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Getting started with dhis2r


Connect to the DHIS2 instance using Dhis2r$new()

In this vignette I used a Personal Access Token (PAT) as a more secure alternative to HTTP Basic Authentication, and should be your preferred choice when creating a new app/script etc.

dhis2_play_connection <- Dhis2r$new(base_url = "",
                                    username = "admin",
                                    password = "district")
dhis2_play_connection <- Dhis2r$new(base_url = "",
                                    api_token = "d2pat_2EkxmqdxtwAGDGe1hXzpWEixYdvHGRw71587176066")

Get user information

# [Ways of keeping your user credentials safe](
#>              name             email 
#>     "John Traore" ""

Get information about the account

#>                   created 
#> "2013-04-18T17:15:08.407"

Get access rights information about the account

#>      manage externalize       write        read      update      delete 
#>        TRUE       FALSE        TRUE        TRUE        TRUE        TRUE

Get metadata

Get all resources on which you can get metadata on.

#> # A tibble: 89 × 4
#>    displayName                     singular                    plural      href 
#>    <chr>                           <chr>                       <chr>       <chr>
#>  1 Program Rule Actions            programRuleAction           programRul… http…
#>  2 Job Configurations              jobConfiguration            jobConfigu… http…
#>  3 Program Rules                   programRule                 programRul… http…
#>  4 Constants                       constant                    constants   http…
#>  5 Data Approval Workflows         dataApprovalWorkflow        dataApprov… http…
#>  6 Category Combos                 categoryCombo               categoryCo… http…
#>  7 Data Set Notification Templates dataSetNotificationTemplate dataSetNot… http…
#>  8 Program Stage Sections          programStageSection         programSta… http…
#>  9 Analytics Table Hooks           analyticsTableHook          analyticsT… http…
#> 10 Event Hooks                     eventHook                   eventHooks  http…
#> # ℹ 79 more rows

Get metadata on Data Elements using the plural name dataElements.

dhis2_play_connection$get_metadata(endpoint = "dataElements")
#> # A tibble: 50 × 2
#>    name                                      id         
#>    <chr>                                     <chr>      
#>  1 Accute Flaccid Paralysis (Deaths < 5 yrs) FTRrcoaog83
#>  2 Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) follow-up   P3jJH5Tu5VC
#>  3 Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) new         FQ2o8UBlcrS
#>  4 Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) referrals   M62VHgYT2n0
#>  5 Additional medication                     WO8yRIZb7nb
#>  6 Additional notes related to facility      uF1DLnZNlWe
#>  7 Admission Date                            eMyVanycQSC
#>  8 adresse exact                             eTuKNBLi58g
#>  9 Age in years                              qrur9Dvnyt5
#> 10 Age of LLINs                              JuTpJ2Ywq5b
#> # ℹ 40 more rows

The code above only returns it’s name and code/ID used on DHIS2, we shall use the code to get analytics.

