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The purpose of this vignette is to demonstrate how to utilize
in the context of distributing many jobs across
independent computing environments, such as high-performance computing
(HPC) clusters, in a way that allows for reproducibility of the
simulation conditions, resubmission of jobs in case of incomplete
collection of results within a specified HPC execution time budget, and
to ensure that random number generation across the entire simulation
(and subsequent resubmissions, if required) are properly manged
throughout given the batch nature of the job. The following text and
examples are primarily for managing larger simulations, often with
thousands of replications over many simulation conditions (i.e., rows in
the defined design
object) which generally require
non-trivial amounts of computing resources to execute (hence, the need
for super-computing resources and job schedulers like Slurm, TORQUE,
MAUI, among others).
For information about Slurm’s Job Array support in particular, which this vignette uses as an example, see
To start, the structure of the simulation code used later on to
distribute the jobs to the HPC scheduler is effectively the same as the
usual generate-analyse-summarise workflow described in
, with a few organizational exceptions. As
such, this is always a good place to start when designing, testing, and
debugging a simulation experiment before submitting to HPC clusters.
IMPORTANT: Only after the vast majority of the bugs and coding logic have been work out should you consider moving on to the next step involving HPC clusters. If your code is not well vetted in this step then any later jobs evaluated on the HPC cluster will be a waste of time and resources (garbage-in, garbage-out).
Suppose the following simulation was to be evaluated, though for time constraint reasons would not be possible to execute on a single computer (or a smaller network of computers) and therefore should be submitted to an HPC cluster.
The following script (hypothetically written in a file called
) contains a simulation experiment
whose instructions are to be submitted to the Slurm scheduler. To do so,
the sbatch
utility is used along with the set of
instructions specifying the type of hardware required in the file
. In the R side of the simulation,
the defined code must grab all available cores (minus 1) that are
detectable via parallelly::availableCores()
, which occurs
automatically when using
runSimulation(..., parallel=TRUE)
# SimDesign::SimFunctions()
Design <- createDesign(N = c(10, 20, 30))
Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
dat <- with(condition, rnorm(N, 10, 5)) # distributed N(10, 5)
Analyse <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
ret <- c(mean=mean(dat), median=median(dat)) # mean/median of sample data
Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects){
# standard setup (not ideal for HPC clusters as parallelization
# occurs within the design conditions, not across)
res <- runSimulation(design=Design, replications=10000, generate=Generate,
analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise, parallel=TRUE,
In the standard runSimulation(..., parallel=TRUE)
the 10,000 replications would be distributed to the available computing
cores and evaluated independently across the three row conditions in the
object. However, this process is only executed in
sequence: design[1, ]
is evaluated first and, only after
the 10,000 replications are collected, design[2, ]
evaluated until it is complete, then design[3, ]
, and so
As well, in order for this approach to be at all optimal the HPC
cluster must assign a job containing a very large number of resources;
specifically, higher RAM and CPUs. To demonstrate, in the following
file a larger number of CPUs are
requested when allocating the computational structure/cluster associated
with this job, as well as larger amounts of RAM.
#SBATCH --job-name="My simulation (multiple CPUs)"
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=somewhere@out.there
#SBATCH --output=/dev/null ## (optional) delete .out files
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00 ## HH:MM:SS
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=96 ## Build a computer with 96 cores
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G ## Build a computer with 192GB of RAM
module load r
Rscript --vanilla SimDesign_simulation.R
This job request a computing cluster be built with 192 GB of RAM with
96 CPUs (across whatever computing nodes are available; likely 2 or
more), which the SimDesign_simulation.R
is evaluated in,
and is submitted to the scheduler via
sbatch slurmInstructions.slurm
While generally effective at distributing the computational load, there are a few limitations of the above approach:
conditions, computing cores will at some point sit idle while waiting
for the remaining experiments to complete their job. This occurs for
each row in the design
input (i.e., per simulation
for each condition ensure that within
each design
condition the random numbers are high quality,
however there is no guarantee that repeated use of
will result in high-quality random numbers (see
next section for example)design
row and
submit each row as a unique job, which is demonstrated near the end of
this vignette)To address these and other computational inefficiencies/wasted resources, one can instead switch from the cluster-based approach above to an array distribution approach, discussed in the next section.
