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Description of the columns for OBIC



The main function of the package obic_field() requires as input a series of soil properties required to assess the soil quality. Alternatively, the function obic_field_dt() can be used, requiring a data.table with specific columns as input. These required input columns are specified in OBIC::column_description.obic and can also be seen in the table below

desc <- OBIC::column_description.obic
column type description_nl description_en unit method
A_CLAY_MI measurement Kleigehalte Clay content % NA
A_SAND_MI measurement Zandgehalte Sand content % NA
A_SILT_MI measurement Siltgehalte Silt content % NA
A_CACO3_IF measurement Koolzure kalk Carbonated lime % NA
A_SOM_LOI measurement Organische stof Organic matter % NA
A_COM_FR measurement C-fractie Organische stof C fraction organic matter - NA
A_CN_FR measurement CN ratio CN ratio - NA
A_PH_CC measurement zuurgraad (pH) acidity (pH) - NA
A_CEC_CO measurement kationomwisselcapaciteit Cation exchange capacity mmol+/kg NA
A_K_CO_PO measurement K-bezetting CEC K occupancy CEC % NA
A_K_CC measurement K-CaCl2 K-CaCl2 mg K /kg CaCl2 extraction
A_CA_CO_PO measurement Ca-bezetting CEC Ca occupancy CEC % NA
A_MG_CO_PO measurement Mg-bezetting CEC Mg occupancy CEC % NA
A_MN_CC measurement Mn-plantbeschikbaar Mn plant available ug Mn/ kg CaCl2 extraction
A_CU_CC measurement Cu-plantbeschikbaar Cu plant available ug Cu/ kg CaCl2 extraction
A_ZN_CC measurement Zn-plantbeschikbaar Zn plant available ug Zn/ kg CaCl2 extraction
A_N_RT measurement N-totaal bodemvoorraad N soil reserves mg N/ kg NA
A_P_AL measurement P-bodemvoorraad P soil reserves mg P2O5/100 g NA
A_P_CC measurement P-plantbeschikbaar P plant available mg P/kg CaCl2 extraction
A_P_WA measurement P-water P water mg P2O5/L NA
A_MG_CC measurement Mg-plantbeschikbaar Mg plant available mg Mg/kg NA
A_S_RT measurement S-totaal bodemvoorraad S soil reserves mg S/kg NA
A_N_PMN measurement Microbiele activiteit Microbial activity mg N/ kg NA
A_C_MB measurement Microbiele Biomassa Microbial biomass mg C/kg NA
A_FB_FR measurement Ratio schimmels en bacterien Ratio of fungi and bacteria - NA
A_EW_BCS measurement Regenwormen Earth worms score 1-10 BodemConditieScore
A_C_BCS measurement Aanwezigheid van scheuren Cracks score 1-10 BodemConditieScore
A_CC_BCS measurement Gewasbedekking Crop cover score 1-10 BodemConditieScore
A_GS_BCS measurement Aantal gekleurde vlekken Gley spots score 1-10 BodemConditieScore
A_P_BCS measurement Plasvorming Ponding score 1-10 BodemConditieScore
A_RD_BCS measurement Beworteling Root depth score 1-10 BodemConditieScore
A_RT_BCS measurement Spoorvorming/ vertrapping Rutting / trampling score 1-10 BodemConditieScore
A_SC_BCS measurement Verdichting ondergrond Subsoil compaction score 1-10 BodemConditieScore
A_SS_BCS measurement Bodemstructuur Soil structure score 1-10 BodemConditieScore
B_GWL_CLASS measurement Grondwatertrap Groundwater level - NA
B_GWL_GLG measurement Gemiddeld Laagste Grondwaterstand The lowest groundwater level averaged over the most dry periods in 8 years in cm below ground level NA NA
B_GWL_GHG measurement Gemiddeld Hoogste Grondwaterstand The highest groundwater level averaged over the most wet periods in 8 years in cm below ground level NA NA
B_Z_CRIT measurement NA The distance between ground level and groundwater level at which the groundwater can supply the soil surface with 2mm water per day (in cm) NA NA
B_SOILTYPE_AGR measurement Bodemtype Agronomische Classificering Bodemtype Agronomische Classificering - bodemkaart 1:50000
B_LU_BRP measurement Gewascode Crop cod - BRP
B_LU measurement Bouwland of Grasland Arable land or Grassland - NA
B_AER_CBS measurement Landbouweconomisch kerngebied 2016 Key agricultural area 2016 - CBS
B_SC_WENR measurement Risico op ondergrondverdichting Risk of soil compaction - WENR
B_HELP_WENR measurement Grondsoortcode HELP-tabel Ground type code HELP table - WENR
B_COMPACTION measurement Is de ondergrond verdicht Is the subsoil compacted ja/nee NA
B_DRAINAGE measurement Wordt het perceAre drains installed to drain the fieldel gedraineerd NA ja/nee NA
B_FERT_NORM_FR measurement Fractie van de gebruiksnorm toegepast The fraction of the application norm utilized - NA
D_BDS derivative Dichtheid The bulk density of the soil kg / m3 NA
D_RD derivative Bemonsteringsdiepte The agronomic used sampling depth for soil analysis m NA
D_OC derivative Koolstofvoorraad The amount of organic carbon kg C /ha NA
D_SOM_BAL derivative EOS-balans net Effective Organic Matter balance kg EOS / ha NA
D_GA derivative Leeftijd grasland The average age of the grass yr NA
