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VizTest: Optimal Confidence Intervals for Visual Testing

William Poirier

Western University

David A. Armstrong

Western University



When presented with several confidence intervals plotted together, readers have a natural inclination to try and compare the bounds visually to test for the statistical significance of their differences. Comparing confidence bounds this way to perform a pairwise significance test yields erroneous results. The VizTest R package provides researchers with optimal confidence intervals for visual representation of pairwise tests. It is natively compatible with basic regression model outputs and includes a function that creates usable objects from other outputs, such as : 1) multilevel regression; 2) predicted probabilities; and 3) descriptive quantities. Pairwise tests are performed natively via normal theory or simulations, but users could choose to provide the results of alternative procedures directly. Multiplicity adjustments are natively implemented. We provide thorough examples of these different applications to facilitate the integration of the package into the users’ workflows.

The problem

Routinely, researchers convey the findings of their research through the visual display of estimates and confidence intervals (Few 2012; Kastellec and Leoni 2007). When readers engage these displays, they want to do some or all of the following three tasks: 1) evaluate whether estimates are different from zero, 2) evaluate the relative variability of estimates, and 3) compare estimates with each other.

The first task is realized simply enough by identifying whether zero lies in the \(95\%\) confidence interval. If zero is outside the interval, we reject \(H_0\) that the estimate is equal to zero in favor of the two-sided alternative. The second task is slightly more involved, requiring the reader to compare the widths of the confidence intervals—\(2 \times t_{\text{crit}} \times SE_j\), a constant multiple of estimate \(b_j\)’s standard error. While this task is cognitively more complicated - estimating the lengths of each line and calculating the ratio, all required information is present in the visualization. The problem lies in the third task. Ideally, readers could compare the upper and lower bounds of the confidence intervals of two estimates in order to know whether they are different from each other. That is, they could engage in a visual testing exercise. However, using the overlap (or lack thereof) in \(95\%\) confidence intervals as an indication of the (in)significance of the difference between the two estimates at the \(5\%\) level will often result in erroneous inferences (Browne 1979).

Previous scholarship propose an \(84\%\) confidence level (Tukey 1991; Goldstein and Healey 1995; Payton, Greenstone, and Schenker 2003). For two independent estimates with similar sampling variability, their \(84\%\) confidence intervals will overlap roughly \(95\%\) of the time under the null hypothesis. However if sample sizes are small, the ratio of standard errors for the estimates is not roughly 1, or the estimates whose confidence intervals are being plotted are not independent, the \(84\%\) rule fails. This suggests that this solution doesn’t work for estimates that are potentially correlated like the ones in regression models. In fact, Browne (1979), one of the first to engage this problem, argued that there is no universal confidence level that would allow appropriate inferences from such visual tests.

Subsequently, scholars have identified a solution for a single pair of intervals. Afshartous and Preston (2010) show that the probability that a pair of intervals overlaps under the null hypothesis is a function of \(\theta\), the ratio of their standard errors, \(\rho\) the correlation of the estimates and \(Z_\gamma\), the value of \(z\) on the standard normal distribution that puts \(\frac{\gamma}{2}\) of the distribution to its right. For any desired overlap in confidenece interals under the null, we can calculate the appropriate value of \(Z_\gamma\). Specifically, Afshartous and Preston (2010) show the following:

\[\begin{aligned} Z_\gamma &= \left[\frac{F^{-1}\left(\frac{\alpha}{2}\right)}{\frac{\theta}{\sqrt{\theta^{2} +1 - 2\rho\theta}} + \frac{\frac{1}{\theta}}{\sqrt{1 + \theta^{-2} - 2\rho\theta^{-1}}}}\right]\\ \Pr(\text{Overlap}) &= 2\left(1-F\left(Z_\gamma \frac{\theta}{\sqrt{\theta^{2} +1 - 2\rho\theta}} + \frac{\frac{1}{\theta}}{\sqrt{1 + \theta^{-2} - 2\rho\theta^{-1}}}\right)\right)\label{eq:prover} \end{aligned}\]

While this works for any pair of estimates, generally speaking all pairs of estimates in a larger collection of estimates will have neither the same ratio of standard errors nor the same correlation. This means that finding a single value of \(Z_\gamma\) that provides the right type I error rate for all pairs of estimates may be impossible. Further, even if we could find such a solution, it may not be “best” or optimal for visual testing. We propose an entirely different solution to the problem as discussed below (Armstrong II and Poirier Forthcoming).

