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Loading the package and setting a seed:

pkgs <- c("miceFast", "mice", "ggplot2", "dplyr", "data.table")
inst <- lapply(pkgs, library, character.only = TRUE)


Fast imputations under the object-oriented programming paradigm. There were quantitative models with a closed-form solution. This package is based on linear algebra operations. The biggest improvement in time performance could be achieved for a calculation where a grouping variable has to be used. A single evaluation of a quantitative model for the multiple imputations is another major enhancement. Moreover there are a few functions built to work with popular R packages.


miceFast was compared1 with the mice package. For the grouping option there was used a basic R looping and popular dplyr/data.table packages. Summing up, miceFast offer a relevant reduction of a calculations time for:

If you are interested about the procedure of testing performance check performance_validity.R file at the extdata folder.

system.file("extdata", "performance_validity.R", package = "miceFast")

Additional plots for simulations with certain parameters (but feel free to change them) are located:

system.file("extdata", "images", package = "miceFast")

Moreover there are offered a few functions built to work with the popular R packages such as ‘data.table’.


Missing data is a common problem. The easiest solution is to delete observations for which a certain variable is missing. However this will somek deteriorate the quality of a project. Another solution will be to use methods such as multiple/regular imputations to fill the missing data. Non missing independent variables could be used to approximate missing observations for a dependent variable. R or Python language are user-friendly for data manipulation but parallely brings slower computations. Languages such as C++ give us an opportunity to boost our applications or projects.

Introduction for data.table/dplyr users - using additional functions from miceFast:

Usage of fill_NA and fill_NA_N functions from miceFast - this functions should be resistant to glitches from an user activity perspective and a data structure.


# airquality dataset with additional variables

NA structure

upset_NA(air_miss, 6)

Intro: dplyr

# VIF - values bigger than 10 (around) suggest that there might be a collinearity problem.
# VIF is high for Solar.R and x_character which is obvious - x_character is a factor version of numeric Solar.R
air_miss %>%
  do(vifs = VIF(.,
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c(
  )) %>%
## vifs1 vifs2 vifs3 vifs4 vifs5 vifs6 vifs7 
##   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
air_miss <- air_miss %>%
  # Imputations with a grouping option (models are separately assessed for each group)
  # taking into account provided weights
  group_by(groups) %>%
  do(mutate(., Solar_R_imp = fill_NA(
    x = .,
    model = "lm_pred",
    posit_y = "Solar.R",
    posit_x = c("Wind", "Temp", "Intercept"),
    w = .[["weights"]]
  ))) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  # Imputations - discrete variable
  mutate(x_character_imp = fill_NA(
    x = .,
    model = "lda",
    posit_y = "x_character",
    posit_x = c("Wind", "Temp")
  )) %>%
  # logreg was used because almost log-normal distribution of Ozone
  # imputations around mean
  mutate(Ozone_imp1 = fill_NA(
    x = .,
    model = "lm_bayes",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept"),
    logreg = TRUE
  )) %>%
  # imputations using positions - Intercept, Temp
  mutate(Ozone_imp2 = fill_NA(
    x = .,
    model = "lm_bayes",
    posit_y = 1,
    posit_x = c(4, 6),
    logreg = TRUE
  )) %>%
  # multiple imputations (average of x30 imputations)
  # with a factor independent variable, weights and logreg options
  mutate(Ozone_imp3 = fill_NA_N(
    x = .,
    model = "lm_noise",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept", "x_character_imp", "Wind", "Temp"),
    w = .[["weights"]],
    logreg = TRUE,
    k = 30
  )) %>%
  mutate(Ozone_imp4 = fill_NA_N(
    x = .,
    model = "lm_bayes",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept", "x_character_imp", "Wind", "Temp"),
    w = .[["weights"]],
    logreg = TRUE,
    k = 30
  )) %>%
  group_by(groups) %>%
  do(mutate(., Ozone_imp5 = fill_NA(
    x = .,
    model = "lm_pred",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept", "x_character_imp", "Wind", "Temp"),
    w = .[["weights"]],
    logreg = TRUE
  ))) %>%
  do(mutate(., Ozone_imp6 = fill_NA_N(
    x = .,
    model = "pmm",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept", "x_character_imp", "Wind", "Temp"),
    w = .[["weights"]],
    logreg = TRUE,
    k = 20
  ))) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  # Average of a few methods
  mutate(Ozone_imp_mix = rowMeans(select(., starts_with("Ozone_imp")))) %>%
  # Protecting against collinearity or low number of observations - across small groups
  # Be carful when using a data.table grouping option
  # because of lack of protection against collinearity or low number of observations.
  # There could be used a tryCatch(fill_NA(...),error=function(e) return(...))
  group_by(groups) %>%
  do(mutate(., Ozone_chac_imp = tryCatch(
      x = .,
      model = "lda",
      posit_y = "Ozone_chac",
      posit_x = c("Intercept", "Month", "Day", "Temp", "x_character_imp"),
      w = .[["weights"]]
    error = function(e) .[["Ozone_chac"]]
  ))) %>%

results - visualization

# Distribution of imputations vs Distribution of initial data
compare_imp(air_miss, origin = "Ozone", target = "Ozone_imp_mix")

