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Browsing for IPUMS data can be a little like grocery shopping when you’re hungry—you show up to grab a couple things, but everything looks so good that you end up with an overflowing cart.1 Unfortunately, this can lead to extracts so large that they don’t fit in your computer’s memory.
If you’ve got an extract that’s too big, both the IPUMS website and the ipumsr package have tools to help. There are four basic strategies:
ipumsr can’t do much for you when it comes to option 1, but it can help facilitate some of the other options.
The examples in this vignette will rely on a few helpful packages. If you haven’t already installed them, you can do so with:
If you need to work with a dataset that’s too big for your RAM, the simplest option is to get more space. If upgrading your hardware isn’t an option, paying for a cloud service like Amazon or Microsoft Azure may be worth considering. Here are guides for using R on Amazon and Microsoft Azure.
Of course, this option isn’t feasible for most users—in this case, updates to the data being used in the analysis or the processing pipeline may be required.
The easiest way to reduce the size of your extract is to drop unused samples and variables. This can be done through the extract interface for the specific IPUMS project you’re using or within R using the IPUMS API (for projects that are supported).
If using the API, simply updated your extract definition code to exclude the specifications that you no longer need. Then, resubmit the extract request and download the new files.
See the introduction to the IPUMS API for more information about making extract requests from ipumsr.
For microdata projects, another good option for reducing extract size is to select only those cases that are relevant to your research question, producing an extract containing only data for a particular subset of values for a given variable.
If you’re using the IPUMS API, you can use var_spec()
specify case selections for a variable in an extract definition. For
instance, the following would produce an extract only including records
for married women:
description = "2013 ACS Data for Married Women",
samples = "us2013a",
variables = list(
var_spec("MARST", case_selections = "1"),
var_spec("SEX", case_selections = "2")
#> Unsubmitted IPUMS USA extract
#> Description: 2013 ACS Data for Married Women
#> Samples: (1 total) us2013a
#> Variables: (2 total) MARST, SEX
If you’re using the online interface, the Select Cases option will be available on the last page before submitting an extract request.
Yet another option (also only for microdata projects) is to take a random subsample of the data before producing your extract.
Sampled data is not available via the IPUMS API, but you can use the Customize Sample Size option in the online interface to do so. This also appears on the final page before submitting an extract request.
If you’ve already submitted the extract, you can click the REVISE link on the Download or Revise Extracts page to access these features and produce a new data extract.
ipumsr provides two related options for reading data sources in increments:
Use read_ipums_micro_chunked()
to read data in chunks.
These are analogous to the standard read_ipums_micro()
functions, but allow you to specify
a function that will be applied to each data chunk and control how the
results from these chunks are combined.
Below, we’ll use chunking to outline solutions to three common use-cases for IPUMS data: tabulation, regression and case selection.
First, we’ll load our example data. Note that we have down-sampled the data in this example for storage reasons; none of the output “results” reflected in this vignette should be considered legitimate!
Imagine we wanted to find the percent of people in the workforce
grouped by their self-reported health. Since our example extract is
small enough to fit in memory, we could load the full dataset with
, use lbl_relabel()
relabel the EMPSTAT
variable into a binary variable, and
count the people in each group.
read_ipums_micro(cps_ddi_file, verbose = FALSE) %>%
HEALTH = as_factor(HEALTH),
AT_WORK = as_factor(
lbl(1, "Yes") ~ .lbl == "At work",
lbl(0, "No") ~ .lbl != "At work"
) %>%
group_by(HEALTH, AT_WORK) %>%
summarize(n = n(), .groups = "drop")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> <fct> <fct> <int>
#> 1 Excellent No 4055
#> 2 Excellent Yes 2900
#> 3 Very good No 3133
#> 4 Very good Yes 3371
#> 5 Good No 2480
#> 6 Good Yes 2178
#> 7 Fair No 1123
#> 8 Fair Yes 443
#> 9 Poor No 603
#> 10 Poor Yes 65
For the sake of this example, let’s imagine we can only store 1,000
rows in memory at a time. In this case, we need to use a
function, tabulate for each chunk, and then
calculate the counts across all of the chunks.
The chunked
functions will apply a user-defined callback
function to each chunk. The callback takes two arguments:
, which represents the data contained in a given chunk,
and pos
, which represents the position of the chunk,
expressed as the line in the input file at which the chunk starts.