D_CP_STARCH derivative Fractie zetmeelaardappelen in rotatie The fraction of starch in crop rotation - NA
D_CP_POTATO derivative Fractie consumptieaardappelen in rotatie The fraction of potato in crop rotation - NA
D_CP_SUGARBEET derivative Fractie suikerbiet in rotatie The fraction of sugarbeet in crop rotation - NA
D_CP_GRASS derivative Fractie grasland in rotatie The fraction of grass in crop rotation - NA
D_CP_MAIS derivative Fractie mais in rotatie The fraction of mais in crop rotation - NA
D_CP_OTHER derivative Fractie overige gewassen in rotatie The fraction of other in crop rotaton - NA
D_CP_RUST derivative Fractie rustgewassen The fraction ““crops improving soil quality”” - NA
D_CP_RUSTDEEP derivative Fractie diep wortelende rustgewassen The fraction of deep rooting crops - NA
D_PH_DELTA derivative De advies-pH The difference with the optimum pH - NA
D_NLV derivative Stikstoflevering The nitrogen supply capacity kg N / ha NA
D_CEC derivative kationbuffercapaciteit the cation buffer capacity mmol+/kg NA
D_PBI derivative P-beschikbaarheidsindex P availability index - NA
D_SLV derivative Zwavellevering Sulphur kg S/ha NA
D_K derivative Kaliumlevering potassium availability index NA
D_MG derivative Magnesiumbuffering Magnesium index NA
D_CU derivative Koperbeschikbaarheid Copper index NA
D_ZN derivative Zinkbeschikbaarheid Zinc index NA
D_PMN derivative Activiteit bodemleven Soil life activity mg N/kg NA
D_SE derivative Versplemping The risk of soil sealing - NA
D_CR derivative Verkruimelbaarheid The crumbleability of the soil - NA
D_WE derivative Verstuivingsrisico Wind erodibility - NA
D_AS derivative Aggregaatstabiliteit Aggregate stability - NA
D_WSI_DS derivative Droogteschade Drougthstress % NA
D_WSI_WS derivative Natschade Wetnessstress % NA
D_WRI derivative Plant beschikbaar water Water retention mm NA
D_WO derivative Bewerkbaarheid Workability - NA
D_MAN derivative Evaluatie management conform LDBB Management evaluation - NA
D_BCS derivative BodemConditieScore Visual Soil Assessment Score - NA
D_NGW derivative N vasthoudend vermogen voor grondwater Nitrogen retention for ground water - NA
D_NSW derivative N vasthoudend vermogen voor oppervlaktewater Nitrogen retention for surface water - NA
D_NLEACH derivative N afspoeling naar grondwater Nitrogen leaching to groundwater mg NO3/L NA
D_PESTICIDE derivative Uitspoelingsrisiko gewasbestrijdingsmiddelen naar grondwater Leaching risk of pesticides to groundwater - NA
D_PSP derivative Neerslagoverschot Precipitation surplus NA NA
I_C_N indicator Stikstoflevering Nitrogen - NA
I_C_P indicator Fosfaatbuffering Phosphorus - NA
I_C_K indicator Kaliumlevering Potassium - NA
I_C_MG indicator Magnesiumbuffering Magnesium - NA
I_C_S indicator Zwavellevering Sulphur - NA
I_C_PH indicator Zuurgraad pH - NA
I_C_CEC indicator Kationbuffering CEC - NA
I_C_CU indicator Koperbeschikbaarheid Copper - NA
I_C_ZN indicator Zinkbeschikbaarheid Zinc - NA
I_P_CR indicator Verkruimelbaarheid Crumbleability - NA
I_P_BC indicator Draagkracht Bearing capacity - NA
I_P_SE indicator Verslemping Soil sealing - NA
I_P_DS indicator Droogteschade Drougthstress - NA
I_P_WS indicator Natschade Wetnessstress - NA
I_P_DU indicator Verstuifingsrisico Dustiness - NA
I_P_CO indicator Ondergrondverdichting Compaction - NA
I_P_WRI indicator Plant beschikbaar water Water retention - NA
I_P_CEC indicator Aggregaatstabiliteit Aggregate stability - NA
I_P_WO indicator Bewerkbaarheid Workability - NA
I_B_DI indicator Ziektewerendheid Disease / pest resistance NA NA
I_B_SF indicator Activiteit bodemleven Soil life activity NA NA
I_B_NEM indicator Plant parasitaire nematoden Plant parasitic nematodes NA NA
I_E_NGW indicator N vasthoudend vermogen voor grondwater Nitrogen retention for ground water NA NA
I_E_NSW indicator N vasthoudend vermogen voor oppervlaktewater Nitrogen retention for surface water NA NA
I_M indicator Label Duurzaam Bodembeheer Soil management evaluation NA NA
I_BCS indicator BodemConditieScore Visual Soil Condition Score NA NA
I_M_SOILFERTILITY indicator bodemmanagementscore voor bodemvruchtbaarheid integrated soil management indicator for soil fertility NA NA
I_M_CLIMATE indicator bodemmanagementscore voor klimaatmitigatie integrated soil management indicator for soil carbon sequestration NA NA
I_M_WATERQUALITY indicator bodemmanagementscore voor waterkwaliteit integrated soil management indicator for waterquality NA NA
I_M_BIODIVERSITY indicator bodemmanagementscore voor bodembiodiversiteit integrated soil management indicator for soil biodiversity NA NA
M_LIME measurement Is perceel in afgelopen 3 jaar bekalkt Has field been limed in last three years ja/nee NA