# or
compare_imp(air_miss, origin = "Ozone", target = c("Ozone_imp2", "Ozone_imp_mix"))

Intro: data.table

# VIF - values bigger than 10 (around) suggest that there might be a collinearity problem.
# VIF is high for Solar.R and x_character which is obvious - x_character is a factor version of numeric Solar.R
air_miss[, .(VIF(.SD,
  posit_y = "Ozone",
  posit_x = c(
##           V1
## 1: 24.978996
## 2:  1.445308
## 3:  3.077776
## 4: 42.248792
## 5:  1.083795
## 6:  1.100853
## 7:  2.954588
# Imputations with a grouping option (models are separately assessed for each group)
# taking into account provided weights
air_miss[, Solar_R_imp := fill_NA_N(
  x = .SD,
  model = "lm_bayes",
  posit_y = "Solar.R",
  posit_x = c("Wind", "Temp", "Intercept"),
  w = .SD[["weights"]],
  k = 100
), by = .(groups)] %>%
  # Imputations - discrete variable
  .[, x_character_imp := fill_NA(
    x = .SD,
    model = "lda",
    posit_y = "x_character",
    posit_x = c("Wind", "Temp", "groups")
  )] %>%
  # logreg was used because almost log-normal distribution of Ozone
  # imputations around mean
  .[, Ozone_imp1 := fill_NA(
    x = .SD,
    model = "lm_bayes",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept"),
    logreg = TRUE
  )] %>%
  # imputations using positions - Intercept, Temp
  .[, Ozone_imp2 := fill_NA(
    x = .SD,
    model = "lm_bayes",
    posit_y = 1,
    posit_x = c(4, 6),
    logreg = TRUE
  )] %>%
  # model with a factor independent variable
  # multiple imputations (average of x30 imputations)
  # with a factor independent variable, weights and logreg options
  .[, Ozone_imp3 := fill_NA_N(
    x = .SD,
    model = "lm_noise",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept", "x_character_imp", "Wind", "Temp"),
    w = .SD[["weights"]],
    logreg = TRUE,
    k = 30
  )] %>%
  .[, Ozone_imp4 := fill_NA_N(
    x = .SD,
    model = "lm_bayes",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept", "x_character_imp", "Wind", "Temp"),
    w = .SD[["weights"]],
    logreg = TRUE,
    k = 30
  )] %>%
  .[, Ozone_imp5 := fill_NA(
    x = .SD,
    model = "lm_pred",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept", "x_character_imp", "Wind", "Temp"),
    w = .SD[["weights"]],
    logreg = TRUE
  ), .(groups)] %>%
  .[, Ozone_imp6 := fill_NA_N(
    x = .SD,
    model = "pmm",
    posit_y = "Ozone",
    posit_x = c("Intercept", "x_character_imp", "Wind", "Temp"),
    w = .SD[["weights"]],
    logreg = TRUE,
    k = 10
  ), .(groups)] %>%
  # Average of a few methods
  .[, Ozone_imp_mix := apply(.SD, 1, mean), .SDcols = Ozone_imp1:Ozone_imp6] %>%
  # Protecting against collinearity or low number of observations - across small groups
  # Be careful when using a data.table grouping option
  # because of lack of protection against collinearity or low number of observations.
  # There could be used a tryCatch(fill_NA(...),error=function(e) return(...))