Searching for inferential confidence intervals

All previous solutions, up to and including the most recent intervention in this literature Radean (2023) use the probability of overlap in the intervals to do the test. That is, the visualization and the test are inextricably linked. We propose a solution that estimates pairwise tests of all estimates and then performs a grid search over a set of pre-defined, reasonable values to find a confidence level \(\gamma\), such that (non-)overlaps in the \(\gamma\times 100\%\) confidence intervals correspond as closely as possible with the (in)significant differences. That is, we decouple the visualization from the testing. The algorithm we propose is as follows:

1. Conduct all pairwise tests between estimates. The researcher uses her preferred method to distinguish significant or interesting differences from insignificant or uninteresting ones. These tests could be accomplished with or without multiplicity adjustments, robust standard errors or any other adjustment the researcher deems necessary. The tests could also include a reference estimate of zero, ensuring that all univariate tests against zero are respected by the procedure. This procedure produces a vector, \(s_{ij}\) that indicates whether estimate \(b_i\) is significantly different from estimate \(b_j\) (in which case \(s_{ij} = 1\), or zero otherwise).

2. Find the inferential confidence level(s). With the results from all the pairwise tests in \(\boldsymbol s\), we find \((1-\gamma)\)1 as the solution to:

\[\begin{equation} \underset{(1-\gamma)}{\arg\max} \sum_{j=2}^{J}\sum_{i=1}^{j-1}I(s_{ij} = s_{ij}^{*}) (\#eq:optimization) \end{equation}\]

where, \(s_{ij}^*\) is 0 if \((1-\gamma)\times100\%\) confidence intervals overlap for \(b_i\) and \(b_j\) and 1 if they do not. Hence, we find the value or values of \(\gamma\) for which the agreement between pairwise tests (\(s_{ij}\)) and visual tests (\(s_{ij}^*\)) is maximized.

3. Pick the inferential confidence level that is most useful. If multiple \(\gamma\) are found to be equivalent in step 2, we should try to identify which is “best”. While we discuss some alternatives below, the idea is that it should be as easy as possible to do two things - identify where intervals do not overlap for those estimates that are statistically different from each other and identify where intervals do overlap for those estiates that are not statistically different from each other.

If a \(\gamma\) level is identified where all the pairwise tests match the visual tests, then using that level in the corresponding visualisation would solve the aforementioned issue—readers would be able to easily identify which pairs of estimates are statistically distinguishable from each other and which are not. This is implemented in the package described below along with several use cases that will allow researchers to deploy the algorithm described above in a wide array of real-world analytical situations.

The package

The package allows the user to find the optimal confidence level for visual testing in many different scenarios. The viztest() function is a generic that currently dispatches one of two methods - the default method which performs a normal theory test for pairwise difference and the vtsim method which operates on realized samples from a distribution (e.g., a matrix of samples from a Bayesian posterior distribution).

The package has dependencies on three other packages. First, is used for different data wrangling tasks all throughout the implementation of the procedure. Second, is use as the main driver of the plot method. Finally, is used for simulation results where the user specifies the use of highest density region (HDI) to calculate the confidence/credible interval.

For the default method, normal theory tests are performed. Specifically, we use R’s combn() function to identify all pairwise combinations of observation ids. For example, for a vector of estimates (call it est with five values) and a variance-covariance matrix (call it v, which is \(5\times5\)), we define combs <- combn(length(est),2) which would identify the ten different pairwise combinations. We re-order ests so they are from largest to smallest and reorder the rows and columns of v accordingly, too. We then make a matrix that calculates the pairwise differences in the following way:

D <- matrix(0, nrow= length(est), ncol = ncol(combs))
D[cbind(combs[1,], 1:ncol(D))] <- -1
D[cbind(combs[2,], 1:ncol(D))] <- 1

This produces a matrix, D, such that each column corresponds with a single pairwise test. We can then calculate the pairwise differences and their standard errors with:

diffs <- est %*% D
v_diffs <- t(D) %*% v %*% D
se_diffs <- sqrt(diag(v_diffs))

Finally, we calculate \(z\)-statistics for all pairwise differences and their p-values using the standard normal CDF. The vector \(s\) above, is then defined as \(2 \times Pr(|z| > Z) <\) test_level for the vector of \(z\)-statistics from the pairwise tests.

