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2. Summarizing categorical data


This vignette builds upon the sample data for São Miguel (introduced in the previous vignette) to demonstrate the use of exactextractr with categorical land cover data. A sample of the CORINE 2018 raster dataset is included in exactextractr.

As in the previous vignette, the following packages are used:


Loading the sample data

First, we load the CORINE land cover data and the concelho boundaries.

clc <- raster(system.file('sao_miguel/clc2018_v2020_20u1.tif',
                     package = 'exactextractr'))
concelhos <- st_read(system.file('sao_miguel/concelhos.gpkg',
                                 package = 'exactextractr'),
                     quiet = TRUE)

The land cover class descriptions are provided in a separate DBF file. We read this in to a data frame, then use levels() to associate the class descriptions with the raster.

clc_classes <- foreign::read.dbf(system.file('sao_miguel/clc2018_v2020_20u1.tif.vat.dbf',
                                             package = 'exactextractr'),
                        = TRUE) %>%
  dplyr::select(value = Value,
                landcov = LABEL3)

levels(clc) <- list(data.frame(ID = clc_classes$value,
                               landcov = clc_classes$landcov))

This association provides us with a way to look up the description for a given ID. Alternatively, we can relate the values using merge or a `dplyr join.

factorValues(clc, c(2, 18, 24))
#>                      landcov
#> 1 Discontinuous urban fabric
#> 2                   Pastures
#> 3          Coniferous forest

Summarizing land cover classifications

One of the most basic questions we might ask is which land cover classification is predominant in each concelho. We can do this with the built-in mode summary operation. The minority and variety operations are also applicable to categorical data and provide the least-common classification and number of distinct classifications, respectively.

landcov_mode <- exact_extract(clc, concelhos, 'mode', 
                              append_cols = 'name', progress = FALSE) %>%
  inner_join(clc_classes, by=c(mode = 'value'))
name landcov
Lagoa Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Nordeste Coniferous forest
Ponta Delgada Pastures
Povoação Broad-leaved forest
Ribeira Grande Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Vila Franca do Campo Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation

Summary functions

While mode provides a handy way to see the most common land cover category, we need to write a custom summary function if we want to see the frequency of different land cover types in an area.

Summary functions are called once per feature from the input sf object. They can return either:

If we are going to perform typical data frame operations on the raster values and coverage fractions, it can be more convenient for the summary function to accept a single data frame argument, instead of separate arguments for the cell values and coverage fractions. This behavior can be enabled with the summarize_df argument.

Using this method, we can calculate the fraction of each concelho that is covered by each land cover category:

landcov_fracs <- exact_extract(clc, concelhos, function(df) {
  df %>%
    mutate(frac_total = coverage_fraction / sum(coverage_fraction)) %>%
    group_by(name, value) %>%
    summarize(freq = sum(frac_total))
}, summarize_df = TRUE, include_cols = 'name', progress = FALSE)

Here we use the include_cols argument here to include the name column from concelhos in the data frame passed to the summary function. (Although the value of name will be the same for all rows in df, we include name in the group_by expression so that it is not removed by summarize.) Other similar arguments include include_xy to get the cell center coordinates, include_area to get the cell area, and include_cell to get the cell index used by the raster package.

This provides us with a correspondence between each numeric land cover category and its frequency in each concelho:

#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#> # Groups:   name [1]
#>   name  value    freq
#>   <chr> <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 Lagoa     2 0.0630 
#> 2 Lagoa     3 0.0136 
#> 3 Lagoa     7 0.00659
#> 4 Lagoa     9 0.00637
#> 5 Lagoa    12 0.170  
#> 6 Lagoa    18 0.154