For HPC computing it is often more optimal to distribute both
replications and conditions simultaneously to unique computing
nodes (termed arrays) to effectively break the problem
in several mini-batches (e.g., split the simulation into 1000+
independent pieces, and collect the results later). As such, the above
object and runSimulation()
above does not readily lend itself to optimal distribution for the array
scheduler to manage. Nevertheless, the core components are still useful
for initial code design, testing, and debugging, and therefore serve as
a necessary first step when writing simulation experiment code prior to
submitting to an HPC cluster.
After defining and testing your simulation to ensure that it works as
expected, it now comes the time to setup the components required for
organizing the HPC cluster submission using the
workflow to one for
The job of runArraySimulation()
is to utilize the
relevant information defined in the .sh
script. This is done by extracting information
provided by the scheduler (specifically, via an arrayID
which is used to select specific subsets of the design
rows. However, unlike runSimulation()
the function
has been designed to control important
information pertaining to .Random.seeds
and other relevant
distribution information that allow for the rows in the
object itself to contain repeated
experimental condition information. This allows both the
rows and replication
information to be optimally distributed to the HPC cluster.
The following example presents the essential modifications required
to move from a single runSimulation()
workflow to a batch
workflow suitable for runArraySimulation()
and Slurm
object for each array IDSuppose that 300 computing cores were independently available on the
HPC cluster, though the availability of these cores only trickle in as a
function of the schedulers decided availability. In this case, the
strategy would be to split up the 3 * 10000 = 30000
condition-by-replications experiments across the gradually available
resources, where jobs are evaluated in parallel and at different
Given the above specifications, you may decide that each of the 300
computing nodes requested to the scheduler should evaluate exactly 100
replications each (nrow(design) * 10000 / 300 = 100
). In
this case, expandDesign()
is used to repeat each row
condition 100 times, creating a new expanded
object with 300 rows instead of 3. To accommodate
for the new rows, the associated replications
should now be
defined according to how many replications should be used within each of
these to-be-distributed conditions, which need not be equal (see
rc <- 100 # number of times the design row was repeated
Design300 <- expandDesign(Design, repeat_conditions = rc)
## # A tibble: 300 × 1
## N
## <dbl>
## 1 10
## 2 10
## 3 10
## 4 10
## 5 10
## 6 10
## 7 10
## 8 10
## 9 10
## 10 10
## # ℹ 290 more rows
# target replication number for each condition
rep_target <- 10000
# replications per row in Design300
replications <- rep(rep_target / rc, nrow(Design300))
The above approach assumes that each design
condition is
equally balanced in terms of computing time and resources, though if
this is not the case (e.g., the last condition contains notably higher
computing times than the first two conditions) then
can be specified as a vector instead,
such as repeat_conditions = c(100, 100, 1000)
, which for
the latter portion would be associated with a 10 replications per
distributed node instead of 100.
rc <- c(100, 100, 1000)
DesignUnbalanced <- expandDesign(Design, repeat_conditions = rc)
## # A tibble: 1,200 × 1
## N
## <dbl>
## 1 10
## 2 10
## 3 10
## 4 10
## 5 10
## 6 10
## 7 10
## 8 10
## 9 10
## 10 10
## # ℹ 1,190 more rows
rep_target <- 10000
replicationsUnbalanced <- rep(rep_target / rc, times = rc)
## [1] 100 100 100 100 100 100
## replicationsUnbalanced
## 10 100
## 1000 200
Regardless of whether the expanded design is balanced or unbalanced each row in the resulting expanded design object will be assigned to a unique computing array node, identified according to the Slurm assigned array ID.
In principle, the expanded Design300
object above could
be passed as
runSimulation(Design300, replications=100, ...)
to evaluate
each of the repeated conditions, where each row is now replicated only
100 times. However, there is now an issue with respect to the random
seed management in that use of functions such as set.seed()
and friends are no longer viable. This is because repeated use of
does not itself guarantee independent
high-quality random numbers between different instances. For
x <- runif(100)
y <- runif(100)
plot(x, y) ## seemingly independent
plot(x[-1], y[-100]) ## subsets perfectly correlated
This issue is generally not problem in the standard
approach as within each design condition
high quality random numbers are used by default, and any potentially
repeated number sequences across the conditions are highly
unlikely to affect the quality of the overall simulation experiment (the
conditions themselves typically generate and manage random numbers in
different ways due to the varying simulation factors, such as sample
sizes, variance conditions, fitted models, number of variables, type of
probability distributions use, and so on). However, in the
setup the likelihood of witnessing
correlated/redundant random samples increases very quickly, which is
particularly problematic within each distributed replication set; hence,
special care must be taken to ensure that proper seeds are distributed
to each job array.