Generally you will only need to use x
, but the callback
must always take both arguments.
In this case, the callback will implement the same processing steps that we demonstrated above:
cb_function <- function(x, pos) {
x %>%
HEALTH = as_factor(HEALTH),
AT_WORK = as_factor(
lbl(1, "Yes") ~ .lbl == "At work",
lbl(0, "No") ~ .lbl != "At work"
) %>%
group_by(HEALTH, AT_WORK) %>%
summarize(n = n(), .groups = "drop")
Next, we need to create a callback object, which will determine how we want to combine the ultimate results for each chunk. ipumsr provides three main types of callback objects that preserve variable metadata:
combines the results from each
chunk together by row binding them togetherIpumsListCallback
returns a list with one item per
chunk containing the results for that chunk. Use this when you don’t
want to (or can’t) immediately combine the results.IpumsSideEffectCallback
does not return any results.
Use this when your callback function is intended only for its side
effects (for instance, if you are saving the results for each chunk to
disk).(ipumsr also provides a fourth callback used for running linear regression models discussed below).
In this case, we want to row-bind the data frames returned by
, so we use
Callback objects are {R6}
objects, but you don’t need to
be familiar with R6 to use them.2 To initialize a callback object, simply use
At this point, we’re ready to load the data in chunks. We use
to specify the callback and
chunk size:
chunked_tabulations <- read_ipums_micro_chunked(
callback = cb,
chunk_size = 1000,
verbose = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 209 × 3
#> <fct> <fct> <int>
#> 1 Excellent No 183
#> 2 Excellent Yes 147
#> 3 Very good No 134
#> 4 Very good Yes 217
#> 5 Good No 111
#> 6 Good Yes 105
#> 7 Fair No 53
#> 8 Fair Yes 22
#> 9 Poor No 27
#> 10 Poor Yes 1
#> # ℹ 199 more rows
Now we have a data frame with the counts by health and work status within each chunk. To get the full table, we just need to sum by health and work status one more time:
chunked_tabulations %>%
group_by(HEALTH, AT_WORK) %>%
summarize(n = sum(n), .groups = "drop")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> <fct> <fct> <int>
#> 1 Excellent No 4055
#> 2 Excellent Yes 2900
#> 3 Very good No 3133
#> 4 Very good Yes 3371
#> 5 Good No 2480
#> 6 Good Yes 2178
#> 7 Fair No 1123
#> 8 Fair Yes 443
#> 9 Poor No 603
#> 10 Poor Yes 65
With the biglm package, it is possible to use R to perform a
regression on data that is too large to store in memory all at once. The
ipumsr package provides another callback designed to make this simple:
In this example, we’ll conduct a regression with total hours worked
) as the outcome and age (AGE
) and
self-reported health (HEALTH
) as predictors. (Note that
this is intended as a code demonstration, so we ignore many complexities
that should be addressed in real analyses.)
If we were running the analysis on our full dataset, we’d first load our data and prepare the variables in our analysis for use in the model:
data <- read_ipums_micro(cps_ddi_file, verbose = FALSE) %>%
HEALTH = as_factor(HEALTH),
AHRSWORKT = lbl_na_if(AHRSWORKT, ~ .lbl == "NIU (Not in universe)"),
AT_WORK = as_factor(
lbl(1, "Yes") ~ .lbl == "At work",
lbl(0, "No") ~ .lbl != "At work"
) %>%
filter(AT_WORK == "Yes")
Then, we’d provide our model formula and data to lm
model <- lm(AHRSWORKT ~ AGE + I(AGE^2) + HEALTH, data = data)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = AHRSWORKT ~ AGE + I(AGE^2) + HEALTH, data = data)
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -41.217 -4.734 -0.077 5.957 63.994
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 5.2440289 1.1823985 4.435 9.31e-06 ***
#> AGE 1.5868169 0.0573268 27.680 < 2e-16 ***
#> I(AGE^2) -0.0170043 0.0006568 -25.888 < 2e-16 ***
#> HEALTHVery good -0.2550306 0.3276759 -0.778 0.436412
#> HEALTHGood -0.9637395 0.3704123 -2.602 0.009289 **
#> HEALTHFair -3.8899430 0.6629725 -5.867 4.58e-09 ***
#> HEALTHPoor -5.7597200 1.6197136 -3.556 0.000378 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Residual standard error: 12.88 on 8950 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared: 0.08711, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0865
#> F-statistic: 142.3 on 6 and 8950 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
To do the same regression, but with only 1,000 rows loaded at a time, we work in a similar manner.