M_GREEN measurement Gebruik groenbemesters Use of green manure ja/nee NA
M_COMPOST measurement Frequentie compostgebruik Frequency of compost application NA NA
M_NONBARE measurement Is het perceel 80% van het jaar groen Field 80% of the year green ja/nee NA
M_EARLYCROP measurement wordt berijding in het najaar vermeden (vroege rassen) Use of early crops ja/nee NA
M_SLEEPHOSE measurement wordt drijfmest toegediend via sleepslangbemesting Manure application using sleep hoses ja/nee NA
M_DRAIN measurement is er onderwaterdrainage aangelegd (veen) Under water drains available ja/nee NA
M_DITCH measurement worden sloten op diepte gehouden en het bagger benut Ditch is cleaned and sludge is applied ja/nee NA
M_UNDERSEED measurement is er grasonderzaai in mais toegepast Underseed of grass at maize ja/nee NA
M_NONINVTILL measurement Niet Kerende Grondbewerking Non inversion tillage ja/nee NA
M_SSPM measurement worden er bodemstructuur beschermende maatregelen genomen (vaste rijpaden, lage bandenspanning, lage wiellast)? Soil Structure Protection Measures ja/nee NA
M_SOLIDMANURE measurement gebruik vaste mest boven drijfmest en kunstmest Use of solid manure ja/nee NA
M_STRAWRESIDUE measurement wordt stro ondergewerkt Application of straw residues ja/nee NA
M_MECHWEEDS measurement mechanische onkruidbestrijding Use of mechanical weed protection ja/nee NA
M_PESTICIDES_DST measurement beslissingsondersteunde systemen gewasbescherming Use of DST for pesticides ja/nee NA
S_C_OBI_A score Bodemchemische score Chemical OBI score absolute - NA
S_P_OBI_A score Bodemfysische score Physical OBI score absolute - NA
S_B_OBI_A score Bodembiologische score Biological OBI score absolute - NA
S_M_OBI_A score Management score Management OBI score absolute - NA
S_E_OBI_A score Milieu score Environment OBI score absolute - NA
S_T_OBI_A score Totale OBI-score OBI score absolute - NA
S_C_OBI_R score Bodemchemische score Chemical OBI score relative - NA
S_P_OBI_R score Bodemfysische score Physical OBI score relative - NA
S_B_OBI_R score Bodembiologische score Biological OBI score relative - NA
S_M_OBI_R score Management score Management OBI score relative - NA
S_E_OBI_R score Milieu score Environment OBI score relative - NA
S_T_OBI_R score Totale OBI-score OBI score relative - NA
RM_C_1 recommendation Advies 1 First chemical recommended measure ID NA NA
RM_C_2 recommendation Advies 2 Second chemical recommended measure ID NA NA
RM_C_3 recommendation Advies 3 Third chemical recommended measure ID NA NA
RM_P_1 recommendation Advies 1 First physical recommended measure ID NA NA
RM_P_2 recommendation Advies 2 Second physical recommended measure ID NA NA
RM_P_3 recommendation Advies 3 Third physical recommended measure ID NA NA
RM_B_1 recommendation Advies 1 First biological recommended ID NA NA
RM_B_2 recommendation Advies 2 Second biological recommended ID NA NA
RM_B_3 recommendation Advies 3 Third biological recommended ID NA NA
A_DSN_HEL_TOT measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, helicotylenchus spp. Dwelling Stunt Nematode, helicotylenchus spp. n/100g NA
A_DSN_HEM_TOT measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, hemicycliophora spp. Dwelling Stunt Nematode, hemicycliophora spp. n/100g NA
A_DSN_LOI_TOT measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, longidorus spp. Dwelling Stunt Nematode, longidorus spp. n/100g NA
A_DSN_PA_ANE measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, paratrichodorus anemones Dwelling Stunt Nematode, paratrichodorus anemones n/100g NA
A_DSN_PA_NAN measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, paratrichodorus nanus Dwelling Stunt Nematode, paratrichodorus nanus n/100g NA
A_DSN_PA_PAC measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, paratrichodorus pachydermus Dwelling Stunt Nematode, paratrichodorus pachydermus n/100g NA
A_DSN_PA_TER measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, paratrichodorus teres Dwelling Stunt Nematode, paratrichodorus teres n/100g NA
A_DSN_RO_TOT measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, rotylenchus spp. Dwelling Stunt Nematode, rotylenchus spp. n/100g NA
A_DSN_TR_CYL measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, trichodorus cylindricus Dwelling Stunt Nematode, trichodorus cylindricus n/100g NA
A_DSN_TR_HOO measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, trichodorus hooperi Dwelling Stunt Nematode, trichodorus hooperi n/100g NA
A_DSN_TR_PRI measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, trichodorus primitivus Dwelling Stunt Nematode, trichodorus primitivus n/100g NA