  .[, Ozone_chac_imp := tryCatch(
      x = .SD,
      model = "lda",
      posit_y = "Ozone_chac",
      posit_x = c("Intercept", "Month", "Day", "Temp", "x_character_imp"),
      w = .SD[["weights"]]
    error = function(e) .SD[["Ozone_chac"]]
  ), .(groups)]

Genereting data with the corrData Module

Available constructors:




relevant class methods:

type:character - possible options (“contin”,“binom”,“discrete”)

Imputing data with the miceFast Module:

Available constructors:


relevant class methods:

For a simple mean imputations add intercept to data and use “lm_pred”
The lda model is assessed only if there are more than 15 complete observations and for the lms models if the number of independent variables is smaller than the number of observations.


miceFast module usage:

Remember that a matrix could be build only under a one data type so factor variables have to be melted use model.matrix to get numeric matrix from data.frame - see Tips in this document

# install.packages("mice")
data <- cbind(as.matrix(mice::nhanes), intercept = 1, index = 1:nrow(mice::nhanes))
model <- new(miceFast)
model$set_data(data) # providing data by a reference
## [1] 1e-06
model$update_var(2, model$impute("lm_pred", 2, 5)$imputations)
# OR not recommended
# data[,2] = model$impute("lm_pred",2,5)$imputations
# model$set_data(data) #Updating the object

model$update_var(3, model$impute("lda", 3, c(1, 2))$imputations)

# Old slow syntax model$update_var(4,rowMeans(sapply(1:10,function(x) model$impute("lm_bayes",4,c(1,2,3))$imputations)))
# New syntax - impute_N
model$update_var(4, model$impute_N("lm_bayes", 4, c(1, 2, 3), 10)$imputations)

# When working with 'Big Data'
# it is recommended to occasionally manually invoke a garbage collector `gc()`

# Be careful with `update_var` because of the permanent update at the object and data
# That is why `update_var` could be used only ones for a certain column
# check which variables was updated - inside the object
## [1] 2 3 4
head(model$get_data(), 3)
##      [,1]    [,2] [,3]     [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,]    1 26.5625    1 181.4461    1    1
## [2,]    2 22.7000    1 187.0000    1    2
## [3,]    1 26.5625    1 187.0000    1    3
head(data, 3)
##   age     bmi hyp      chl intercept index
## 1   1 26.5625   1 181.4461         1     1
## 2   2 22.7000   1 187.0000         1     2
## 3   1 26.5625   1 187.0000         1     3
head(mice::nhanes, 3)
##   age  bmi hyp chl
## 1   1   NA  NA  NA
## 2   2 22.7   1 187
## 3   1   NA   1 187

Model with additional parameters: - data sorted by the grouping variable

data <- cbind(as.matrix(airquality[, -5]), intercept = 1, index = 1:nrow(airquality))
weights <- rgamma(nrow(data), 3, 3) # a numeric vector - positive values
groups <- as.numeric(airquality[, 5]) # a numeric vector not integers - positive values - sorted increasingly

model <- new(miceFast)
model$set_data(data) # providing data by a reference
model$set_w(weights) # providing by a reference
model$set_g(groups) # providing by a reference

# impute adapt to provided parameters like w or g
# Simple mean - permanent imputation at the object and data
model$update_var(1, model$impute("lm_pred", 1, c(6))$imputations)

model$update_var(2, model$impute_N("lm_bayes", 2, c(1, 3, 4, 5, 6), 10)$imputations)

# Printing data and retrieving an old order
head(cbind(model$get_data(), model$get_g(), model$get_w())[order(model$get_index()), ], 4)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]      [,9]
## [1,]   41  190  7.4   67    1    1    1    5 1.2183624
## [2,]   36  118  8.0   72    2    1    2    5 1.2866076
## [3,]   12  149 12.6   74    3    1    3    5 0.7953631
## [4,]   18  313 11.5   62    4    1    4    5 0.7386522
head(airquality, 3)
##   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
## 1    41     190  7.4   67     5   1
## 2    36     118  8.0   72     5   2
## 3    12     149 12.6   74     5   3
head(cbind(model$get_data(), model$get_g(), model$get_w()), 3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]      [,9]
## [1,]   41  190  7.4   67    1    1    1    5 1.2183624
## [2,]   36  118  8.0   72    2    1    2    5 1.2866076
## [3,]   12  149 12.6   74    3    1    3    5 0.7953631
head(cbind(data, groups, weights), 3)
##      Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Day intercept index groups   weights
## [1,]    41     190  7.4   67   1         1     1      5 1.2183624
## [2,]    36     118  8.0   72   2         1     2      5 1.2866076
## [3,]    12     149 12.6   74   3         1     3      5 0.7953631