First we make an IpumsBiglmCallback
callback object. We
provide the model formula as well as the code used to process the data
before running the regression:
biglm_cb <- IpumsBiglmCallback$new(
model = AHRSWORKT ~ AGE + I(AGE^2) + HEALTH,
prep = function(x, pos) {
x %>%
HEALTH = as_factor(HEALTH),
AHRSWORKT = lbl_na_if(AHRSWORKT, ~ .lbl == "NIU (Not in universe)"),
AT_WORK = as_factor(
lbl(1, "Yes") ~ .lbl == "At work",
lbl(0, "No") ~ .lbl != "At work"
) %>%
filter(AT_WORK == "Yes")
And then we read the data using
, passing the callback that we
just made.
chunked_model <- read_ipums_micro_chunked(
callback = biglm_cb,
chunk_size = 1000,
verbose = FALSE
#> Large data regression model: biglm(AHRSWORKT ~ AGE + I(AGE^2) + HEALTH, data, ...)
#> Sample size = 8957
#> Coef (95% CI) SE p
#> (Intercept) 5.2440 2.8792 7.6088 1.1824 0.0000
#> AGE 1.5868 1.4722 1.7015 0.0573 0.0000
#> I(AGE^2) -0.0170 -0.0183 -0.0157 0.0007 0.0000
#> HEALTHVery good -0.2550 -0.9104 0.4003 0.3277 0.4364
#> HEALTHGood -0.9637 -1.7046 -0.2229 0.3704 0.0093
#> HEALTHFair -3.8899 -5.2159 -2.5640 0.6630 0.0000
#> HEALTHPoor -5.7597 -8.9991 -2.5203 1.6197 0.0004
In addition to chunked reading, ipumsr also provides the similar but more flexible “yielded” reading.
grant you more freedom in
determining what R code to run between chunks and include the ability to
have multiple files open at once. Additionally, yields are compatible
with the bigglm
function from biglm, which allows you to
run glm models on data larger than memory.
The downside to this greater control is that yields have an API that is unique to IPUMS data and the way they work is unusual for R code.
We’ll compare the yield
and chunked
functions by conducting the same tabulation
example from above using yields.
First, we create the yield object with the function
This function returns an R6
object which contains
methods for reading the data. The most important method is the
method which will return n
rows of
# Return the first 10 rows of data
#> # A tibble: 10 × 14
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int+lb> <dbl> <int+lb> <dbl> <int+lb> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2011 33 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 308. 1 [No] 1 2.01e13 308.
#> 2 2011 33 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 308. 1 [No] 2 2.01e13 217.
#> 3 2011 33 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 308. 1 [No] 3 2.01e13 249.
#> 4 2011 46 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 266. 1 [No] 1 2.01e13 266.
#> 5 2011 46 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 266. 1 [No] 2 2.01e13 266.
#> 6 2011 46 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 266. 1 [No] 3 2.01e13 265.
#> 7 2011 46 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 266. 1 [No] 4 2.01e13 296.
#> 8 2011 64 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 241. 1 [No] 1 2.01e13 241.
#> 9 2011 64 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 241. 1 [No] 2 2.01e13 241.
#> 10 2011 64 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 241. 1 [No] 3 2.01e13 278.
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: AGE <int+lbl>, EMPSTAT <int+lbl>, AHRSWORKT <dbl+lbl>,
#> # HEALTH <int+lbl>
Note that the row position in the data is stored in the object, so running the same code again will produce different rows of data:
# Return the next 10 rows of data
#> # A tibble: 10 × 14
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int+lb> <dbl> <int+lb> <dbl> <int+lb> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2011 82 3 [Marc… 0 1 [ASEC] 373. 1 [No] 1 0 373.
#> 2 2011 82 3 [Marc… 0 1 [ASEC] 373. 1 [No] 2 0 373.
#> 3 2011 82 3 [Marc… 0 1 [ASEC] 373. 1 [No] 3 0 326.