A_DSN_TR_SIM measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, trichodorus similis Dwelling Stunt Nematode, trichodorus similis n/100g NA
A_DSN_TR_SPA measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, trichodorus sparsus Dwelling Stunt Nematode, trichodorus sparsus n/100g NA
A_DSN_TR_TOT measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, trichodoridae spp. Dwelling Stunt Nematode, trichodoridae spp. n/100g NA
A_DSN_TR_VIR measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, trichodorus viruliferus Dwelling Stunt Nematode, trichodorus viruliferus n/100g NA
A_DSN_TY_TOT measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, tylenchorhynchus spp. Dwelling Stunt Nematode, tylenchorhynchus spp. n/100g NA
A_DSN_XI_TOT measurement Vrijlevende wortelaaltje, xiphinema spp. Dwelling Stunt Nematode, xiphinema spp. n/100g NA
A_NPN_SA_TOT measurement Niet plantparasitaire aaltjes, saprofage en overige Non Plant Pathogenic Nematode, saprofage en overige n/100g NA
A_OPN_AP_FRA measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, aphelenchoides fragariae Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, aphelenchoides fragariae n/100g NA
A_OPN_AP_RIT measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, aphelenchoides ritzemabosi Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, aphelenchoides ritzemabosi n/100g NA
A_OPN_AP_SUB measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, aphelenchoides subtenuis Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, aphelenchoides subtenuis n/100g NA
A_OPN_AP_TOT measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, aphelenchoides spp. Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, aphelenchoides spp. n/100g NA
A_OPN_CR_TOT measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, criconematidae spp. Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, criconematidae spp. n/100g NA
A_OPN_CY_TOT measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, cysteaaltjes Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, cysteaaltjes n/100g NA
A_OPN_CYA_CYS measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, aardappelcysteaaltjes Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, aardappelcysteaaltjes n/200cc NA
A_OPN_CYA_LLE measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, aardappelcysteaaltjes Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, aardappelcysteaaltjes n/200cc NA
A_OPN_CYA_PAL measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, g. pal|g.pal Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, g. pal|g.pal % NA
A_OPN_CYA_ROS measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, g. ros|g.ros Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, g. ros|g.ros % NA
A_OPN_CYB_CYS measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, bietencysteaaltjes Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, bietencysteaaltjes n/200cc NA
A_OPN_CYB_LLE measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, bietencysteaaltjes Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, bietencysteaaltjes n/200cc NA
A_OPN_CYG_CYS measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, grascysteaaltjes Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, grascysteaaltjes n/200cc NA
A_OPN_CYG_LLE measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, grascysteaaltjes Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, grascysteaaltjes n/200cc NA
A_OPN_CYO_CYS measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, overige cysteaaltjes Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, overige cysteaaltjes n/200cc NA
A_OPN_CYO_LLE measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, overige cysteaaltjes Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, overige cysteaaltjes n/200cc NA
A_OPN_PA_BUK measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, paratylenchus bukowinensis Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, paratylenchus bukowinensis n/100g NA
A_OPN_PA_TOT measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, paratylenchus spp. Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, paratylenchus spp. n/100g NA