Next, we calculate the lower and upper confidence bounds for all test values of \(\gamma\). This produces a length(est)\(\times\)diff(range_levels)/level_increment matrix of lower (L) and upper (U) confidence bounds. Since the values of est are ordered from largest to smallest, if \(L_i > U_j\) then the confidence intervals for stimulus \(i\) and \(j\) do not overlap for any values of \(i < j \leq\) . Likewise, if \(L_i < U_j\), the two intervals do overlap. Thus, each column of the resulting matrix L[combs[1,],] > U[combs[2,], ] contains a vector \(s^{*}\) that can be used to evaluate correspondence with \(s\).

For the simulation method, est is a \(\#\text{ draws} \times\) length(est) matrix where we calculate pairwise differences of the estimates using the D matrix defined above: diffs <- est %*% D. We then calculate the probability that each pairwise difference is greater than zero: p_diffs <- apply(diffs, 2, \(x)mean(x > 0)). Then, to treat values credible greater than zero and credible smaller than zero the same, we calculate p_diffs <- ifelse(p_diffs > .5, 1-p_diffs, p_diffs). We create the \(s\) vector as p_diffs < test_level. We use cifun() at level \(\gamma\) to calculate the lower and upper bounds of each estimate and proceed in the same fashion as above to define \(s^{*}\) and evaluate the correspondence between \(s\) and \(s^{*}\).

Regardless of the method, we identify the level(s) of \(\gamma\) that produce the greatest correspondence between \(s\) and \(s^{*}\). Below, we describe some of the function arguments in greater detail as well as some of the subsequent generic methods (i.e., print() and plot()) which are defined for objects returned by viztest().

The obj argument

The obj argument can be of two different broad types. The default method of viztest() uses coef() and vcov() to extract the estimates and their variance-covariance matrix, respectively. Obviously, this will not work as intended for all analytical situations of interest. To that end, we provide a function make_vt_data() that can take a vector of estimates and either a vector of standard errors (in the case of independent estimates) or a variance-covariance matrix in the case of non-independent samples. If a vector of standard errors is provided, a variance-covariance matrix will be produced by multiplying the vector of standard errors by the appropriately sized identity matrix. The final argument of make_vt_data() is an argument identifying the type of input data. If type = "est_var" the function assumes that estimates contains point estimates and variances either a vector of standard errors or a variance-covariance matrix. In this case, the function returns an object of class vtcustom. We have defined coef() and vcov() methods for .vtcustom objects so that viztest() will work as expected in this case. We anticipate two primary use-cases for this function, though others will likely arise, too.

  1. Users may want to replace the default variance-covariance matrix with a robust alternative. In that case, calling make_vt_data() on the original estimates and the robust variance-covariance matrix will allow the pairwise tests to be calculated with the robust variance-covariance matrix.
  2. It is possible that the user would want to make a plot with a collection of descriptive statistics that do not derive from a single object. In that case, assuming they are independent, the vector of estimates and standard errors could be provided to make_vt_data() to evaluate all statistics at the same time.

For simulation results, users can also use the make_vt_data() function. In this case, the estimates argument is the draws\(\times\)estimates matrix of simulated values. The variances argument remains NULL and type is set to "sim". This produces an object of class .vtsim, that can be passed to viztest. Note, that if type = "sim", then even if variances is non-null, the argument will be disregarded.

The sig_diffs argument

We provide the option for the user to input the vector \(s\) directly with the sig_diffs argument. The specification of this argument is a bit complex. While it is just a logical vector, care must be taken to ensure that the order of the values is appropriate. The complexity here comes from the fact that internally the estimates and variance-covariance matrix are re-arranged in decreasing order of the estimates. To aid in the process, we provide a function make_diff_template() that takes three arguments - estimates, the same estimated values that will be passed to viztest(), include_zero and include_intercept, which should be set to the same values as they are in the viztest() function (for convenience, they have the same default values in both places). The function simply reorders the estimates and identifies the pairwise combinations the same way that viztest() does. It returns a data frame that contains the names (taken from names(estimates)) of the estimates for the larger and smaller estimate in each pair. The resulting data frame could be merged with estimates or any other values with the same names as the estimates that can help identify the significance or credibility of pairwise differences. If this is provided, it overrides the calculation of the pairwise tests in viztest(). We show an example of this below.

viztest() returned values

The viztest() function returns a list containing 8 elements:

Cognitive easiness

In the event that there are multiple values of \(\gamma\) that produce identical correspondence between \(s\) and \(s^{*}\), we should choose the one that is “best”. We define best here as one that produces results that are most easily engaged by viewers. To do this, we consider the two most difficult cases to discern:

  1. The pair of estimates whose difference is statistically different from zero and has the smallest distance between the lower and upper confidence bounds. Presumably, if the viewer can identify the non-overlap in these confidence intervals, they could do the same for all other statistically different pairs where the ends of their confidence intervals will be more distant.

