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RFlocalfdr A Simulated Data Example
Variable importance measures are often used to perform variable selection. It is possible to identify two final aims (Genuer, Poggi, and Tuleau-Malot (2010)):
It is the second objective that is more often our aim in biomolecular work. After the important variables are selected, they can be joined with other data from the literature or databases such as gene annotations. They can also inform further rounds of experiments. In additions, the reduced data set can be used in other analysis methods such as extraction of structural causal models.
The problem is characterized by:
We simulate a classification problem with 6350 variables of which 127 are related to the classification and a strong correlation structure. We consider a number of variable ranking and selection methods. We give the results for variable selection, not for the performance of the classifier.
We consider two problems:
The results are given in the table below. Considering the second part of the table where we select variables based on a RF impurity measure. RFlocalfdr has done reasonably well on the FDR. Recursive Feature Elimination has performed better but only selected a small number of variables.
I could not get many of the SHAP implementations to converge in a 2 1/2 hour run time limit. Shaff converged and returned one variable. This is not surprising. The Shapley values are an “all subsets” calculation and this is NP hard. All of the methods available use some heuristic to get around the hardness of the problem.
As this is quite interesting, I tried a number of SHAP implementations on the smaller that set that we used for visualizing the problem. This goes beyond the original intent of a vignette for the RFlocalfdr package but seems interesting to pursue.
We simulate a small data set with a covariance structure to explore the actions of RFlocalfdr. This package implements an empirical Bayes method of determining a significance level for the Random Forest MDI (Mean Decrease in Impurity) variable importance measure. See Dunne et al. (2022) for details.
simulate the data set
fit a Random Forest model
use RFlocalfdr to estimate the significant variables
for comparison, we also estimate the significant variables using
This dataset consist of bands, with blocks of \(\{1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64\}\) of identical variables. The variables are \(\in \{0,1,2\}\), a common encoding for genomic data where the numbers represent the number of copies of the minor allele. Only band 1 is used to calculate the \(y\) vector and \(y\) is 1 if any of \(X[, c(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64)]\) is non-zero, so \(y\) is unbalanced, containing more 1’s than 0’s. We plot a small data set of \(300\times 508\) to explore the data generation method, see figure @ref(fig:simulation2).
For the problem we generate a data set with 50 bands and 300 observations so \(X\) is \(300 \times 6350\) with 127 non-null variables. We fit a standard RF to this dataset and record the resulting MDI importance score.
A small simulated data set. Each band contains blocks of size {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}, and each block consists of correlated (identical variables).
# generate the data
num_samples <- 300
num_bands <- 50
band_rank <- 6
num_vars <- num_bands * (2 ** (band_rank+1) -1)
X <- matrix(NA, num_samples , num_vars)
var_index <- 1
for(band in 1:num_bands) {
for (rank in 0:band_rank) {
# cat("rank=",rank,"\n")
var <- sample(0:2, num_samples, replace=TRUE)
for (i in 1:2**rank) {
X[,var_index] <- var
var_index <- var_index +1
# print(X[1:2,1:140])
# system("sleep 3")
y <- as.numeric(X[,1] > 1 | X[,2] > 1 | X[,4] > 1 | X[,8] > 1 | X[,16] > 1 |
X[,32] > 1 | X[,64] > 1 )
We fit a Random Forest (Breiman (2001)) model and recover the Mean Decrease in Impurity variable importance.
data <- cbind(y,X)
colnames(data) <- c("y",make.names(1:num_vars))
rfModel <- ranger(data=data,"y", importance="impurity",
classification=TRUE,num.trees = 10000, replace=FALSE, mtry=100, seed = 17 )
imp <-log(ranger::importance(rfModel))
t2 <-count_variables(rfModel)
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),imp)
auc(roccurve) # 0.993
col<-c(1, rep(2,2), rep(3,4), rep(4, 8), rep(5,16 ), rep(6,32 ), rep(7,64) )
xlab="variable number",ylab="log importances")
plot(imp,type="p",col=rep(col,8),pch=16,cex=0.8,xlab="variable number",
ylab="log importances")
predictions <- imp
labels <- c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127))
pred <- prediction(predictions, labels)
perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
cost_perf = performance(pred, "cost")
# X22
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[ which(imp> -3.485894) ]<-1
#predicted_values 0 1
# 0 6217 72
# 1 6 55
conf_matrix[2,1]/sum(conf_matrix[2,]) #[1]] 0.09836066 FDR
sensitivity(conf_matrix) #] 0.9990358 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) # 0.4330709 TN/(FP+TN)
We have set num.trees to a large value and mtry to a larger value than the default. This is because of the large number of variables.