Fortunately, seeds are easy to manage with the
function using a two-step approach, which is
internally managed by runArraySimulation()
by supplying an
initial seed (iseed
) value and the associated array ID
). Doing so will utilize L’Ecuyer’s (1999) method,
which constructs sequentially computed .Random.seed
to ensure independence across all replications and conditions. Note that
must constant across all job arrays, so make
sure to define iseed
once and only once!
# genSeeds() # do this once on the main node/home computer and store the number!
iseed <- 1276149341
As discussed in the FAQ section at the bottom, this associated value
will also allow for generation of new .Random.seed
if (or when) a second or third set of simulation jobs should be
submitted to the HPC cluster at a later time but must also generate
simulated data that is independent from the initial submission(s).
scriptWhen submitting to the HPC cluster you’ll need to include information
about how the scheduler should distribute the simulation experiment to
the workers. In Slurm systems, you may have a script such as the
following, stored into a suitable .slurm
#SBATCH --job-name="My simulation (array jobs, distributing conditions + replications)"
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=somewhere@out.there
#SBATCH --output=/dev/null ## (optional) delete .out files
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00 ## HH:MM:SS
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G ## 4GB of RAM per cpu
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --array=1-300 ## Slurm schedulers often allow up to 10,000 arrays
module load r
Rscript --vanilla mySimDesignScript.R
For reference later, label this file simulation.slurm
this is the file that must be submitted to the scheduler when it’s
The top part of this .slurm
file provides the BASH
instructions for the Slurm scheduler via the #SBATCH
statements. In this case, how many array jobs to queue (1 through 300),
how much memory to use per job (2GB), time limits (12 hours), and more;
see here for SBATCH
The most important input to focus on in this context is
#SBATCH –array=1-300 as this is what is used by the
Slurm scheduler to assign a unique ID to each array job. What the
scheduler does is take the defined mySimDesignScript.R
script and send this to 300 independent resources (each with 1 CPU and
4GB of RAM, in this case), where the independent jobs are assigned a
unique array ID number within the --array=1-300
(e.g., distribution to the first computing resource would be assigned
, the second resource arrayID=2
, and
so on). In the runArraySimulation()
function this is used
to subset the Design300
object by row; hence, the array
range must correspond to the row identifiers in the design
object for proper subsetting!
Collecting this single number assigned by the Slurm scheduler is also easy. Just include
# get assigned array ID (default uses type = 'slurm')
arrayID <- getArrayID()
to obtain the associated array ID, which is this example will be a
single integer
value between 1 and 300. This value is used
in the final execution step via
runArraySimulation(..., arrayID=arrayID)
, which we finally
turn to.
With all the prerequisite steps in place we’re finally ready to pass
all information to runArraySimulation()
, which is
effectively a wrapper to runSimulation()
that suppresses
verbose outputs, takes subsets of the Design300
given the supplied arrayID
(and other objects, such as
, seeds
, etc), forces evaluation
on a single CPU (hence, #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
should be
used by default, unless there is further parallelization to occur within
the replications, such as via OpenMP
), manages the random
number generation seeds in a tractable way, and saves the
results to file names based on the
argument with suffixes associated with the
(e.g., filename='mysim'
will save the
files mysim-1.rds
for array 1, mysim-2.rds
array 2, …, mysim-300.rds
for array 300).
# run the simulation on subset based on arrayID subset information
runArraySimulation(design=Design300, replications=replications,
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
summarise=Summarise, iseed=iseed,
arrayID=arrayID, filename='mysim')
And that’s it!