Get all possible fields of a metadata of a resource

You can get more fields beyond ID and name

NOTE All resources have different fields

 dhis2_play_connection$get_metadata_fields(endpoint = "dataElements")
#>  [1] "access"            "aggregationLevels" "aggregationType"  
#>  [4] "attributeValues"   "categoryCombo"     "code"             
#>  [7] "created"           "createdBy"         "dataElementGroups"
#> [10] "dataSetElements"   "dimensionItem"     "dimensionItemType"
#> [13] "displayFormName"   "displayName"       "displayShortName" 
#> [16] "domainType"        "externalAccess"    "favorite"         
#> [19] "favorites"         "href"              "id"               
#> [22] "lastUpdated"       "legendSets"        "name"             
#> [25] "optionSetValue"    "publicAccess"      "sharing"          
#> [28] "shortName"         "translations"      "url"              
#> [31] "user"              "userAccesses"      "userGroupAccesses"
#> [34] "valueType"         "zeroIsSignificant"
 dhis2_play_connection$get_metadata_fields(endpoint = "organisationUnits")
#>  [1] "access"                 "ancestors"              "attributeValues"       
#>  [4] "children"               "code"                   "created"               
#>  [7] "dataSets"               "dimensionItem"          "dimensionItemType"     
#> [10] "displayFormName"        "displayName"            "displayShortName"      
#> [13] "externalAccess"         "favorite"               "favorites"             
#> [16] "href"                   "id"                     "lastUpdated"           
#> [19] "leaf"                   "legendSets"             "level"                 
#> [22] "name"                   "openingDate"            "organisationUnitGroups"
#> [25] "parent"                 "path"                   "programs"              
#> [28] "sharing"                "shortName"              "translations"          
#> [31] "userAccesses"           "userGroupAccesses"      "users"
 dhis2_play_connection$get_metadata_fields(endpoint = "indicators")
#>  [1] "access"                        "annualized"                   
#>  [3] "attributeValues"               "code"                         
#>  [5] "created"                       "createdBy"                    
#>  [7] "dataSets"                      "denominator"                  
#>  [9] "denominatorDescription"        "description"                  
#> [11] "dimensionItem"                 "dimensionItemType"            
#> [13] "displayDenominatorDescription" "displayDescription"           
#> [15] "displayFormName"               "displayName"                  
#> [17] "displayNumeratorDescription"   "displayShortName"             
#> [19] "externalAccess"                "favorite"                     
#> [21] "favorites"                     "href"                         
#> [23] "id"                            "indicatorGroups"              
#> [25] "indicatorType"                 "lastUpdated"                  
#> [27] "legendSets"                    "name"                         
#> [29] "numerator"                     "numeratorDescription"         
#> [31] "publicAccess"                  "sharing"                      
#> [33] "shortName"                     "translations"                 
#> [35] "url"                           "user"                         
#> [37] "userAccesses"                  "userGroupAccesses"

Getting metadata fields beyond ID and Name


 dhis2_play_connection$get_metadata(endpoint = "dataElements", fields = c("name","id","aggregationType"))
#> # A tibble: 50 × 3
#>    name                                      aggregationType id         
#>    <chr>                                     <chr>           <chr>      
#>  1 Accute Flaccid Paralysis (Deaths < 5 yrs) SUM             FTRrcoaog83
#>  2 Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) follow-up   SUM             P3jJH5Tu5VC
#>  3 Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) new         SUM             FQ2o8UBlcrS
#>  4 Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) referrals   SUM             M62VHgYT2n0
#>  5 Additional medication                     NONE            WO8yRIZb7nb
#>  6 Additional notes related to facility      SUM             uF1DLnZNlWe
#>  7 Admission Date                            AVERAGE         eMyVanycQSC
#>  8 adresse exact                             NONE            eTuKNBLi58g
#>  9 Age in years                              AVERAGE         qrur9Dvnyt5
#> 10 Age of LLINs                              SUM             JuTpJ2Ywq5b
#> # ℹ 40 more rows


dhis2_play_connection$get_metadata(endpoint = "organisationUnits",
                                                        fields =  c("name","id", "level"))
#> # A tibble: 50 × 3
#>    name                      id          level
#>    <chr>                     <chr>       <int>
#>  1 Adonkia CHP               Rp268JB6Ne4     4
#>  2 Afro Arab Clinic          cDw53Ej8rju     4
#>  3 Agape CHP                 GvFqTavdpGE     4
#>  4 Ahamadyya Mission Cl      plnHVbJR6p4     4
#>  5 Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospital BV4IomHvri4     4
#>  6 Air Port Centre, Lungi    qjboFI0irVu     4
#>  7 Alkalia CHP               dWOAzMcK2Wt     4
#>  8 Allen Town Health Post    kbGqmM6ZWWV     4
#>  9 Antananarivo              w8OOoqYFAWI     2
#> 10 Approved School CHP       eoYV2p74eVz     4
#> # ℹ 40 more rows