  2. The pair of estimates whose difference is not statistically significant and has the smallest overlap in their confidence intervals. Presumably, if the viewer can identify the overlap in these confidence bounds, they could do the same for all other statistically insignificant pairs whose confidence intervals will overlap more.

Ideally, the number that maximizes the distance in the confidence bounds for test 1 above and the overlap in confidence bounds for test 2 above will be the best value. If we define \(\sim o\) as the distance between the lower and upper bounds for test 1 above and \(o\) as the overlap in the bounds for test 2, we define easiness as \(\sim o\times o\). As this number departs from its maximum, it will either make it easier to discern non-overlaps at the expense of being able to discern overlapping intervals, or vice versa. We calculate this measure as “easiness” for all solutions. See Appendix 4 in the supplementary material of Armstrong II and Poirier (Forthcoming) for more details.

We turn now to some use cases that will also allow us to describe the output from the print() and plot() methods that are defined for the results.

Use cases

In this section, we present four use cases where comes in handy. First, an example using a regular regression model. Second, we demonstrate how to use the function with multilevel regression objects. Third, we show how to create a model object compatible with the function such that we may visualise predicted probabilities and finally descriptive quantities. The code chunk below loads the different packages used in these examples. and for their datasets; and , , , , , and for data wrangling and analysis.

Objects where coef() and vcov() work

For this example, we use the gpa1 dataset from the package. We create a regression model using lm. Models created from lm and glm can directly be used in viztest as we do here. In fact, any object that has a defined coef() method that returns estimates and a vcov() method that returns the variance-covariance matrix of the estimates will work this way. We also make explicit the default values of the test_level, range_levels, and level_increment. The print() method for viztest objects will print a few different pieces of information. First, it prints a table that identifies the smallest, middle, largest and easiest values of inferential confidence intervals that maximize the correspondence between the pairwise tests and the (non-)overlaps of the confidence intervals. In some cases, this might identify a single value or very small range. In other cases, it could identify a quite large range. If the missed_tests argument is TRUE (its default), then the printed results will either indicate that all tests have been accounted for or it will identify which tests are not accommodated by the inferential confidence intervals. The output below indicates that the optimal CI is at the \(72\%\) level and that this yields one error: the coefficient for alcohol is not significantly different from zero (see the Insig designation in the pw_test column), but its inferential CI does not include zero (see the No designation in the ci_olap column). This means that no one inferential CI can visually represent all pairwise test and all univariate tests against zero.

#### 4.1 Regular object ####
model1 <- lm(colGPA~skipped+alcohol+PC+male+car+job20,data=gpa1)

# Parsing to viztest
viztestObj <- viztest(model1, test_level = 0.05, range_levels = c(0.25,0.99),
    level_increment = 0.01)

# Print
#> Correspondents of PW Tests with CI Tests
#>   level    psame     pdiff         easy  method
#> 1  0.72 0.952381 0.4285714 -0.001287547  Lowest
#> 2  0.72 0.952381 0.4285714 -0.001287547  Middle
#> 3  0.72 0.952381 0.4285714 -0.001287547 Highest
#> 4  0.72 0.952381 0.4285714 -0.001287547 Easiest
#> Missed Tests for Lowest Level (n=1 of 21)
#>    bigger smaller pw_test ci_olap
#> 7 alcohol    zero   Insig      No
#> Missed Tests for Middle Level (n=1 of 21)
#>    bigger smaller pw_test ci_olap
#> 7 alcohol    zero   Insig      No
#> Missed Tests for Highest Level (n=1 of 21)
#>    bigger smaller pw_test ci_olap
#> 7 alcohol    zero   Insig      No
#> Missed Tests for Easiest Level (n=1 of 21)
#>    bigger smaller pw_test ci_olap
#> 7 alcohol    zero   Insig      No

We see the ultimate goal of this analysis as making a visualization that permits readers to do all relevant tests visually. To that end, we have created a plot() method for these objects as well.