The above will store all the mysim-#.rds
files in the
directory where the job was submitted, which is somewhat on the messy
side, so you may also want to specify a directory name to store the
simulation files to. Hence, on the main (i.e., landing) location
associated with your ssh
account create a directory, using
something like mkdir mysimfiles
(or in R,
) in the location where your
and .slurm
files are stored. Then the
following can be used to store all 300 collected .rds
files, making use of the dirname
# run the simulation on subset based on arrayID subset information
runArraySimulation(design=Design300, replications=replications,
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
summarise=Summarise, iseed=iseed, arrayID=arrayID,
dirname='mysimfiles', filename='mysim')
Regardless, the hard part is done here, though other information
could be included by way of the control
list input if
necessary, such as including explicit time/resource limits in the R
executions within array jobs themselves (see the FAQ section for further
Below is the complete submission script collecting everything that was presented above. This assumes that
file with the simulation code is stored in the
file mySimDesignScript.R
, which points to
and includes the relevant
modules, andmysimfiles/
has been created for
storing the files on the computer used to submit the array joblibrary(SimDesign)
Design <- createDesign(N = c(10, 20, 30))
Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
dat <- with(condition, rnorm(N, 10, 5)) # distributed N(10, 5)
Analyse <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
ret <- c(mean=mean(dat), median=median(dat)) # mean/median of sample data
Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects){
# expand the design to create 300 rows with associated replications
rc <- 100
Design300 <- expandDesign(Design, repeat_conditions = rc)
rep_target <- 10000
replications <- rep(rep_target / rc, nrow(Design300))
# genSeeds() # do this once on the main node/home computer, and store the number!
iseed <- 1276149341
# get assigned array ID (default uses type = 'slurm')
arrayID <- getArrayID()
# run the simulation on subset based on arrayID subset information
runArraySimulation(design=Design300, replications=replications,
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
summarise=Summarise, iseed=iseed, arrayID=arrayID,
dirname='mysimfiles', filename='mysim')
This file is then submitted to the job scheduler via
, pointing to the .slurm
sbatch simulation.slurm
Once complete you can now go get a beer, coffee, or whatever else tickles your fancy to celebrate as the hard part is over.
After some time has elapsed, and the job evaluation is now complete,
you’ll have access to the complete set of simulation files store in the
file names mysim-#.rds
. The final step in this process is
then to collect all independent results into a simulation object that
resembles what would have been returned from the canonical
function. Fortunately, this is easy to do
with SimCollect()
. All you must do at this point is point
to the working directory containing the simulation files and use
# automatically checks whether all saved files are present via SimCheck()
Final <- SimCollect('mysimfiles/')
# A tibble: 3 × 8
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
1 10 9.9973 9.9934 10000 23.42s Thu Apr 4 11:50:11 2024
2 20 10.007 10.015 10000 24.24s Thu Apr 4 11:50:35 2024
3 30 10.003 10.007 10000 24.39s Thu Apr 4 11:51:00 2024
This function detects which Design300
rows belong to the
original Design
object, collapse the meta-statistic
results, and stored results
information accordingly. No
fuss, no mess. Of course, you’ll want to store this object for later use
as this is the complete collection of the results from the 300 array
jobs, organized into one neat little (object) package.
# save the aggregated simulation object for subsequent analyses
saveRDS(Final, "../final_sim.rds")
You should now consider moving this "final_sim.rds"
the Slurm landing node and onto your home computer via scp
or your other favourite method (e.g., using WinSCP
Windows). You could also move all the saved *.rds
files off
your ssh landing in case there is need to inspect these files further
(e.g., for debugging purposes).
Of course, nothing really stops you from mixing and matching the
above ideas related to multicore computing and array jobs on Slurm and
other HPC clusters. For example, if you wanted to take the original
object and submit batches of these instead (e.g.,
submit one or more rows of the design
object as an array
job), where within each array multicore processing is requested, then
something like the following would work:
#SBATCH --job-name="My simulation (arrays + multiple CPUs)"
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=somewhere@out.there
#SBATCH --output=/dev/null ## (optional) delete .out files
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00 ## HH:MM:SS
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G ## Build a computing cluster with 64GB of RAM
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16 ## 16 CPUs per array, likely built from 1 node
#SBATCH --array=1-9 ## 9 array jobs
module load r
Rscript --vanilla mySimDesignScript.R
with the associated .R
file containing, in this case,
nine simulation conditions across the rows in Design
Design <- createDesign(N = c(10, 20, 30),
SD = c(1,2,3))
Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects) {
dat <- with(condition, rnorm(N, 10, sd=SD)) # distributed N(10, 5)
Analyse <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects) {
ret <- c(mean=mean(dat), median=median(dat)) # mean/median of sample data
Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects){
## # A tibble: 9 × 2
## N SD
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 10 1
## 2 20 1
## 3 30 1
## 4 10 2
## 5 20 2
## 6 30 2
## 7 10 3
## 8 20 3
## 9 30 3
Depending on the intensity of the conditions, you may choose to
distribute more than one row of the Design
object to each
array (multirow=TRUE
in the following), otherwise the more
natural choice is to distribute each row in the Design
object to each assigned array.