You can use ":all" in the fields to get all fields of metadata associated with a resources


dhis2_play_connection$get_metadata(endpoint = "periodTypes", fields = ":all")
#> # A tibble: 19 × 4
#>    name            isoDuration isoFormat   frequencyOrder
#>    <chr>           <chr>       <chr>                <int>
#>  1 Daily           P1D         yyyyMMdd                 1
#>  2 Weekly          P7D         yyyyWn                   7
#>  3 WeeklyWednesday P7D         yyyyWedWn                7
#>  4 WeeklyThursday  P7D         yyyyThuWn                7
#>  5 WeeklySaturday  P7D         yyyySatWn                7
#>  6 WeeklySunday    P7D         yyyySunWn                7
#>  7 BiWeekly        P14D        yyyyBiWn                14
#>  8 Monthly         P1M         yyyyMM                  30
#>  9 BiMonthly       P2M         yyyyMMB                 61
#> 10 Quarterly       P3M         yyyyQn                  91
#> 11 QuarterlyNov    P3M         yyyyNovQn               91
#> 12 SixMonthly      P6M         yyyySn                 182
#> 13 SixMonthlyApril P6M         yyyyAprilSn            182
#> 14 SixMonthlyNov   P6M         yyyyNovSn              182
#> 15 Yearly          P1Y         yyyy                   365
#> 16 FinancialApril  P1Y         yyyyApril              365
#> 17 FinancialJuly   P1Y         yyyyJuly               365
#> 18 FinancialOct    P1Y         yyyyOct                365
#> 19 FinancialNov    P1Y         yyyyNov                365


dhis2_play_connection$get_metadata(endpoint = "indicators")
#> # A tibble: 50 × 2
#>    name                                 id         
#>    <chr>                                <chr>      
#>  1 ANC 1-3 Dropout Rate                 ReUHfIn0pTQ
#>  2 ANC 1 Coverage                       Uvn6LCg7dVU
#>  3 ANC 2 Coverage                       OdiHJayrsKo
#>  4 ANC 3 Coverage                       sB79w2hiLp8
#>  5 ANC => 4 Coverage                    AUqdhY4mpvp
#>  6 ANC IPT 1 Coverage                   dwEq7wi6nXV
#>  7 ANC IPT 2 Coverage                   c8fABiNpT0B
#>  8 ANC LLITN coverage                   Tt5TAvdfdVK
#>  9 ANC TT2 coverage                     puykO1tbcdi
#> 10 ANC visits per clinical professional Lzg9LtG1xg3
#> # ℹ 40 more rows

Get analtyics

dhis2_play_connection$get_analytics(analytic = "s46m5MS0hxu",
                                    org_unit = c("O6uvpzGd5pu", "fdc6uOvgoji"),
                                    period = "202101",
                                    output_scheme = "NAME")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   analytic        org_unit period       value
#>   <fct>           <fct>    <chr>        <dbl>
#> 1 BCG doses given Bombali  January 2021   537
#> 2 BCG doses given Bo       January 2021  1196
dhis2_play_connection$get_analytics(analytic = "FTRrcoaog83", #Accute Flaccid Paralysis (Deaths < 5 yrs)
                                    org_unit =   c("ImspTQPwCqd"), #Sierra Leone (National level)
                                    period = "LAST_12_MONTHS",
                                    output_scheme = "NAME")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   analytic                                  org_unit     period         value
#>   <fct>                                     <fct>        <chr>          <dbl>
#> 1 Accute Flaccid Paralysis (Deaths < 5 yrs) Sierra Leone October 2024       3
#> 2 Accute Flaccid Paralysis (Deaths < 5 yrs) Sierra Leone September 2024   101
#> 3 Accute Flaccid Paralysis (Deaths < 5 yrs) Sierra Leone August 2024      254
#> 4 Accute Flaccid Paralysis (Deaths < 5 yrs) Sierra Leone March 2024         1
#> 5 Accute Flaccid Paralysis (Deaths < 5 yrs) Sierra Leone February 2024     61
#> 6 Accute Flaccid Paralysis (Deaths < 5 yrs) Sierra Leone January 2024      23

These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.