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SignacX, Seurat and MASC: Analysis of kidney cells from AMP

Mathew Chamberlain


This vignette shows how to use SignacX with Seurat and MASC. There are three parts: Seurat, SignacX and then MASC. We use an example data set of kidney cells from AMP from this publication.

Load data

Read the CEL-seq2 data.

ReadCelseq <- function(counts.file, meta.file) {
    E = suppressWarnings(readr::read_tsv(counts.file))
    gns <- E$gene
    E = E[, -1]
    M = suppressWarnings(readr::read_tsv(meta.file))
    S = lapply(unique(M$sample), function(x) {
        logik = colnames(E) %in% M$cell_name[M$sample == x]
        Matrix::Matrix(as.matrix(E[, logik]), sparse = TRUE)
    names(S) <- unique(M$sample)
    S = lapply(S, function(x) {
        rownames(x) <- gns

counts.file = "./SDY997_EXP15176_celseq_matrix_ru10_molecules.tsv.gz"
meta.file = "./SDY997_EXP15176_celseq_meta.tsv"

E = ReadCelseq(counts.file = counts.file, meta.file = meta.file)
M = suppressWarnings(readr::read_tsv(meta.file))

Merge into a single matrix

# keep only kidney cells
E = lapply(E, function(x) {
    x[, grepl("K", colnames(x))]

# remove any sample with no cells
E = E[sapply(E, ncol) > 0]

# merge into a single matrix
E =, E)


Start with the standard pre-processing steps for a Seurat object.


Create a Seurat object, and then perform SCTransform normalization. Note:

# load data
kidney <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = E, project = "celseq")

# run sctransform
kidney <- SCTransform(kidney)

Perform dimensionality reduction by PCA and UMAP embedding. Note:

# These are now standard steps in the Seurat workflow for visualization and clustering
kidney <- RunPCA(kidney, verbose = FALSE)
kidney <- RunUMAP(kidney, dims = 1:30, verbose = FALSE)
kidney <- FindNeighbors(kidney, dims = 1:30, verbose = FALSE)


First, make sure that you have the SignacX package installed.


Generate cellular phenotype labels for the Seurat object. Note:

# Run Signac
labels <- Signac(kidney, num.cores = 4)
celltypes = GenerateLabels(labels, E = kidney)


Now we can visualize the cell type classifications at many different levels:

kidney <- AddMetaData(kidney, metadata = celltypes$Immune, = "immmune")
kidney <- SetIdent(kidney, value = "immmune")
png(filename = "fls/plot1_amp.png")

Immune, Nonimmune (if any) and unclassified cells

kidney <- AddMetaData(kidney, metadata = celltypes$CellTypes, = "celltypes")
kidney <- SetIdent(kidney, value = "celltypes")
png(filename = "fls/plot2_amp.png")

Cell types

kidney <- AddMetaData(kidney, metadata = celltypes$CellStates, = "cellstates")
kidney <- SetIdent(kidney, value = "cellstates")
png(filename = "fls/plot3_amp.png")

Cell states

Identify immune marker genes (IMAGES)

# Downsample just the immune cells
kidney.small <- kidney[, !celltypes$CellStates %in% c("NonImmune", "Fibroblasts", "Unclassified", 
    "Endothelial", "Epithelial")]

# Find protein markers for all clusters, and draw a heatmap
markers <- FindAllMarkers(kidney.small, only.pos = TRUE, verbose = F, logfc.threshold = 1)
top5 <- markers %>% group_by(cluster) %>% top_n(n = 5, wt = avg_logFC)
png(filename = "fls/plot4_amp.png", width = 640, height = 640)
DoHeatmap(kidney.small, features = unique(top5$gene), angle = 90)

Immune marker genes


Meta_mapped = M[match(colnames(kidney), M$cell_name), ]
Meta_mapped$CellStates = celltypes$CellStates
Meta_mapped$disease = factor(Meta_mapped$disease)
Q = MASC(dataset = Meta_mapped, cluster = Meta_mapped$CellStates, contrast = "disease", random_effects = c("plate", 
    "lane", "sample"))

MASC results reveals that fibroblasts, plasma cells and B memory cells are enriched (p value < 0.05) for disease.

cluster size model.pvalue diseaseSLE.OR
B.memory 391 0.0197539 3.041576e+00 1.1841285 7.812654e+00
B.naive 144 0.4652596 1.548526e+00 0.4932181 4.861810e+00
DC 160 0.0536208 2.346694e+00 1.0278135 5.357951e+00
Endothelial 30 0.2290332 1.183979e+01 0.1021348 1.372508e+03
Epithelial 89 0.5615659 6.424482e-01 0.1488724 2.772440e+00
Fibroblasts 360 0.0174935 3.926459e+00 2.5047560 6.155124e+00
Macrophages 356 0.1061625 4.700437e-01 0.1959415 1.127587e+00
Mon.Classical 247 0.6346884 8.482458e-01 0.4416789 1.629059e+00
Mon.NonClassical 658 0.7360915 8.693916e-01 0.3903675 1.936231e+00
Neutrophils 11 0.3806773 1.800080e-02 0.0000020 1.590775e+02
NK 562 0.2814722 6.046977e-01 0.2470403 1.480160e+00
NonImmune 112 0.1608263 7.817140e-02 0.0021302 2.868614e+00
Plasma.cells 93 0.0055213 5.387766e+06 0.0000000 1.579379e+25
T.CD4.memory 283 0.5351536 6.933100e-01 0.2284183 2.104379e+00
T.CD4.naive 459 0.4627315 7.488830e-01 0.3546322 1.581429e+00 482 0.1776758 1.917053e+00 0.7686826 4.781025e+00
T.CD8.em 1196 0.7985566 1.107881e+00 0.5097435 2.407877e+00
T.CD8.naive 39 0.8117720 1.132623e+00 0.4022482 3.189161e+00
T.regs 84 0.6186262 1.571148e+00 0.2607223 9.467957e+00
Unclassified 717 0.8900750 9.198574e-01 0.2840429 2.978908e+00

Save results

saveRDS(kidney, file = "fls/amp_kidney_signac.rds")
saveRDS(Q, file = "fls/amp_kidney_MASC_result.rds")
saveRDS(celltypes, file = "fls/amp_kidney_celltypes.rds")
Session Info
## R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] compiler_4.0.3    magrittr_2.0.1    formatR_1.7       htmltools_0.5.1.1
##  [5] tools_4.0.3       yaml_2.2.1        stringi_1.5.3     rmarkdown_2.6    
##  [9] highr_0.8         knitr_1.30        stringr_1.4.0     digest_0.6.27    
## [13] xfun_0.20         rlang_0.4.10      evaluate_0.14

These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.