# get array ID
arrayID <- getArrayID()
multirow <- FALSE # submit multiple rows of Design object to array?
# If selecting multiple design rows per array, such as the first 3 rows,
# then next 3 rows, and so on, something like the following would work
## For arrayID=1, rows 1 through 3 are evaluated
## For arrayID=2, rows 4 through 6 are evaluated
## For arrayID=3, rows 7 through 9 are evaluated
array2row <- function(arrayID) 1:3 + 3 * (arrayID-1)
} else {
# otherwise, use one row per respective arrayID
array2row <- function(arrayID) arrayID
# Make sure parallel=TRUE flag is on to use all available cores!
runArraySimulation(design=Design, replications=10000,
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise,
iseed=iseed, dirname='mysimfiles', filename='mysim',
parallel=TRUE, arrayID=arrayID, array2row=array2row)
When complete, the function SimCollect()
can again be
used to put the simulation results together given the nine saved files
(nine files would also saved were multirow
set to
and #SBATCH --array=1-3
were used instead
as these are stored on a per-row basis).
This type of hybrid approach is a middle ground between submitting
the complete job (top of this vignette) and the condition
distributed load in the previous section,
though has similar overhead + inefficiency issues as before (though less
so, as the array
jobs are evaluated independently). Note
that if the row’s take very different amounts of time to evaluate then
this strategy can prove less efficient (e.g., the first two rows may
take 2 hours to complete, while the third row may take 12 hours to
complete), in which case a more nuanced array2row()
function should be defined to help explicit balance the load on the
computing cluster.
In addition to using sbatch
to submit jobs, the
following contains other useful Slurm commands.
sbatch <jobfile.slurm> # submit job file to Slurm scheduler
squeue -u <username> # what jobs are currently queued/running for a specific user
sshare -U <username> # check the share usage for a specific user
scancel <jobid> # cancel a specific job
scancel -u <username> # cancel all queued and running jobs for a specific user
This issue is important whenever the HPC cluster has mandatory time/RAM limits for the job submissions, where the array job may not complete within the assigned resources — hence, if not properly managed, will discard any valid replication information when abruptly terminated. Unfortunately, this is a very likely occurrence, and is largely a function of being unsure about how long each simulation condition/replication will take to complete when distributed across the arrays (some conditions/replications will take longer than others, and it is difficult to be perfectly knowledgeable about this information beforehand) or how large the final objects will grow as the simulation progresses.
To avoid this time/resource waste it is strongly
recommended to add a max_time
argument to the control
list (see
for supported specifications),
which are less than the Slurm specifications. These control flags will
halt the runArraySimulation()
executions early and return
only the complete simulation results up to this point. However, this
will only work if these arguments are non-trivially less than the
allocated Slurm resources; otherwise, you’ll run the risk that the
job terminates before the SimDesign
functions have the
chance to store the successfully completed replications. Setting these
to around 90-95% of the respective #SBATCH --time=
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=
inputs should, however, be
sufficient in most cases.
# Return successful results up to the 11 hour mark, and terminate early
# if more than 3.5 GB of RAM are required to store the internal results
runArraySimulation(design=Design300, replications=replications,
generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
summarise=Summarise, iseed=iseed, arrayID=arrayID,
dirname='mysimfiles', filename='mysim',
control=list(max_time="11:00:00", max_RAM="3.5GB"))
Of course, if the session does time out early then this implies that
the target replications
will be missed on the first job
submission batch. Therefore, and as is covered in the next section, a
new job must be submitted to the scheduler that is mindful of the
initial simulation history (particularly, the .Random.seed
These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.