Joining this table to clc_classes, we can associate the descriptions with the numeric types and view the three most common land cover classes in each concelho:

landcov_fracs %>%
  inner_join(clc_classes, by = 'value') %>%
  group_by(name) %>%
  arrange(desc(freq)) %>%
  slice_head(n = 3) %>%
  mutate(freq = sprintf('%0.1f%%', 100*freq)) %>%
name value freq landcov
Lagoa 21 26.8% Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Lagoa 12 17.0% Non-irrigated arable land
Lagoa 20 15.6% Complex cultivation patterns
Nordeste 24 24.3% Coniferous forest
Nordeste 18 22.5% Pastures
Nordeste 21 14.2% Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Ponta Delgada 18 29.9% Pastures
Ponta Delgada 21 26.5% Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Ponta Delgada 12 11.3% Non-irrigated arable land
Povoação 23 24.2% Broad-leaved forest
Povoação 18 20.1% Pastures
Povoação 21 16.7% Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Ribeira Grande 21 25.1% Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Ribeira Grande 18 22.7% Pastures
Ribeira Grande 12 16.4% Non-irrigated arable land
Vila Franca do Campo 21 36.0% Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Vila Franca do Campo 18 15.5% Pastures
Vila Franca do Campo 27 15.0% Moors and heathland

Similarly, we can find the top land covers by area:

landcov_areas <- exact_extract(clc, concelhos, function(df) {
  df %>%
    group_by(name, value) %>%
    summarize(area_km2 = sum(coverage_area) / 1e6)
}, summarize_df = TRUE, coverage_area = TRUE, include_cols = 'name', progress = FALSE)
name area_km2 landcov
Lagoa 12.243526 Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Lagoa 7.749522 Non-irrigated arable land
Lagoa 7.129778 Complex cultivation patterns
Nordeste 24.662020 Coniferous forest
Nordeste 22.832392 Pastures
Nordeste 14.404089 Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Ponta Delgada 69.843899 Pastures
Ponta Delgada 61.752290 Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Ponta Delgada 26.315411 Non-irrigated arable land
Povoação 25.798260 Broad-leaved forest
Povoação 21.438728 Pastures
Povoação 17.821336 Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Ribeira Grande 45.394998 Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Ribeira Grande 40.902179 Pastures
Ribeira Grande 29.625931 Non-irrigated arable land
Vila Franca do Campo 28.120871 Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
Vila Franca do Campo 12.081576 Pastures
Vila Franca do Campo 11.681901 Moors and heathland

Summarizing population land cover

One extension of the analysis above is to see which land covers are associated with human population in a given concelho. Is the population primary urban or rural?

As described in the previous vignette, the population density raster provides the most robust results in the presence of partially-covered pixels.

pop_density <- raster(system.file('sao_miguel/gpw_v411_2020_density_2020.tif',
                                  package = 'exactextractr'))

We are able to perform this analysis because the CORINE sample distributed with exactextractr has been reprojected from its native Lambert Equal Area projection into geographic coordinates consistent with GPW. Otherwise, working with multiple rasters in different projections requires transformation to a common grid using tools such as raster::projectRaster or the gdalwarp command-line utility.

Very little about the call to exact_extract requires changing to incorporate population. We set weights = pop_density and, since we are using the summarize_df option, a column called weight will be added to the data frame passed to the summary function. We also set coverage_area = TRUE so that we can multiply the density by the covered pixel area to get a population count.

landcov_pop_areas <- exact_extract(clc, concelhos, function(df) {
  df %>%
    group_by(name, value) %>%
    summarize(pop = sum(coverage_area * weight / 1e6)) %>%
    mutate(pop_frac = pop / sum(pop))
}, weights = pop_density, coverage_area = TRUE,
   summarize_df = TRUE, include_cols = 'name')

Looking at the highest-population land cover type in each concelho, we can can see that the western/central concelhos of Lagoa, Ponta Delgada, Ribeira Grande, and Vila Franca do Campo have a more urban population than Nordeste or Povoação to the east.

name landcov pop pop_frac
Lagoa Discontinuous urban fabric 6548 0.415
Nordeste Complex cultivation patterns 1280 0.282
Ponta Delgada Discontinuous urban fabric 27224 0.381
Povoação Complex cultivation patterns 1568 0.261
Ribeira Grande Discontinuous urban fabric 13497 0.374
Vila Franca do Campo Discontinuous urban fabric 4442 0.377

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They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.