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Getting started with pminternal

Stephen Rhodes



In developing a clinical prediction model measures of model performance are biased by the fact that we’re using the same data to fit (‘train’) the model as evaluate it. Splitting data into development and validation sets is inefficient. Bootstrapping or cross-validation can be used to estimate bias-corrected measures of model performance. This is known as ‘internal validation’ and addresses the question: what is the expected performance of a model developed in the same way in a sample selected from the same population? This is not to be confused with ‘external validation’ which assesses model performance in a different population or setting.

pminternal is inspired by the functions validate and predab.resample from the rms package. The aim is to provide a package that will work with any user-defined model development procedure (assuming it can be implemented in an R function). The package also implements more recently proposed ‘stability plots’. Currently only binary outcomes are supported but a goal is to eventually extend to other outcomes (survival, ordinal).

Supplying a model via fit

validate only needs a single argument to run, fit. fit should be a fitted model that is compatible with insight::get_data, insight::find_response, insight::get_call, and marginaleffects::get_predict. Models supported by insight can be found by running insight::supported_models() (or run is_model_supported(fit)); models supported by marginaleffects are here As we’re dealing with binary outcomes, not all models listed will be applicable.

The code below loads the GUSTO-I trial data, selects relevant variables, subsets to reduce run time, fits a model (a glm), and passes it to validate to produce optimism corrected performance metrics via bootstrap resampling.

#> Attaching package: 'Hmisc'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     format.pval, units

gusto <- gusto[, c("sex", "age", "hyp", "htn", "hrt", "pmi", "ste", "day30")]

gusto$y <- gusto$day30; gusto$day30 <- NULL
mean(gusto$y) # outcome rate
#> [1] 0.06982611

gusto <- gusto[sample(1:nrow(gusto), size = 4000),]

mod <- glm(y ~ ., data = gusto, family = "binomial")

mod_iv <- validate(mod, B = 20)
#> It is recommended that B >= 200 for bootstrap validation
#>           apparent optimism corrected  n
#> C           0.7983  0.00385   0.79446 20
#> Brier       0.0603 -0.00063   0.06094 20
#> Intercept   0.0000  0.00687  -0.00687 20
#> Slope       1.0000  0.00837   0.99163 20
#> Eavg        0.0023  0.00123   0.00108 20
#> E50         0.0014  0.00107   0.00034 20
#> E90         0.0044  0.00280   0.00160 20
#> Emax        0.0447  0.04581  -0.00112 20
#> ECI         0.0017  0.00704  -0.00530 20

As this validate call was run with method = "boot_optimism" we are able to assess model stability via the following calls. Note that these stability plots are not based on the estimates of optimism but rather based on predictions from models developed on bootstrapped resampled data sets evaluated on the original/development data. In that sense it is conceptually more related to the bias-corrected estimates obtained from method = "boot_simple". In any case both methods results in the necessary data to make these plots (see also classification_stability and dcurve_stability).

# prediction stability plot with 95% 'stability interval'
prediction_stability(mod_iv, bounds = .95)

# calibration stability 
# (using default calibration curve arguments: see pminternal:::cal_defaults())

# mean absolute prediction error (mape) stability 
# mape = average difference between boot model predictions
# for original data and original model
mape <- mape_stability(mod_iv)

#> [1] 0.009233709

It is possible to get apparent and bias-corrected calibration curves. For this we need to set an additional argument, specifying where to assess the calibration curve (i.e., points on the x-axis) as follows. We can also select how calibration curves will be estimated. In this case we use a restricted cubic spline with 5 knots (see pminternal::cal_defaults() for the default settings).