#> 4 2011 86 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 554. 1 [No] 1 2.01e13 554.
#> 5 2011 104 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 543. 1 [No] 1 2.01e13 543.
#> 6 2011 104 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 543. 1 [No] 2 2.01e13 543.
#> 7 2011 106 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 543. 1 [No] 1 2.01e13 543.
#> 8 2011 137 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 271. 1 [No] 1 2.01e13 271.
#> 9 2011 137 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 271. 1 [No] 2 2.01e13 271.
#> 10 2011 137 3 [Marc… 2.01e13 1 [ASEC] 271. 1 [No] 3 2.01e13 365.
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: AGE <int+lbl>, EMPSTAT <int+lbl>, AHRSWORKT <dbl+lbl>,
#> # HEALTH <int+lbl>
Use cur_pos
to get the current position in the data
The is_done()
method tells us whether we have read the
entire file yet:
In preparation for our actual example, we’ll use reset()
to reset to the beginning of the data:
Using yield()
and is_done()
, we can set up
our processing pipeline. First, we create an empty placeholder tibble to
store our results:
yield_results <- tibble(
HEALTH = factor(levels = c("Excellent", "Very good", "Good", "Fair", "Poor")),
AT_WORK = factor(levels = c("No", "Yes")),
n = integer(0)
Then, we iterate through the data, yielding 1,000 rows at a time and processing the results as we did in the chunked example. The iteration will end when we’ve finished reading the entire file.
while (!data$is_done()) {
# Yield new data and process
new <- data$yield(n = 1000) %>%
HEALTH = as_factor(HEALTH),
AT_WORK = as_factor(
lbl(1, "Yes") ~ .lbl == "At work",
lbl(0, "No") ~ .lbl != "At work"
) %>%
group_by(HEALTH, AT_WORK) %>%
summarize(n = n(), .groups = "drop")
# Combine the new yield with the previously processed yields
yield_results <- bind_rows(yield_results, new) %>%
group_by(HEALTH, AT_WORK) %>%
summarize(n = sum(n), .groups = "drop")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> <fct> <fct> <int>
#> 1 Excellent No 4055
#> 2 Excellent Yes 2900
#> 3 Very good No 3133
#> 4 Very good Yes 3371
#> 5 Good No 2480
#> 6 Good Yes 2178
#> 7 Fair No 1123
#> 8 Fair Yes 443
#> 9 Poor No 603
#> 10 Poor Yes 65
One of the major benefits of the yielded reading over chunked reading is that it is compatible with the GLM functions from biglm, allowing for the use of more complicated models.
To run a logistic regression, we first need to reset our yield object from the previous example:
Next we make a function that takes a single argument:
. When reset
, it
resets the data to the beginning. This is dictated by
from biglm.
To create this function, we use the the reset()
from the yield object:
get_model_data <- function(reset) {
if (reset) {
} else {
yield <- data$yield(n = 1000)
if (is.null(yield)) {
yield %>%
HEALTH = as_factor(HEALTH),
WORK30PLUS = lbl_na_if(AHRSWORKT, ~ .lbl == "NIU (Not in universe)") >= 30,
AT_WORK = as_factor(
lbl(1, "Yes") ~ .lbl == "At work",
lbl(0, "No") ~ .lbl != "At work"
) %>%
filter(AT_WORK == "Yes")
Finally we feed this function and a model specification to the
results <- bigglm(
family = binomial(link = "logit"),
data = get_model_data
#> Large data regression model: bigglm(WORK30PLUS ~ AGE + I(AGE^2) + HEALTH, family = binomial(link = "logit"),
#> data = get_model_data)
#> Sample size = 8957
#> Coef (95% CI) SE p
#> (Intercept) -4.0021 -4.4297 -3.5744 0.2138 0.0000
#> AGE 0.2714 0.2498 0.2930 0.0108 0.0000
#> I(AGE^2) -0.0029 -0.0032 -0.0027 0.0001 0.0000
#> HEALTHVery good 0.0038 -0.1346 0.1423 0.0692 0.9557
#> HEALTHGood -0.1129 -0.2685 0.0426 0.0778 0.1465
#> HEALTHFair -0.6637 -0.9160 -0.4115 0.1261 0.0000
#> HEALTHPoor -0.7879 -1.3697 -0.2062 0.2909 0.0068
Storing your data in a database is another way to work with data that cannot fit into memory as a data frame. If you have access to a database on a remote machine, then you can easily select and use parts of the data for your analysis. Even databases on your own machine may provide more efficient data storage or use your hard drive, enabling the data to be loaded into R.