The plot method for the object then yields panel A of Figure @ref(fig:reg-plot-both). By default, it plots the estimates and their optimal CI using the geom_pointrange function from . In addition to the viztest object, the method takes 5 arguments:

f1 <- plot(viztestObj)

There are a few different ways that we could account for tests not accommodated by the inferential confidence intervals. We could simply discuss them in the note to the figure. In this case, we would simply add a note to the effect: “Even though the alcohol inferential confidence interval does not include zero, it is not statistically different from zero in a proper pairwise test.” In this particular case (or any case where tests against zero are not captured), the \(95\%\) confidence intervals will capture those tests (since they are univariate tests against a point null hypothesis). We could simply add the \(95\%\) confidence intervals to the plot. The easiest way to do this would be to save the plot data by adding the argument make_plot=FALSE and add in the additional confidence intervals, as shown in panel B of Figure @ref(fig:reg-plot-both).

reg_plot_data <- plot(viztestObj, make_plot=FALSE) %>% 
  mutate(lwr95 = est - qnorm(.975)*se, 
         upr95 = est + qnorm(.975)*se)

f2 <- ggplot(reg_plot_data, aes(y = label, x=est)) + 
  geom_linerange(aes(xmin=lwr95, xmax=upr95), color="gray75") + 
  geom_linerange(aes(xmin=lwr, xmax=upr), color="black", linewidth=3) + 
  geom_point(color="white", size=.75) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype=3) + 
  theme_classic() + 
  labs(x="Regression Coefficient", y="")
Plots of Regression Output with Inferential Confidence Intervals

Plots of Regression Output with Inferential Confidence Intervals

Multilevel regression objects

For this example we use the World Value Survey dataset from and produce a multilevel regression model using lmer() from the . Here, the results have class lmerMod which is not readilly usable by viztest. For lmerMod and merMod objects, coef() returns a matrix of coefficients with level-2 observations in the rows and variables in the columns. Thus, coef() is defined, but produces output that is not compatible with viztest(). To proceed, we need to create a custom object; we can do this with make_vt_data(). First, we extract the fixed effects from the model and assign them cleaner names for the subsequent plot. Second, we extract the variance covariance matrix using vcov which in the case of lmerMod objects outputs an object of class dpoMatrix. The make_vt_data() function does a test of whether the input variances inherit the “matrix” class. This fails for dpoMatrix objects, so we recast the object as a matrix using as.matrix. Now that we have both a named vector of coefficients and its corresponding variance covariance matrix, we create a compatible object fed to viztest().

#### 4.2 Multilevel regression objects ####
data(WVS, package='carData')

# Poverty variable as a scale from -1 to 1
NewWVS <- WVS %>% 
  mutate(povertyNum = as.numeric(poverty)-2) 

# The model
model2 <- lmer(povertyNum ~ age + religion + 
                 degree + gender + (1 | country), NewWVS)

# Creating custom object
## Extracting fixed effect coefficients and naming them
named_coef_vec <- fixef(model2)
coefNames <- c("(Intercept)","Age","Religious","Has a degree","Male")
names(named_coef_vec) <- coefNames

## Extracting vcov matrix
#### As matrix necessary to overwrite special object from lme4
vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(model2))

eff_vt <- make_vt_data(named_coef_vec, vcov)

# Parsing to viztest
viztestObj <- viztest(eff_vt,test_level = 0.05, 
                       range_levels = c(0.25,0.99),level_increment = 0.01)

# Print
#> Correspondents of PW Tests with CI Tests
#>   level psame pdiff          easy  method
#> 1  0.46     1   0.7 -0.0256354927  Lowest
#> 2  0.68     1   0.7 -0.0036862387  Middle
#> 3  0.90     1   0.7 -0.0536560657 Highest
#> 4  0.66     1   0.7 -0.0005905607 Easiest
#> All  10  tests properly represented for by CI overlaps.

Any inferential confidence level from 0.46 to 0.90 properly represents all pairwise tests. We then plot the estimates in Figure @ref(fig:mltlvl-obj-plot), specifying that we want to display the cognitively easiest level with all reference line.