We plot the log importances for the first 8 bands (figure @ref(fig:simulation2zz2)). The plot for all 50 bands it too compressed. The blocks are shown in different colors. The bias described by Strobl et al. (2007) is clearly visible. Blocks 1 to 7 of band 1 should be of equal expected influence on \(y\), but the importance is decreasing as the number of variables in the block is increased.
The log importances for the first 8 bands.
cutoffs <- c(0,1,4,10)
res.con<- determine_cutoff(imp,t2,cutoff=cutoffs,plot=c(0,1,4,10))
We plot the kernel density estimate of the histogram of the data \(y\), and the skew normal fit, \(t_1\), using the data up to the quantile \(Q\), shown in red.
For this data set, the selected cutoff value is 0.
By plotting \(\max(|y - t_1|)\) versus the cutoff values, we determine the appropriate cutoff. In this case it is just \(t2>0\)
temp<-imp[t2 > 0]
qq <- plotQ(temp,debug.flag = 1)
length(aa$probabilities) # 95
tt1 <-as.numeric(gsub("X([0-9]*)","\\1",names(aa$probabilities)))
tt2 <- table(ifelse((tt1 < 127),1,2))
# 1 2
# 59 36
# The false discovery rate is 0.3789474
#59 36 36/(36+59) = 0.3789474
predicted_values<-rep(0, 6350);predicted_values[tt1]<-1
conf_matrix[2,1]/sum(conf_matrix[2,]) # 0.3789474 FDR
sensitivity(conf_matrix) #0.994215 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) #0.4645669 TN/(FP+TN)
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),predicted_values)
auc(roccurve) #0.7294
accuracy # 0.983622
The FDR is 0.379. We can also calculate the sensitivity, sensitivity and accruacy.
In order to make the comparisons with other methods, the following packages may need to be installed.
We try the Boruta algorithm (Kursa and Rudnicki (2010)).
system.time(boruta1 <- Boruta(X,as.factor(y), num.threads = 7,getImp=getImpRfGini,
classification=TRUE,num.trees = 10000, replace=FALSE, mtry=100, seed = 17))
#Boruta performed 99 iterations in 19.54727 secs.
#4 attributes confirmed important: X4859, X58, X6132, X7;
# 6346 attributes confirmed unimportant: X1, X10, X100, X1000, X1001 and 6341 more;
aa <- which(boruta1$finalDecision=="Confirmed")
bb <- which(boruta1$finalDecision=="Tentative")
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[c(aa,bb)]<-1
conf_matrix[2,1]/sum(conf_matrix[2,]) # 0.3789474 FDR
sensitivity(conf_matrix) #0.9996786 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) #0.01574803 TN/(FP+TN)
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),predicted_values)
auc(roccurve) #0.5077
accuracy #0.98
colnames(X) <- make.names(1:dim(X)[2])
res <- var.sel.rfe(X, y, prop.rm = 0.2, recalculate = TRUE, tol = 10,
ntree = 500, mtry.prop = 0.2, nodesize.prop = 0.1, no.threads = 7,
method = "ranger", type = "classification", importance = "impurity",
case.weights = NULL)
#[1] "X1" "X106" "X11" "X12" "X127" "X13" "X15" "X16" "X2"
#[10] "X23" "X24" "X3" "X4" "X44" "X46" "X4885" "X5" "X54"
#[19] "X5474" "X6" "X7" "X72" "X9" "X91"
tt <-as.numeric(gsub("X([0-9]*)","\\1", res$var))
table(ifelse((tt < 127),1,2))
# 1 2
#21 3 0.0833
res<-c(1,106, 11, 12, 127, 13, 15, 16, 2, 23, 24, 3, 4, 44, 46, 4885, 5, 54, 5474, 6,
7, 72, 9, 91)
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[c(res)]<-1
#predicted_values 0 1
# 0 6221 105
# 1 2 22
conf_matrix[2,1]/sum(conf_matrix[2,]) # 0.083 FDR
sensitivity(conf_matrix) # 0.9996786 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) #0 0.1732283 TN/(FP+TN)
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),predicted_values)
auc(roccurve) #0.5865
accuracy # 0.9831496
See Nembrini et al. (2018).
rfModel2 <- ranger(data=data,"y", importance="impurity_corrected",
classification=TRUE, mtry=100,num.trees = 10000, replace=TRUE, seed = 17 )
ww<- importance_pvalues( rfModel2, method = "janitza")
p <- ww[,"pvalue"]
cc <- which(p< 0.05)
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[cc]<-1
#predicted_values 0 1
# 0 5950 0
# 1 273 127
#FDR is 273/(127+273) = 0.6825
sensitivity(conf_matrix) #0.9561305 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) #1 TN/(FP+TN)
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),predicted_values)
auc(roccurve) # 0.9781
accuracy # 0.9570079
As the null values, as modelled bt the AIR procedure, are symmetric around 0, the question arises as to whether we can apply the locfdr (Efron, Turnbull, and Narasimhan (2015)) procedure. In this case, it reduces the FDR from 0.682 to 0.601.