# find 100 equally spaced points 
# between the lowest and highest risk prediction
p <- predict(mod, type="response")

p_range <- seq(min(p), max(p), length.out=100)

mod_iv2 <- validate(mod, B = 20, 
                    calib_args = list(
#> It is recommended that B >= 200 for bootstrap validation
#>           apparent optimism corrected  n
#> C           0.7983  0.00204    0.7963 20
#> Brier       0.0603 -0.00096    0.0613 20
#> Intercept   0.0000  0.02506   -0.0251 20
#> Slope       1.0000  0.01743    0.9826 20
#> Eavg        0.0068 -0.00061    0.0074 20
#> E50         0.0063  0.00021    0.0060 20
#> E90         0.0106 -0.00030    0.0109 20
#> Emax        0.0820 -0.00523    0.0873 20
#> ECI         0.0092 -0.00136    0.0105 20

calp <- cal_plot(mod_iv2)

The plotting functions are fairly basic but all invisibly return the data needed to reproduce them as you like. For example, the plot below uses ggplot2 and adds a histogram of the predicted risk probabilities (stored in p) to show their distribution.

#>     predicted    apparent bias_corrected
#> 1 0.001661484 0.006418392    0.007972031
#> 2 0.009484478 0.007824631    0.008528307
#> 3 0.017307471 0.010911750    0.010198648
#> 4 0.025130465 0.017945390    0.017133285
#> 5 0.032953458 0.028541737    0.028377736
#> 6 0.040776452 0.040675895    0.041411019


ggplot(calp, aes(x=predicted)) +
  geom_abline(lty=2) +
  geom_line(aes(y=apparent, color="Apparent")) +
  geom_line(aes(y=bias_corrected, color="Bias-Corrected")) +
  geom_histogram(data = data.frame(p = p), aes(x=p, y=after_stat(density)*.01),
                 binwidth = .001, inherit.aes = F, alpha=1/2) +
  labs(x="Predicted Risk", y="Estimated Risk", color=NULL)

Finally, bootstrap confidence intervals can be calculated (see and pminternal::confint.internal_validate for details).

(mod_iv2 <- confint(mod_iv2, method = "shifted", R=100))
#>           apparent optimism corrected  n corrected_lower corrected_upper
#> C           0.7983  0.00204    0.7963 20          0.7724           0.826
#> Brier       0.0603 -0.00096    0.0613 20          0.0548           0.066
#> Intercept   0.0000  0.02506   -0.0251 20         -0.0251          -0.025
#> Slope       1.0000  0.01743    0.9826 20          0.9826           0.983
#> Eavg        0.0068 -0.00061    0.0074 20          0.0039           0.013
#> E50         0.0063  0.00021    0.0060 20          0.0026           0.011
#> E90         0.0106 -0.00030    0.0109 20          0.0060           0.026
#> Emax        0.0820 -0.00523    0.0873 20          0.0161           0.198
#> ECI         0.0092 -0.00136    0.0105 20          0.0030           0.042

And if confidence intervals are available they are plotted by cal_plot by default.

cal_plot(mod_iv2, bc_col = "red")

Additional models that could be supplied via fit and that I have tested on this gusto example are given below. Please let me know if you run into trouble with a model class that you feel should work with fit. The chunk below is not evaluated for build time so does not print any output.

### generalized boosted model with gbm
# syntax y ~ . does not work with gbm
mod <- gbm(y ~ sex + age + hyp + htn + hrt + pmi + ste, 
           data = gusto, distribution = "bernoulli", interaction.depth = 2)

(gbm_iv <- validate(mod, B = 20))

### generalized additive model with mgcv

mod <- gam(y ~ sex + s(age) + hyp + htn + hrt + pmi + ste, 
           data = gusto, family = "binomial")

(gam_iv <- validate(mod, B = 20))

### rms implementation of logistic regression
mod <- rms::lrm(y ~ ., data = gusto) 
# not loading rms to avoid conflict with rms::validate...

(lrm_iv <- validate(mod, B = 20))

User-defined model development functions

It is important that what is being internally validated is the entire model development procedure, including any tuning of hyperparameters, variable selection, and so on. Often a fit object will not capture this (or will not be supported).