# Plotting
plot(viztestObj,ref_lines = "all", level = "ce") +
  labs(y="", x="Fixed Effects")
Multilevel regression objects --- default output with all reference lines

Multilevel regression objects — default output with all reference lines

Predicted probabilities

For this example, we use the TitanicSurvival dataset from to create predicted probabilities of survival based on a logistic regression model. We first create a variable corresponding to age categories and then run a model including an interaction between sex and this new categorical age variable. We use the avg_predictions() function from to produce predicted values for each pair of values of the interaction. One of the benefits of using the functions in is that they have defined coef() and vcov() methods which makes them compatible with viztest(). However, one thing to note is that by default, the standard errors are calculated with the delta method and the confidence intervals are normal theory intervals around the estimated values. For predicted probabilities close to zero or one, users may want to use a different method. We show both below.

Normal Theory Intervals

Since the default behaviour for avg_predictions() is to use normal theory intervals, we do not need to intervene in the function. First, we can manage the data, estimate the model and then calculate the average predicted probabilities.

#### 4.3 Predicted probabilities ####
data(TitanicSurvival, package="carData")
NewTitanicSurvival <- TitanicSurvival %>% 
  mutate(ageCat = case_when(age <= 10 ~ "0-10",
                            age > 10 & age <=18 ~ "11-18",
                            age > 18 & age <=30 ~ "19-30",
                            age > 30 & age <=40 ~ "31-40",
                            age > 40 & age <=50 ~ "41-50",
                            age >50 ~ "51+"))
# The model
model3 <- glm(survived~sex*ageCat+passengerClass,
              data=NewTitanicSurvival,family = binomial(link="logit")) 

# Predicted values
mes <- avg_predictions(model3, 
                variables = list(ageCat = levels(NewTitanicSurvival$ageCat),

Next, we can find the appropriate inferential confidence levels. In this case, since we are considering predicted probabilities, we can exclude zero as the univariate test against zero is not particularly interesting. All 66 pairwise tests are accounted for by the (non-)overlaps in the inferential confidence intervals between \(71\%\) and \(80\%\).

#> Correspondents of PW Tests with CI Tests
#>   level psame     pdiff         easy  method
#> 1  0.71     1 0.6060606 -0.020384071  Lowest
#> 2  0.75     1 0.6060606 -0.002339719  Middle
#> 3  0.80     1 0.6060606 -0.024147874 Highest
#> 4  0.75     1 0.6060606 -0.002339719 Easiest
#> All  66  tests properly represented for by CI overlaps.

One slight inconvenience of using the functions is that when multiple variables are involved in the prediction, the names of the estimates are not intuitive. So, instead of using the plot method for our visual testing result, we can simply make the approprite confidence interval in the existing average prediction data.

mes <- mes %>% 
  mutate(lwr76 = estimate - qnorm(.88)*std.error, 
         upr76 = estimate + qnorm(.88)*std.error)

ggplot(mes, aes(y = ageCat, x=estimate, xmin = lwr76, 
              xmax=upr76, colour=sex)) + 
  geom_pointrange(position = position_dodge(width=.5)) + 
  scale_colour_manual("Sex",values=c("gray50", "black")) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(x="Predicted Pr(Survival)\nInferential Confidence Intervals (76%)", 
       y="Age Category")
Average Predicted Probabilities --- Plot with Normal Theory Inferential CIs

Average Predicted Probabilities — Plot with Normal Theory Inferential CIs

Using simulation method

The functions have an inference engine that will treat the input models as Bayesian (assuming ignorance priors) and sample from the multivariate normal distribution centered at the coefficient estimates with a variance-covariance matrix equal to the analytical variance-covariance matrix from the model. We can invoke this with the inferences() function.

ap_sim <- avg_predictions(model3, 
                variables = list(ageCat = levels(NewTitanicSurvival$ageCat),
                                 sex=levels(NewTitanicSurvival$sex))) %>% 
  inferences(method = "simulation", R=2500)

The “posterior” attribute of the resulting object has the estimates-by-draws posterior simulation values. We transpose that matrix and add some column names. We then pass that to make_vt_data() with the argument type="sim" and call viztest(). Inferential highest density intervals between \(76\%\) and \(82\%\) all account for the pairwise tests perfectly. The \(79\%\) HDIs are easiest to evaluate.

post <- t(attr(ap_sim, "posterior"))
colnames(post) <- paste0("b", 1:ncol(post))
post_vt <- make_vt_data(post, type="sim")
vt_sim <- viztest(post_vt, cifun="hdi", include_zero=FALSE)
#> Correspondents of PW Tests with CI Tests
#>   level psame     pdiff         easy  method
#> 1  0.73     1 0.6060606 -0.011018187  Lowest
#> 2  0.77     1 0.6060606 -0.001164141  Middle
#> 3  0.82     1 0.6060606 -0.019752794 Highest
#> 4  0.75     1 0.6060606 -0.001033560 Easiest
#> All  66  tests properly represented for by CI overlaps.

