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ)
  • Creator: R. Kainhofer Usage with the MortalityTables package:
# mortalityTables.load("Austria_PK-Bestand_2010-16")
# PKBestandstafel.2010.16
# plotMortalityTables(PKBestandstafel.2010.16[,,"qx", "raw"], legend.position = "right", title = "Austrian pension fund mortalities 2010-16", aes = aes(color = type)) +
  # facet_grid(sex ~ .) + labs(color = "Collective")

2 Germany

Tables in use:

2.1 Annuities

2.1.1 Sterbetafel 1987 R

[TODO: Get table data!] * Source: Lühr, K.-H.: Neue Sterbetafeln für die Rentenversicherung, Blätter DGVM XVII (1986), 485–513.

2.1.2 DAV 1994 R:

  • gender-specific tables, Base table 2000 with age-specific trends
    • male+female, ages 0-111
  • approximation using age-shifting is provided (central YOB 1955)
    • Usage with the MortalityTables package:

2.1.3 DAV 2004 R:

  • gender-specific tables, Base table 1999 with age-specific trends
    • male+female, ages 0-121
  • First- and Second-Order Tables are provided, as well as a reserving table for existing business (“Bestand” and “B20”)
  • Variants Aggregate and Select tables (5 years) are provided
  • Usage with the MortalityTables package: (only Aggregate tables)

2.1.4 Comparison

  DAV1994R.male, DAV1994R.female, 
  DAV2004R.male, DAV2004R.male.2Ord, 
  DAV2004R.female, DAV2004R.female.2Ord,
  Period = 2000, aes = aes(linetype = sex, color = interaction(year, data)), 
  legend.position = c(0.01, 0.99), legend.justification = c(0,1), legend.key.width = unit(2, "lines"),
  title = "Comparison of German Annuity Tables, Period 2000"
) + labs(linetype = NULL, color = NULL)

  DAV1994R.male, DAV1994R.female, 
  DAV2004R.male, DAV2004R.male.2Ord, 
  DAV2004R.female, DAV2004R.female.2Ord,

  Period = 2000, aes = aes(linetype = sex, color = interaction(year, data)), 
  legend.position = c(0.99, 0.99), legend.justification = c(1,1), legend.key.width = unit(2, "lines"), 
  title = "Age-specific trends of German Annuity Tables, Period 2000"
) + labs(linetype = NULL, color = NULL) + theme( = "right")

2.2 Population Mortality (German Census tables)

#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1871/81                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1881/90                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1891/1900                                                                  
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1901/10                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1910/11                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1924/26                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1932/34                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1949/51                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1960/62                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1970/72                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>           Jahr
#> Geschlecht 1986/88                                                                    
#>          m <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>
#>          w <S4 class 'mortalityTable.period' [package "MortalityTables"] with 8 slots>

2.2.1 Comparison

  aes = aes(color = table),
  legend.position = "right", legend.key.width = unit(2, "lines"),
  title = "Comparison of German Census Mortalities"
) + labs(color = NULL) + facet_grid(sex ~ .)

2.3 Tables for contract with death characteristics (Life Insurances, Endowments)

2.3.1 Association Table of Assured Lives 1986


  • Base on German Population Mortality Table 1981/83

2.3.2 DAV 1994 T

  • gender-specific cohort table for German whole life insurances

  • Based on the German Population Mortality Table 1986/88

  • Generated: Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (DAV), “Life-Insurance” committee

  • Publisher: Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (DAV),

  • Usage with the MortalityTables package:


2.3.3 DAV 2008 T, DAV 2008 T R/NR

  • gender-specific cohort table for German whole life insurances

  • Based on reinsurance data 2001–2004 (47 German insurance companies)

  • Generated: Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (DAV), “Life-Insurance” committee

  • Publisher: Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (DAV),

  • Minimum standard prescribed by the DAV to be used for reserving unit-linked, endowment and whole life insurances in Germany

  • Usage with the MortalityTables package:



2.3.4 Comparisons

  DAV1994T.male, DAV1994T.male.2Ord, DAV2008T.male, DAV2008T.male.2Ord, DAV2008T.male.nonsmoker,  DAV2008T.male.smoker,
  DAV1994T.female, DAV1994T.female.2Ord, DAV2008T.female, DAV2008T.female.2Ord, DAV2008T.female.nonsmoker,  DAV2008T.female.smoker,
  aes = aes(color = interaction(year, collar), linetype = data), legend.position = "right", legend.key.width = unit(1.5, "lines"),
  title = "German whole life mortality tables"
) + facet_grid(sex ~ .)

2.4 Occupational Disability

2.4.1 DAV 1997 I


  • Source: Kolster N., Loebus H. und Mörtlbauer W. (1998): “Neue Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung DAV 1997”, Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik, Band XXIII, Heft 4

2.5 MTPL Annuities

2.6 Old-Age Care


2.6.1 DAV 2008 P


2.7 Occupational Pensions

2.7.1 Heubeck Richttafeln 1959


  • Source: G. Heubeck, K. Fischer: Richttafeln für die Pensionsversicherung, René Fischer Verlag, Weissenburg/Bayern, 1959

2.7.2 Heubeck Richttafeln 1983


  • Source: Heubeck K.: “Richttafeln”, Verlag: Heubeck-Richttafeln-GmbH, Köln, 1983

2.7.3 Heubeck Richttafeln 1998


  • Source: Heubeck K.: “Richttafeln 1998”, Verlag Heubeck-Richttafeln-GmbH, Köln, 1998

2.7.4 Richttafeln DAV 2005-G


  • Source: Klaus Heubeck, Richard Herrmann und Gabriele D’Souza. „Die Richttafeln 2005 G – Modell, Herleitung, Formeln“. In: Blätter der DGVFM 27.3 (Apr. 2006), S. 473–517.

2.7.5 Heubeck Richttafeln 2018-G


3 United States of America

Source: [] (Appendix M)


3.1 Annuities (individual and group)

3.2 Whole Life Insurances

3.3 Experience Tables

3.4 Pension Plans

3.4.1 RP-2000

3.4.2 RP-2014

Source: Society of Actuaries. RP-2014 Mortality Tables Report. Techn. Ber. Okt. 2014. URL:

Source: Society of Actuaries. Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2014 Report. Techn. Ber. Okt. 2014. URL:

These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.