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A Grammar Of Interactive Graphics


R. W. Oldford and Zehao Xu


Just as ggplot2 provides a layered implementation of a grammar of graphics, loon.ggplot provides a layered implementation of a grammar of interactive graphics.

With loon.ggplot, data analysts can easily switch between the elegant and beautiful static graphics of ggplot2 and the powerful direct manipulation interactive graphics of loon, using each where it is most natural.

A working dataset – airquality

To provide a working example, consider the airquality dataset:

#>      Ozone           Solar.R           Wind             Temp      
#>  Min.   :  1.00   Min.   :  7.0   Min.   : 1.700   Min.   :56.00  
#>  1st Qu.: 18.00   1st Qu.:115.8   1st Qu.: 7.400   1st Qu.:72.00  
#>  Median : 31.50   Median :205.0   Median : 9.700   Median :79.00  
#>  Mean   : 42.13   Mean   :185.9   Mean   : 9.958   Mean   :77.88  
#>  3rd Qu.: 63.25   3rd Qu.:258.8   3rd Qu.:11.500   3rd Qu.:85.00  
#>  Max.   :168.00   Max.   :334.0   Max.   :20.700   Max.   :97.00  
#>  NA's   :37       NA's   :7                                       
#>      Month            Day      
#>  Min.   :5.000   Min.   : 1.0  
#>  1st Qu.:6.000   1st Qu.: 8.0  
#>  Median :7.000   Median :16.0  
#>  Mean   :6.993   Mean   :15.8  
#>  3rd Qu.:8.000   3rd Qu.:23.0  
#>  Max.   :9.000   Max.   :31.0  

It has missing data (in Ozone and Solar.R) and the variable Month appears as numerical. The date information can easily be made more meaningful:

airquality$Date <- with(airquality,
                        as.Date(paste("1973", Month, Day, sep = "-")))
# Could also look up the day of the week for each date and add it
airquality$Weekday <- factor(weekdays(airquality$Date),
                             levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
                                        "Thursday", "Friday",
                                        "Saturday", "Sunday"))

Month can also be turned it into a factor so that its levels are three character month abbreviations (arranged to match calendar order):

airquality$Month <- factor([airquality$Month], 
                           levels =[unique(airquality$Month)])

The data now look like

head(airquality, n = 3)
#>   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day       Date   Weekday
#> 1    41     190  7.4   67   May   1 1973-05-01   Tuesday
#> 2    36     118  8.0   72   May   2 1973-05-02 Wednesday
#> 3    12     149 12.6   74   May   3 1973-05-03  Thursday

With its mix of continuous and categorical variables (some with missing data) this transformed data will be used to illustrate loon.ggplot’s grammar of interactive graphics.

The trick: ggplot() becomes l_ggplot()

The interactive grammar begins by simply replacing ggplot() by l_ggplot(), wherever it appears in the layered grammar. The same arguments (e.g., data, mapping, etc.) and clauses (e.g. geoms, scales, coordinates, etc.) are used, but now to create an interactive plot.

For example,

lgp <- l_ggplot(airquality, 
                mapping = aes(x = Wind, y = Ozone)) +
  ggtitle("Air quality in New York (1973)") +
  geom_point(size = 3) 

Like ggplot(), l_ggplot() produces a data structure containing the information needed to create a plot. No plot is actually yet displayed; rather lgp has the potential to produce a plot on demand.

A look at its class

#> [1] "l_ggplot" "gg"       "ggplot"

suggests that it is both an l_ggplot and a ggplot (and gg).

In ggplot2 identical methods have been written for both the plot() and the print() function to show the ggplot on the current device.
In loon.ggplot these functions are different for an l_ggplot:

For example, to see the ggplot:


And to see the interactive loon plot, simply print it:

lgp                   # or print(lgp)

which will look something like (as rendered in grid graphics).

Each plot (the static ggplot and the interactive loon plot) presents the same information, but in slightly different form (e.g., different choices on title placement, white space padding, etc.)

Though the data information is identical in both plots, the loon plot appears a little more spartan. This is because an interactive plot is dynamic and can change in real time by direct interaction; it is enough that the analyst appreciates the data content of the plot without too much concern over display details. In contrast, the ggplot is more often meant to be shared in print and so demands more flexibility to lay out its plot elements in an elegant display.

Note: In ggplot2, every time a ggplot is printed, a new plot is produced on the current device. Similarly, in loon.ggplot, every time an l_ggplot is printed, a new (interactive) loon plot is produced; every time it is plotted, a new (static) ggplot is produced.

Programmatic access of the interactive plot

At times, as when creating this document, it will be handy to have programmatic access to the loon plot. This can be done by assigning the loon plot to a variable, say lp, in any one of several different ways:

When it was first printed it, the interactive plot would have returned a string. For example, it was

#> [1] ".l0.ggplot.plot"

which is of the form ".lXX.ggplot.plot" where XX is a non-negative integer.