imp <- ww[,"importance"]
#imp <-imp/sqrt(var(imp))
which( (aa$fdr< 0.05) & (imp>0))
cc2 <- which( (aa$fdr< 0.05) & (imp>0))
length(cc2) # [1] 309
length(intersect(cc,cc2)) #[1] 309
(length(cc2) - length(which(cc2 <= 127)))/length(cc2) #[1] 0.6019417 fdr
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[cc2]<-1
conf_matrix[2,1]/sum(conf_matrix[2,]) # 0.6019417 FDR
sensitivity(conf_matrix) # 0.9701109 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) #0.9685039 TN/(FP+TN)
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),predicted_values)
auc(roccurve) # 0.9693
accuracy # 0.9700787
note that PIMP
permutes the response vector \(y\) \(S\) times to give \(y^{*s}\)
For each permutation, a new RF is grown and the permutation variable importance measure (VarImp\(^{*s}\)) for all predictor variables X is computed.
The vector ‘perVarImp’ of \(S\) VarImp measures for every predictor variable is used to approximate the null importance distributions for each variable (see PimpTest)
we are doing \(p\) tests, hence a multiple testing correction is in order
we base our work on the PIMP implementation provided by Celik (2015) Variable Importance Testing Approaches
pump as described by Altman is only applicable to permutation importance.
however we see no impediment in extending the method to Gini importance
we have done that in our code and also
#vita: Variable Importance Testing Approaches
cl.ranger <- ranger(y~. , X,mtry = 100,num.trees = 10000, classification=TRUE, replace=FALSE,
importance = 'impurity')
system.time(<-my_ranger_PIMP(X,y,cl.ranger,S=10, parallel=TRUE, ncores=10)) <- vita::PimpTest(,para = FALSE)
aa <- summary(,pless = 0.1)
tt<-as.numeric(gsub("X([0-9]*)","\\1", names(which(aa$cmat2[,"p-value"]< 0.05))))
table(ifelse((tt < 127),1,2))
# 1 2
# 126 176 176 /( 126+ 176 ) = 0.582
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[which(aa$cmat2[,"p-value"]< 0.05)]<-1
conf_matrix[2,1]/sum(conf_matrix[2,]) #[1] 0.5794 FDR
sensitivity(conf_matrix) #0.971 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) #1 TN/(FP+TN)
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),predicted_values)
auc(roccurve) # 0.9859
accuracy # 0.9724409
rfModel2 <- ranger(data=data,"y", importance="permutation",
classification=TRUE, mtry=100,num.trees = 10000, replace=FALSE, seed = 17 )
imp <-ranger::importance(rfModel2)
palette(topo.colors(n = 7))
xlab="variable number",ylab="log importances")
lines(1:1016,imp[1:1016],col = "gray62",lwd=0.5)
# could apply Briemans and Cutlers argument that the permutation importance is Gaussian --
# or could use empirical Bayes
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),imp)
auc(roccurve) # 0.9924
predictions <- imp
labels <- c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127))
pred <- prediction(predictions, labels)
cost_perf = performance(pred, "cost")
table(imp> 0.0001063063 ,c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)))
# 0 1
# FALSE 6220 66
# TRUE 3 61
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[which(imp> 0.0001063063 )]<-1
#predicted_values 0 1
# 0 6220 66
# 1 3 61
conf_matrix[2,1]/sum(conf_matrix[2,]) #[1] 0.046875 FDR
sensitivity(conf_matrix) # 0.9995179 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) # 0.480315 TN/(FP+TN)
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),predicted_values)
auc(roccurve) # 0.7399
accuracy # 0.9724409
rfModel3 <- ranger(data=data,"y", importance="impurity_corrected",
classification=TRUE, mtry=100,num.trees = 10000, replace=FALSE, seed = 17 )
imp <-ranger::importance(rfModel3)
palette(topo.colors(n = 7))
xlab="variable number",ylab="log importances")
lines(1:1016,imp[1:1016],col = "gray62",lwd=0.5)
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),imp)
auc(roccurve) # 0.9951
predictions <- imp
labels <- c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127))
pred <- prediction(predictions, labels)
cost_perf = performance(pred, "cost")
table(imp> 0.0106588 ,c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)))
# 0 1
# FALSE 6186 40
# TRUE 37 87
#best FDR is
37/(37 + 87) #[1] ] 0.2983871
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[ which(imp> 0.0106588)]<-1
conf_matrix[2,1]/sum(conf_matrix[2,]) #[1]] 0.2983871 FDR
sensitivity(conf_matrix) #0.9940543 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) #0.6850394 TN/(FP+TN)
we consider the cforest forest fitting procedure (Hothorn, Hornik, and Zeileis (2006)) and the Conditional Permutation Importance (CPI) (Strobl et al. (2008)). It appears that the implementation of CPI provided by party::varimp is excessively slow. We use the implementation provided by the permimp package.