In the example below we work with a model that is not supported by insight or marginaleffects: logistic regression with lasso (L1) regularization. The functions we need to specify are model_fun and pred_fun.


lasso_fun <- function(data, ...){
  y <- data$y
  x <- data[, c('sex', 'age', 'hyp', 'htn', 'hrt', 'pmi', 'ste')]
  x$sex <- as.numeric(x$sex == "male")
  x$pmi <- as.numeric(x$pmi == "yes")
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  cv <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x=x, y=y, alpha=1, nfolds = 10, family="binomial")
  lambda <- cv$lambda.min
  glmnet::glmnet(x=x, y=y, alpha = 1, lambda = lambda, family="binomial")

lasso_predict <- function(model, data, ...){
  x <- data[, c('sex', 'age', 'hyp', 'htn', 'hrt', 'pmi', 'ste')]
  x$sex <- as.numeric(x$sex == "male")
  x$pmi <- as.numeric(x$pmi == "yes")
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  plogis(glmnet::predict.glmnet(model, newx = x)[,1])

We recommend that you use :: to refer to functions from particular packages if you want to run bootstrapping in parallel. For cores = 1 (or no cores argument supplied) or cross-validation this will not be an issue.

The code below tests these functions out on gusto.

lasso_app <- lasso_fun(gusto)
lasso_p <- lasso_predict(model = lasso_app, data = gusto)

They work as intended so we can pass these functions to validate as follows. Here we are using cross-validation to estimate optimism. Note that the 10-fold cross-validation to select the best value of lambda (i.e., hyperparameter tuning) is done on each fold performed by validate.

# for calibration plot
eval <- seq(min(lasso_p), max(lasso_p), length.out=100)

iv_lasso <- validate(method = "cv_optimism", data = gusto, 
                     outcome = "y", model_fun = lasso_fun, 
                     pred_fun = lasso_predict, B = 10, 

#>           apparent optimism corrected  n
#> C           0.7982  0.00053    0.7977 10
#> Brier       0.0603  0.00000    0.0603 10
#> Intercept   0.0362  0.00898    0.0272 10
#> Slope       1.0173 -0.00657    1.0239 10
#> Eavg        0.0023 -0.00977    0.0121 10
#> E50         0.0019 -0.00567    0.0075 10
#> E90         0.0047 -0.02296    0.0276 10
#> Emax        0.0335 -0.05879    0.0923 10
#> ECI         0.0011 -0.04708    0.0482 10


For more examples of user defined model functions (including elastic net and random forest) can be found in vignette("validate-examples").

User-defined score functions

The scores returned by score_binary should be enough for most clinical prediction model applications but sometimes different measures may be desired. This can be achieved by specifying score_fun. This should take two arguments, y and p, and can take optional arguments. score_fun should return a named vector of scores calculated from y and p.

The function sens_spec takes an optional argument threshold that is used to calculate sensitivity and specificity. If threshold is not specified it is set to 0.5.

sens_spec <- function(y, p, ...){
  # this function supports an optional
  # arg: threshold (set to .5 if not specified)
  dots <- list(...)
  if ("threshold" %in% names(dots)){
    thresh <- dots[["threshold"]]
  } else{
    thresh <- .5
  # make sure y is 1/0
  if (is.logical(y)) y <- as.numeric(y)
  # predicted 'class'
  pcla <- as.numeric(p > thresh) 

  sens <- sum(y==1 & pcla==1)/sum(y==1)
  spec <- sum(y==0 & pcla==0)/sum(y==0)

  scores <- c(sens, spec)
  names(scores) <- c("Sensitivity", "Specificity")

The call to validate below uses the glm fit from the beginning of this vignette and uses the sens_spec function to calculate bias-corrected sensitivity and specificity with a threshold of 0.2 (in this case assessing classification stability would be important).

validate(fit = mod, score_fun = sens_spec, threshold=.2,
         method = "cv_optimism", B = 10)
#>             apparent optimism corrected  n
#> Sensitivity     0.31 0.003943      0.31 10
#> Specificity     0.94 0.000015      0.94 10

These binaries (installable software) and packages are in development.
They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.