Richard Wen
The nbc4va package implements the Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC)
algorithm for verbal autopsy data based on code and methods provided by
et al (2015).
This package is intended to be used for experimenting with the NBC
algorithm to predict causes of death using verbal autopsy data.
This package was developed at the Centre for Global Health Research
(CGHR) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The original NBC algorithm code was
developed by Pierre Miaskinof and Vasily Giannakeas. The original
performance metrics code was provided by Dr. Mireille Gomes whom also
offered guidance in metrics implementation and user testing. Special
thanks to Richard Zehang Li for providing a standard structure for the
package and Patrycja Kolpak for user testing of the GUI.
Quick Start
Run the nbc4va Graphical User Interface (GUI) and follow the
instructions in your browser:
Exit the GUI by closing the browser window and pressing
in a R console to stop the GUI process.
Background Knowledge
Before using the nbc4va package, ensure that the training and testing
data inputs are formatted correctly and that the terms used in this
package are understood:
- It is strongly suggested to review the Methods section for an understanding of terms and
- Please also review the input data specifications detailed in the Data section
Using the Package
The nbc4va package contains help sections with code samples and
references for usage:
- The Basic Usage section is suited for
users of all levels
- The Advanced Usage section is suited
for users of the package that have some R programming experience
- The Functions section provides an organized
list of package functions with brief descriptions
Getting Help
By using the help()
function (or ?
shortform) in an R console, you can access details about particular
functions and methods in the nbc4va
library(nbc4va) # load the nbc4va package
# View this help page as a vignette
# Access details about certain functions
help("nbc4va") # access the nbc4va package docs
help("nbc4vaGUI") # access GUI details
help("nbc4vaIO") # access file in and out details
help("nbc") # access the nbc algorithm function
help("summary.nbc") # access the summary function
help("plot.nbc") # access the results plot function
# Access details about example data
# Alternative short forms
Citing this Package
- Miasnikof P, Giannakeas V, Gomes M, Aleksandrowicz L, Shestopaloff
AY, Alam D, Tollman S, Samarikhalaj, Jha P. Naive Bayes classifiers for
verbal autopsies: comparison to physician-based classification for
21,000 child and adult deaths. BMC Medicine. 2015;13:286. 10.1186/s12916-015-0521-2.
To view citation information for the nbc4va package, use the code
below in an R console:
Basic Usage
This section provides details on the basic usage of the nbc4va
package which includes bringing up the Graphic User Interface and
running the Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm using file input and
User Interface
The simplest way to use the package is to open the Graphical User
Interface (GUI) in your default web browser with
Once the GUI is loaded, follow the instructions to fit a NBC model to
your training.csv
and to evaluate its performance with your
Example of GUI
If nbc4vaGUI()
is called sucessfully, the GUI shown in
the image below should be available in your web browser.