library(permimp) #
data <- data.frame(y,X)
system.time( <- party::cforest(y ~ ., data = data,
control = party::cforest_unbiased(ntree = 10, mtry = 100)))
# 12.848 0.000 12.885
system.time(aa<-party::varimp(, conditional = TRUE))
# user system elapsed
#3089.301 9.484 3100.554
system.time(aa3<-permimp(, conditional = TRUE))
# user system elapsed
# 4.685 0.000 4.707
system.time( <- party::cforest(y ~ ., data = data,
control = party::cforest_unbiased(ntree = 100, mtry = 100)))
# 27.233 0.464 27.703
system.time(aa<-party::varimp(, conditional = TRUE))
# user system elapsed
#29380.980 81.511 29475.138
system.time(aa3<-permimp(, conditional = FALSE))
# user system elapsed
# 6.084 0.000 6.089
system.time( <- party::cforest(y ~ ., data = data,
ontrol = party::cforest_unbiased(ntree = 1000, mtry = 100)))
#35.438 0.636 36.095
system.time(aa4<-permimp(, conditional = FALSE))
# user system elapsed
# 47.135 0.429 47.578
col<-c(1, rep(2,2), rep(3,4), rep(4, 8), rep(5,16 ), rep(6,32 ), rep(7,64) )
xlab="variable number",ylab="log importances")
system.time( <- party::cforest(y ~ ., data = data,
control = party::cforest_unbiased(ntree = 10000, replace=FALSE, mtry = 100)))
#35.438 0.636 36.095
system.time(aa4<-permimp(, conditional = FALSE))
# user system elapsed
# 47.135 0.429 47.578
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),aa4$values)
auc(roccurve) #0.9486
system.time( <- party::cforest(y ~ ., data = data,
control = party::cforest_unbiased(ntree = 10000, mtry = 100)))
#Process R killed at Mon Feb 26 07:18:23 2024 on robubuntu
# user system elapsed
# 98.673 2.832 101.977 on petra, seems to have used 26GB of RAM
system.time(aa4<-permimp(, conditional = TRUE))
# user system elapsed
#352.681 2.262 356.232
# X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6
#2.600188e-05 9.454988e-05 1.217855e-04 1.682538e-04 1.572708e-04 1.706311e-04
roccurve <- roc(c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)),aa4$values)
auc(roccurve) # 0.9978
predictions <- aa4$values
labels <- c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127))
pred <- prediction(predictions, labels)
perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
cost_perf <- performance(pred, "cost")
table(predictions> 3.264138e-05 ,c(rep(1,127),rep(0,6350-127)))
# 0 1
# FALSE 6220 66
# TRUE 3 61
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[ which(predictions> 3.264138e-05 )]<-1
conf_matrix[2,1]/sum(conf_matrix[2,]) #[1]] 0.1229508 FDR
sensitivity(conf_matrix) # 0.9975896 TP/(TP+FN)
specificity(conf_matrix) # 0.8425197 TN/(FP+TN)
rocobj <- roc(labels,predictions)
coords(rocobj, "best")
coords(rocobj, x="best", input="threshold", best.method="youden") # Sa
auc(rocobj) # 0.9978
predicted_values <-rep(0,6350);predicted_values[ which(predictions> 8.976665e-06 )]<-1
#see also
Bénard, da Veiga, and Scornet (2022)
SHapley Additive exPlanations, (SHAP values), are used as a measure of variable importance. It is based on Shapley values, which use game theory to assign credit for a model’s prediction to each feature or feature value.
The Shapley value is defined for any value function and SHAP is a special case of the Shapley value by taking the function to be the conditional expectation function of our model. A SHAP value is the average marginal contribution of a feature value across all possible sets of features.
the very fast TreeSHAP is an algorithm to compute SHAP values for tree ensemble models such as decision trees, random forests, and gradient boosted trees in a polynomial-time proposed by Lundberg, Erion, and Lee (2019)
the R library treeshap only accepts regression models (not classification)
other options
Global explanations Aside from explaining individual prediction (i.e., local explanation), it can be useful to aggregate the results of several (i.e., all of the training predictions) into an overall global summary about the model (i.e., global explanations).
The interpretation of the Shapley value for feature value j is: The value of the j-th feature contributed \(\phi_j\) to the prediction of this particular instance compared to the average prediction for the dataset.
Bénard et al. (2022)
did not finish in 2 1/2 hours with 20 processors
tried the samll data set
These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.