This is the tcltk “path” to the loon plot and uniquely identifies the loon structure. The data structure is now accessed through l_getFromPath(pathname) as below.

lp <- l_getFromPath(".lXX.ggplot.plot")  # replace XX by whatever number appeared

Of course, this requires you to have noticed and recovered the string pathname for that plot when it first appeared. Fortunately, that is not necessary. In the title bar of the window containing the loon plot, the string following "path: " can also be used. In the present case, this will be of the form ".lXX.ggplot" (as before but without the additional ".plot" suffix). The call

lp <- l_getFromPath(".lXX.ggplot")  # replace XX by whatever number appeared

will return the interactive plot as before.

Finally, if you have the foresight to know that you would like to have programmatic access to the interactive plot from the start, you could assign it to a variable when it was first created.
There are two ways to do this.

One is

lp <- print(lgp)

The other uses a powerful function called loon.ggplot() (more on this below):

lp <- loon.ggplot(lgp)

Note: that unlike l_getFromPath(), either of the above calls will produce a new interactive plot from lgp and assign it to lp.

The loon-ggplot duality

Using l_ggplot() in place of ggplot() extends the graphics grammar of ggplot2 to produce interactive loon plots.

The function loon.ggplot()

Earlier, loon.ggplot() was recommended as a means to produce an interactive plot from an l_ggplot and to assign it to a variable, as in

lp <- loon.ggplot(lgp)

This makes it seem essentially equivalent to print(lgp), but it is not.

Instead, loon.ggplot() is a powerful two way bridge between ggplots and loon plots.

When called on

The bridge: loon.ggplot() turns ggplots to interactive loon plots and loon plots to ggplots.

The interactive grammar

loon.ggplot extends the grammar of graphics by adding several new clauses.

+ linking()

+ linking(linkingGroup = NULL, linkingKey = NULL, linkedStates = NULL, sync = NULL)

loon implements a group-key-state linking model.

Interactive plots having the same linkingGroup are linked, in that each plot changes its display in response to display changes of the linkedStates of any plot in the same linkingGroup. Only those linkedStates in common are changed and display elements are matched by values of the linkingKey.

Each plot will propogate, and respond to, only changes in those states named in its linkedStates. Display elements associated with the unique set of keys in each plot’s linkingKey will change together.

+ hover()

+ hover(itemLabel = NULL, showItemLabels = NULL)

Provides a pop up display as the mouse hovers over a plot element in the interactive plot.

+ selection()

+ selection(selected = NULL, selectBy = NULL, selectionLogic = NULL)

Set which elements (i.e., observations) are "selected". These are shown highlighted in the plot.

+ active()

+ active(active = NULL, activeGeomLayers = NULL)

Set active and/or activeGeomLayers

+ zoom()

+ zoom(layerId = NULL, scaleToFun = NULL)

Change the visible plot region by scaling to different elements of the display.

+ interactivity()

+ interactivity(linkingGroup, linkingKey, linkedStates, sync,  # linking
                active, activeGeomLayers,                      # active
                selected, selectBy, selectionLogic,            # selection
                layerId, scaleToFun,                           # zoom
                itemLabel,  showItemLabels,                    # hover
                ... )

Set interactive components (e.g. linking, selection, etc) in one clause. All named arguments are as described in the other clauses.

The trick: l_ggplot() becomes ggplot()

We began with the recommendation that to have interactive ggplots, all we need do is replace ggplot() in the grammar by l_ggplot() with all the usual arguments. All clauses of the ggplot grammar can be used as before plus the new interactive clauses. The result is an l_ggplot that prints as an interactive loon plot and plots as a ggplot2 plot. The advantage is that using l_ggplot() makes it clear that an ordinary ggplot is not being produced and emphasizes the loon-ggplot duality.

The final trick is that, with loon.ggplot, one does not actually need to use l_ggplot(), simply use ggplot(). If no clauses are interactive, then an ordinary ggplot will be produced; if an interactive clause is added, an l_ggplot will be produced.

For example, the following produces an ordinary ggplot.

ggp <- ggplot(airquality, mapping = aes(Solar.R, Temp)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  ggtitle("Air quality in New York (1973)")
# which is an ordinary ggplot and prints as one

Adding an interactive clause, turns the result into an l_ggplot.

lggp <- ggp + 
  linking(linkingGroup = "airquwqality") +
  selection(selected = airquality$Solar.R < 100) +
  zoom(layerId = 1, scaleToFun = l_scaleto_selected) +
# which is an interactive loon and prints as one
#> [1] ".l3.ggplot.plot"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "l_plot" "loon"
# but plots as a ggplot

Note that the interactive effects do not appear in plot(l_ggp); this is because this is still an l_ggplot. To print the interactive plot, a handle to it must be found, for example using l_getFromPath(".l3.ggplot")

l_ggp <- l_getFromPath(".l3.ggplot")
# Alternatively, the loon plot could have been captured when first
# created by using loon.ggplot(lggp) in stead of print(lggp) as follows
# l_ggp <- loon.ggplot(lggp)
# Either way, it will look like the following as a grid graphics plot
# and as below when presented as a ggplot

The final trick is that either l_ggplot() or ggplot() cam be produce interactive plots using the ggplot grammar.

It’s largely a matter of taste.

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They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.