Sample Code for GUI
Run the following code using nbc4vaGUI()
in a R console
to open the GUI in your web browser:
library(nbc4va) # load the package
nbc4vaGUI() # open the GUI in your web browser
Close the GUI by pressing escape while you are in the R console.
References for GUI
See the Methods section for definitions of
performance metrics and terms in the model results.
Advanced Usage
This section provides details on the advanced usage of the nbc4va
package which includes training a NBC model, evaluating NBC model
performance, and plotting the top predicted causes from the NBC
The documentation written here is intended for users of R that
understand the different data structures of R such as:
It is also required to understand the basic data types:
Training a NBC Model
Run the following code using nbc()
in a R console to
train a NBC model:
# Create training and testing dataframes
data(nbc4vaData) # example data
train <- nbc4vaData[1:50, ]
test <- nbc4vaData[51:100, ]
# Train a nbc model
# The "results" variable is a nbc list-like object with elements accessible by $
# Set "known" to indicate whether or not testing causes are known in "test"
results <- nbc(train, test, known=TRUE)
# Obtain the probabilities and predictions
prob <- results$prob.causes # vector of probabilities for each test case
pred <- results$pred.causes # vector of top predictions for each test case
# View the "prob" and "pred", the names are the case ids
References for Training a NBC Model
See the Methods section for the NBC algorithm
For complete function specifications and usage of nbc()
use the code below in an R console:
Evaluating a NBC Model
Run the following code using summary.nbc()
in a R
console to evaluate a NBC model:
# Create training and testing dataframes
train <- nbc4vaData[1:50, ]
test <- nbc4vaData[51:100, ]
# Train a nbc model
results <- nbc(train, test, known=TRUE)
# Automatically calculate metrics with summary
# The "brief" variable is a nbc_summary list-like object
# The "brief" variable is "results", but with additional metrics
brief <- summary(results)
# Obtain the calculated metrics
metrics <- brief$metrics.all # vector of overall metrics
causeMetrics <- brief$metrics.causes # dataframe of metrics by cause
# Access the calculatd metrics
References for Evaluating a NBC Model
See the Methods section for definitions of
performance metrics and terms in the output.
For complete method specifications and usage of
, use the code below in a R console:
Plotting the Top Predicted Causes
Run the following code using plot.nbc()
in a R console
to produce a bar plot of the top predicted causes:
# Create training and testing data
train <- nbc4vaData[1:50, ]
test <- nbc4vaData[51:100, ]
# Train a nbc model and plot the top 5 causes if possible
results <- nbc(train, test, known=TRUE)
plot(results, top=5)
plot(results, top=5, footnote=FALSE) # remove footnote
Example of Plotting the Top Predicted Causes
The image below shows a plot of the top causes of death by predicted
CSMFs using plot.nbc()
on a NBC model trained using the
example data nbc4vaData
included in the package.

References for Plotting the Top Predicted Causes
See the Methods section for definition of CSMF
and related metrics in the footnote of the plot.
For complete method specifications and usage of
, use the code below in a R console:
This documentation page provides details on the training and testing
data formats to be used as inputs in the nbc4va package.
Training and Testing Data
The training data (consisting of cases, causes of death for each
case, and symptoms) is used as input for the Naive Bayes Classifier
(NBC) algorithm to learn the probabilities for each cause of death to
produce a NBC model.
This model can be evaluated for its performance by predicting on the
testing data cases, where the predicted causes of death are compared to
the causes of death in the testing data.
The process of learning the probabilities to produce the NBC model is
known as training, and the process of evaluating the predictive
performance of the trained model is known as testing.
Key points:
- The training data is used to build the NBC model
- The testing data is used to evaluate the NBC model’s predictive
- Ideally, the testing data should not have the same cases in the
training data
- Both the training and testing data must have the same symptoms
Examples of Data
The image below shows an example of the training data.

The image below shows an example of the corresponding testing

The image below shows an example of the corresponding testing data
without any causes.