While the plot() method works with simulation results as well, it is actually a bit easier to simply attach the appropriate credible intervals to the output from avg_predictions().

hdis <- apply(post, 2, \(x)hdi(x, 0.79))
mes <- mes %>% 
  arrange(ageCat) %>% 
  mutate(lwr79 =hdis[1,], 
         upr79 = hdis[2,])

ggplot(mes, aes(y = ageCat, x=estimate, xmin = lwr79, 
              xmax=upr79, colour=sex)) + 
  geom_pointrange(position = position_dodge(width=.5)) + 
  scale_colour_manual("Sex",values=c("gray50", "black")) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(x="Predicted Pr(Survival)\nInferential Highest Density Regions (79%)", 
       y="Age Category")
Average Predicted Probabilities --- Plot with Simulation-based Inferential HDIs

Average Predicted Probabilities — Plot with Simulation-based Inferential HDIs

Descriptive quantities

For this example, we use the CES11 dataset from , calculating the average importance given to religion per Canadian province in 2011. First, we create a numerical scale of the importance of religion from 0 to 1 and calculate the mean and sampling variance for each province. We then create a named vector of the averages per province and pass that vector along with the vector of sampling variances to make_vt_data(). Passing the newly formed object to viztest indicates that any inferential confidence level from 0.72 to 0.79 properly represents all pairwise tests.

#### 4.4 Descriptive quantities ####
data(CES11, package="carData")
NewCES11 <- CES11 %>% 
  mutate(rel_imp=(as.numeric(importance)-1)/3) %>% 
  group_by(province) %>% 

# Creating a vtcustom object
## Vector for the means
means <- NewCES11$mean
names(means) <- NewCES11$province

vt_ces_data <- make_vt_data(means, NewCES11$samp_var)

# Passing to viztest
viztestCES <- viztest(vt_ces_data,
                      test_level = 0.05, 
                      range_levels = c(0.25,0.99),
                      level_increment = 0.01,

# Print
#> Correspondents of PW Tests with CI Tests
#>   level psame     pdiff         easy  method
#> 1  0.72     1 0.6222222 -0.010528869  Lowest
#> 2  0.75     1 0.6222222 -0.001160104  Middle
#> 3  0.79     1 0.6222222 -0.012863144 Highest
#> 4  0.75     1 0.6222222 -0.001160104 Easiest
#> All  45  tests properly represented for by CI overlaps.

We then plot the estimates in Figure @ref(fig:descr-obj), where this time we create a function that will multiply the estimates and their confidence bounds by 100. This results in a display of the importance of religion per province on a scale from 0 to 100 instead of 0 to 1.

# plotting
plot(viztestCES, level = "ce", trans = \(x)x*100, ref_lines = "ambiguous")+
  labs(y="Provinces", x="Average importance given to religion") + 
Descriptive quantities --- default output with ambiguous reference lines

Descriptive quantities — default output with ambiguous reference lines


As Armstrong II and Poirier (Forthcoming) show, inferential confidence intervals can help solve the visual testing problem. By choosing the appropriate inferential confidence level, users can perform pairwise statistical tests accurately and reliably in most cases. The software described in this article allows users to calculate these inferential confidence levels in R for a wide class of objects using both normal-theory tests as well as tests on Bayesian posterior simulations. Users can interrogate these results with the packages print() method and plot the results either with the package’s plot() method or via their graphing tool of choice.


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Payton, Mark E., Matthew H. Greenstone, and Nathaniel Schenker. 2003. Overlapping confidence intervals or standard error intervals: What do they mean in terms of statistical significance? Journal of Insect Science 3 (1): 34.
Radean, Marius. 2023. “The Significance of Differences Interval: Assessing the Statistical and Substantive Difference Between Two Quantities of Interest.” Journal of Politics 85 (3): 969–83.
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  1. We call \((1-\gamma)\) the inferential confidence level, the confidence level that best visually represents the underlying pairwise tests.↩︎

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