A_OPN_SU_TOT measurement Overige plantparasitaire aaltje, subanguina spp. Other Plant Pathogenic Nematode, subanguina spp. n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_ARD measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne ardenensis Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne ardenensis n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_ARE measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne arenaria Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne arenaria n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_ART measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne artiellia Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne artiellia n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_CHI measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne chitwoodi Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne chitwoodi n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_CHIFAL measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne chitwoodi/fallax Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne chitwoodi/fallax n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_FAL measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne fallax Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne fallax n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_HAP measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne hapla Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne hapla n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_INC measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne incognita Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne incognita n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_JAV measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne javanica Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne javanica n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_MIN measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne minor Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne minor n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_NAA measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne naasi Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne naasi n/100g NA
A_RKN_ME_TOT measurement Wortelknobbelaaltje, meloidogyne spp. Root Knot Nematode, meloidogyne spp. n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_CREN measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus crenatus Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus crenatus n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_DUN measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus dunensis Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus dunensis n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_FAL measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus fallax Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus fallax n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_FLA measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus flakkensis Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus flakkensis n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_NEG measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus neglectus Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus neglectus n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_PEN measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus penetrans Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus penetrans n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_PIN measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus pinguicaudatus Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus pinguicaudatus n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_PRA measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus pratensis Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus pratensis n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_PSE measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus pseudopratensis Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus pseudopratensis n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_THO measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus thornei Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus thornei n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_TOT measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus spp. Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus spp. n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_VUL measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus vulnus Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus vulnus n/100g NA
A_RLN_PR_ZEA measurement Wortellesieaaltje, pratylenchus zeae Root Lesion Nematode, pratylenchus zeae n/100g NA
A_SN_DI_DES measurement Stengelaaltje, ditylenchus destructor Stem Nematode, ditylenchus destructor n/100g NA
A_SN_DI_DIP measurement Stengelaaltje, ditylenchus dipsaci Stem Nematode, ditylenchus dipsaci n/100g NA
A_SN_DI_TOT measurement Stengelaaltje, ditylenchus spp. Stem Nematode, ditylenchus spp. n/100g NA

These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.