Symptom Imputation Example
Given a symptom column containing the values of each case (1, 0, 0,
1, 99, 99):
- 1 represents presence of the symptom
- 0 represents absence of the symptom
- 99 is treated as unknown as to whether the symptom is present or
The imputation is applied as follows:
- The unknown values (99, 99) are randomly imputed according to the
known values (1, 0, 0, 1).
- The known values contain half (2/4) the values as 1s and half (2/4)
the values as 0s.
- Thus, the imputation results in half (1/2) the unknown values as 1s
and half (1/2) of the unknown values as 0s to match the known values
- The possible combinations for replacing the unknown values (99, 99)
are then (1, 0) and (0, 1).
The symptom imputation method preserves the approximate distribution
of the known values in an attempt to avoid dropping entire cases or
Sample Code for Data
Run the following code using nbc4vaData()
in the R
console to view the example data included in the nbc4va package:
library(nbc4va) # load the nbc4va package
data(nbc4vaData) # load the example data
View(nbc4vaData) # view the sample data in the nbc4va package
data(nbc4vaDataRaw) # load the example data with unknown symptom values
View(nbc4vaDataRaw) # view the sample data with unknown symptom values
This section provides details on the implementation of the Naive
Bayes Classifier algorithm, definition of uncommon terms, and
calculation of performance metrics.
Naive Bayes Classifier
The Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) is a machine learning algorithm that
uses training data containing cases of deaths to learn probabilities for
known causes of death based on given symptoms. This produces a model
that can use the learned probabilities to predict the cause of death for
cases in unseen testing data with same symptoms.
The nbc4va package implements the NBC algorithm for verbal autopsy
data using code and methods built on Miasnikof
et al (2015).
Terms for Data
Symptom: Refers to the features or independent
variables with binary values of 1 for presence and 0 for absence of a
death related condition.
Cause: Refers to the target or dependent variable
containing discrete values of the causes of death.
Case: Refers to an individual death containing an
identifier, a cause of death (if known), and several symptoms.
Training Data: Refers to a dataset of cases that the
NBC algorithm learns probabilities from.
Testing Data: Refers to a dataset of cases used to
evaluate the performance of a NBC model; these cases must have the same
symptoms as the Training Data
, but with different
Terms for Metrics
True Positives: The number of cases, given a cause,
where the predicted cause is equal to the actual observed cause (Fawcett,
True Negatives: The number of cases, given a cause,
where the predicted is not the cause and the actual observed is also not
the cause (Fawcett,
False Positives: The number of cases, given a cause,
where the predicted is the cause and the actual observed is not the
cause (Fawcett,
False Negatives: The number of cases, given a cause,
where the predicted is not the cause and the actual observed is the
cause (Fawcett,
CSMF: The fraction of deaths (predicted or observed)
for a particular cause.
Calculation of Metrics at the Individual Level
The following metrics measure the performance of a model by comparing
its predicted causes individually to the matching true/observed
Sensitivity: proportion of correctly identified
positives (Powers,
Sensitivity = \frac{TP}{TP+FN}
- \(TP\) is the number of true
- \(FN\) is the number of false
- This metric measures a model’s ability to correctly predict causes
of death
PCCC: partial chance corrected concordance (Murray
et al 2011).
PCCC(k) = \frac{C-\frac{k}{N}}{1-\frac{k}{N}}
- \(C\) is the fraction of deaths
where the true cause is in the top \(k\) causes assigned to that death
- \(k\) is the number of top causes
(constant of 1 in this package)
- \(N\) is the number of causes in
the study
- This metric measures how much better a model is than random
Calculation of Metrics at the Population Level
The following metrics measure the performance of a model by comparing
its distribution of cause predictions to a distribution of true/observed
causes for similar cases.
CSMFmaxError: cause specific mortality fraction
maximum error (Murray
et al 2011).
CSMF Maximum Error = 2(1-Min(CSMF_{j}^{true})
- \(j\) is a true/observed cause
- \(CSMFtruej\) is the true/observed
CSMF for cause \(j\)
CSMFaccuracy: cause specific mortality fraction
accuracy (Murray
et al 2011).
CSMFAccuracy = 1-\frac{\sum_{j=1}^{k} |CSMF_{j}^{true} -
CSMF_{j}^{pred}|}{CSMF Maximum Error}
- \(j\) is a cause
- \(CSMFtruej\) is the true/observed
CSMF for cause \(j\)
- \(CSMFpredj\) is the predicted CSMF
for cause \(j\)
- Values range from 0 to 1 with 1 meaning no error in the predicted
CSMFs, and 0 being complete error in the predicted CSMFs
References for Methods
- Fawcett T. An introduction to ROC analysis. Pattern Recognition
Letters[Internet]. 2005 Dec 19[cited 2016 Apr 29];27(8):861-874.
Available from:
- Miasnikof P, Giannakeas V, Gomes M, Aleksandrowicz L, Shestopaloff
AY, Alam D, Tollman S, Samarikhalaj, Jha P. Naive Bayes classifiers for
verbal autopsies: comparison to physician-based classification for
21,000 child and adult deaths. BMC Medicine. 2015;13:286. 10.1186/s12916-015-0521-2.
- Murray CJL, Lozano R, Flaxman AD, Vahdatpour A, Lopez AD. Robust
metrics for assessing the performance of different verbal autopsy cause
assignment methods in validation studies.Popul Health Metr. 2011;9:28.
Technologies. 2011;2(1)37-63.
These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.