There are many different kinds of databases, each with their own benefits and drawbacks, and the database you choose to use will be specific to your use case. However, once you’ve chosen a database, there will be two general steps:
R has several tools that support database integration, including
, {dbplyr}
, {sparklyr}
, and others. In this example, we’ll use
to load the data into an in-memory database. (We
use RSQLite because it is easy to set up, but it is likely not efficient
enough to fully resolve issues with large IPUMS data, so it may be wise
to consider an alternative in practice.)
For rectangular extracts, it is likely simplest to load your data
into the database in CSV format, which is widely supported. If you are
working with a hierarchical extract (or your database software doesn’t
support CSV format), then you can use an ipumsr chunked
function to load the data into a database without needing to store the
entire dataset in R.
See the IPUMS data reading vignette for more about rectangular vs. hierarchical extracts.
# Connect to database
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), path = ":memory:")
# Load file metadata
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(cps_ddi_file)
# Write data to database in chunks
function(x, pos) {
if (pos == 1) {
dbWriteTable(con, "cps", x)
} else {
dbWriteTable(con, "cps", x, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
chunk_size = 1000,
verbose = FALSE
There are a variety of ways to access your data once it is stored in
the database. In this example, we use dbplyr. For more details about
dbplyr, see vignette("dbplyr", package = "dbplyr")
To run a simple query for AGE
, we can use the same
syntax we would use with dplyr:
example <- tbl(con, "cps")
example %>%
filter("AGE" > 25)
#> # Source: SQL [?? x 14]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.47.1 []
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2011 33 3 2.01e13 1 308. 1 1 2.01e13 308.
#> 2 2011 33 3 2.01e13 1 308. 1 2 2.01e13 217.
#> 3 2011 33 3 2.01e13 1 308. 1 3 2.01e13 249.
#> 4 2011 46 3 2.01e13 1 266. 1 1 2.01e13 266.
#> 5 2011 46 3 2.01e13 1 266. 1 2 2.01e13 266.
#> 6 2011 46 3 2.01e13 1 266. 1 3 2.01e13 265.
#> 7 2011 46 3 2.01e13 1 266. 1 4 2.01e13 296.
#> 8 2011 64 3 2.01e13 1 241. 1 1 2.01e13 241.
#> 9 2011 64 3 2.01e13 1 241. 1 2 2.01e13 241.
#> 10 2011 64 3 2.01e13 1 241. 1 3 2.01e13 278.
#> # ℹ more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: AGE <int>, EMPSTAT <int>, AHRSWORKT <dbl>, HEALTH <int>
dbplyr shows us a nice preview of the first rows of the result of our
query, but the data still exist only in the database. You can use
to load the full results of the query into
the current R session. However, this would omit the variable metadata
attached to IPUMS data, since the database doesn’t store this
data <- example %>%
filter("AGE" > 25) %>%
# Variable metadata is missing
#> # A tibble: 0 × 2
#> # ℹ 2 variables: val <dbl>, lbl <chr>
Instead, use ipums_collect()
, which uses a provided
object to reattach the metadata while loading
into the R environment:
data <- example %>%
filter("AGE" > 25) %>%
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#> val lbl
#> <int> <chr>
#> 1 1 January
#> 2 2 February
#> 3 3 March
#> 4 4 April
#> 5 5 May
#> 6 6 June
#> 7 7 July
#> 8 8 August
#> 9 9 September
#> 10 10 October
#> 11 11 November
#> 12 12 December
See the value labels vignette more about variable metadata in IPUMS data.
Big data isn’t just a problem for IPUMS users, so there are many R resources available.
See the documentation for the packages mentioned in the databases section for more information about those options.
For some past blog posts and articles on the topic, see the following:
Bonus joke: why is the IPUMS website better than any grocery store? More free samples.↩︎
If you’re interested in learning more about R6, check out Hadley Wickham’s Advanced R book, which is available for free online.↩︎
These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.