Model with additional parameters: - data not sorted by the grouping variable

data <- cbind(as.matrix(airquality[, -5]), intercept = 1, index = 1:nrow(airquality))
weights <- rgamma(nrow(data), 3, 3) # a numeric vector - positive values
# groups = as.numeric(airquality[,5]) # a numeric vector not integers - positive values
groups <- as.numeric(sample(1:8, nrow(data), replace = T)) # a numeric vector not integers - positive values

model <- new(miceFast)
model$set_data(data) # providing by a reference
model$set_w(weights) # providing by a reference
model$set_g(groups) # providing by a reference
# impute adapt to provided parmaters like w or g
# Warning - if data is not sorted increasingly by the g then it would be done automatically
# during a first imputation
# Simple mean - permanent imputation at the object and data
model$update_var(1, model$impute("lm_pred", 1, 6)$imputations)
## Warning in model$impute("lm_pred", 1, 6): 
##  Data was sorted by the grouping variable - use `get_index()` to retrieve an order
model$update_var(2, model$impute_N("lm_bayes", 2, c(1, 3, 4, 5, 6), 10)$imputations)

# Printing data and retrieving an old order
head(cbind(model$get_data(), model$get_g(), model$get_w())[order(model$get_index()), ], 4)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]      [,9]
## [1,]   41  190  7.4   67    1    1    1    3 0.8644072
## [2,]   36  118  8.0   72    2    1    2    7 0.5708125
## [3,]   12  149 12.6   74    3    1    3    6 0.3919961
## [4,]   18  313 11.5   62    4    1    4    8 1.0201001
head(airquality, 4)
##   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
## 1    41     190  7.4   67     5   1
## 2    36     118  8.0   72     5   2
## 3    12     149 12.6   74     5   3
## 4    18     313 11.5   62     5   4
head(cbind(model$get_data(), model$get_g(), model$get_w()), 4) # is ordered by g
##          [,1]     [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]      [,9]
## [1,] 19.00000  99.0000 13.8   59    8    1    8    1 1.2699505
## [2,] 11.00000 290.0000  9.2   66   13    1   13    1 1.0288995
## [3,] 34.00000 307.0000 12.0   66   17    1   17    1 0.5691152
## [4,] 28.28677 216.6807  8.0   57   27    1   27    1 1.6436256
head(cbind(data, groups, weights), 4) # is sorted by g cause we provide data by a reference
##         Ozone  Solar.R Wind Temp Day intercept index groups   weights
## [1,] 19.00000  99.0000 13.8   59   8         1     8      1 1.2699505
## [2,] 11.00000 290.0000  9.2   66  13         1    13      1 1.0288995
## [3,] 34.00000 307.0000 12.0   66  17         1    17      1 0.5691152
## [4,] 28.28677 216.6807  8.0   57  27         1    27      1 1.6436256


matrix from data.frame

Remember that a matrix could be built only under a one data type so factor/character variables have to be melted. Sb could use model.matrix to get numeric matrix from a data.frame:

# str(mtcars)
mtcars$cyl <- factor(mtcars$cyl)
mtcars$gear <- factor(mtcars$gear)
mtcars_mat <- model.matrix.lm(~., mtcars, na.action = "na.pass")
# str(mtcars_mat)

Variance inflation factors (VIF)

VIF measures how much the variance of the estimated regression coefficients are inflated. It helps to identify when the predictor variables are linearly related. You have to decide which variable should be deleted. Values higher than 10 signal a potential collinearity problem.

airquality2 <- airquality
airquality2$Temp2 <- airquality2$Temp**2
airquality2$Month <- factor(airquality2$Month)

# car::vif(lm(Ozone ~ ., data = airquality2))
data_DT <- data.table(airquality2)
data_DT[, .(vifs = VIF(
  x = .SD,
  posit_y = "Ozone",
  posit_x = c("Solar.R", "Wind", "Temp", "Month", "Day", "Temp2"), correct = FALSE
##       vifs.V1
## 1:   1.230156
## 2:   1.415414
## 3: 264.800283
## 4:   2.774325
## 5:   1.038574
## 6: 249.766363
data_DT[, .(vifs = VIF(
  x = .SD,
  posit_y = 1,
  posit_x = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), correct = TRUE
##      vifs.V1
## 1:  1.109124
## 2:  1.189712
## 3: 16.272685
## 4:  1.136043
## 5:  1.019105
## 6: 15.803998


Title: Exposing C++ functions and classes with Rcpp modules Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain François
Author: and Date: March 8, 2018

Title: RcppArmadillo: Easily Extending R with High-Performance C++ Code
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Conrad Sanderson
Date: July 1, 2012

Title: Extending R with C++: A Brief Introduction to Rcpp
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and James Joseph Balamuta
Date: March 8, 2018

Title: MICE: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R
Author: Stef van Buuren
Date: 2013

Title: CSCE 666: Pattern Analysis
Author: Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna
Date: Fall 2013

  1. Environment: R 4.1.3 Mac M1.↩︎

These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.