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An excellent introduction to multistate models is found in Putter, Fiocco and
Geskus, Tutorial in biostatistics: Competing risks and multistate models
H., M., and B. (2007). In this section we recreate the graphs and tables from the paper; it
parallels a similar document that is a vignette in the mstate
package. This
vignette uses newer features of the survival package which directly support
multistate models; these features were not available at the time the tutorial
paper was written. The vignette will make the most sense if it is read in
parallel with the paper.
The tutorial uses two data sets which are included in the mstate
package. The
first is data from 329 homosexual men from the Amsterdam Cohort Studies on HIV
infection and AIDS. A competing risks analysis is done with the appearance of
syncytium inducing (SI) phenotype and AIDS diagnosis as the endpoints. The
second data set is from the European Blood and Marrow Transplant (EBMT)
registry, and follows 2204 subjects who had a transplant, forward to relapse or
death, with platelet recovery as an intermediate state.
The first analysis uses the AID data set and a competing risks transition shown in the figure below.
oldpar <- par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
states <- c("Event free", "AIDS", "SI")
smat <- matrix(0, 3, 3, dimnames=list(states, states))
smat[1,2] <- smat[1,3] <- 1
statefig(1:2, smat)
The statefig
routine is designed primarily for ease of use and creates figures
that are “good enough” for most uses.
We first create a multistate status variable and use it to plot the competing risk curves for the outcome. A key tool for dealing with multistate outcomes is replacement of the usual “status” variable of 0= censored, 1=event (or FALSE=censored TRUE = event) with a factor variable in the Surv function. This allows us to specify not just that an event occurred, but what type of event.
aidssi$event <- factor(aidssi$status, 0:2, c("censored", "AIDS", "SI"))
# The correct Aalen-Johansen curves
ajfit <- survfit(Surv(time, event) ~1, data = aidssi)
#> to
#> from AIDS SI (censored)
#> (s0) 114 108 107
#> AIDS 0 0 0
#> SI 0 0 0
plot(ajfit, xmax = 13, col = 1:2, lwd = 2,
xlab = "Years from HIV infection", ylab = "Probability")
legend(8, .2, c("AIDS", "SI"), lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = 1:2, bty = 'n')
Figure 1.1: Correct Aalen-Johansen curves for the cumulative incidence of AIDS and SI
Since an initial state was not specified in the data or the survfit call, the function assumes that all subjects started in a common state (s0) = “state 0”. Like the (Intercept) term in a linear model fit, the name created by the survfit function is placed in parenthesis to avoid overlap with any variable names in the data. The transitions matrix shows that 114 subjects transitioned from this initial state to AIDS, 108 transitioned to SI, and 107 were censored.
A small footnote: The survfit routine in R produces Aalen-Johansen (AJ) estimates, which are applicable to any state space diagram (an arrangement of boxes and arrows). For a simple two state model such as alive & dead, the AJ estimate reduces to a Kaplan-Meier (KM). For a competing risk model such as this, the AJ estimate produces the same values as the cumulative incidence estimator. Put another way, the KM and CI are special cases of the AJ. The tutorial uses all three labels of KM, CI, and AJ.
We will use “Txx” to stand for figures or page numbers in the tutorial. Figure 1.2 (T2) shows the two Kaplan-Meier curves, with one going uphill and the other downhill. The estimated fraction with AIDS is the area above the red curve, the fraction with SI the area below the blue one, and the middle part is the fraction with neither. The fact that they cross is used to emphasize the inconsistency of the two estimates, i.e., that they add to more than 1.0.
# re-create figure T2
# KM curves that censor the other endpoint (a bad idea)
bad1 <- survfit(Surv(time, event=="AIDS") ~ 1, data = aidssi)
bad2 <- survfit(Surv(time, event=="SI") ~1, data = aidssi)
plot(bad1, = FALSE, xmax = 13,
xlab = "Years from HIV infection", ylab = "Probability")
lines(bad2, = FALSE, fun = 'event', xmax = 13)
text(c(8,8), c(.8, .22), c("AIDS", "SI"))
Figure 1.2: This figure (T2) shows the estimated survival curve for AIDS and probability of SI appearance, based on the naive Kaplan-Meier estimate.
Figure 1.3 (T3) shows the Aalen-Johansen curves in the same form. The
default in the survival package is to plot each curve on the natural axis
\(p_k(t)\) = probability of being in state \(k\) at time \(t\), which is the pstate
component of the survfit object. The authors of the tutorial like to use a
stacked display: the distance between the horizontal axis and the first curve is
the probability of being in state 1, the distance between the first and second
lines is the probability of being in state 2, etc. Since \(\sum_k p_k(t)=1\)
(everyone has to be somewhere), the final curve is a horizontal line at 1. The
following helper function pstack
for stacked curves draws the plots in this
form. At time 0 the two lines are at y= 0 and 1: everyone is in the “neither
AIDS or SI” group.
pstack <- function(fit, top=FALSE, ...) {
temp <- survfit0(fit) # add the point at time 0
if (is.matrix(temp$pstate)) # usual case
temp$pstate <- t(apply(temp$pstate, 1, cumsum))
else if (is.array(temp$pstate))
temp$pstate <- aperm(apply(temp$pstate, 1:2, cumsum), c(2,3,1))
# this works because we don't change any other aspect of the survfit
# object, but only modify the probabilities.
if (top) plot(temp, noplot="", ...)
else plot(temp, noplot=temp$states[length(temp$states)], ...)
# re-create figure T3
pstack(ajfit[c(2,1,3)], col=1, xmax=13, lwd=2,
xlab="Years from HIV infection", ylab="Probability")
lines(bad1,, col="lightgray")
lines(bad2,, fun='event', col='lightgray')
text(c(4, 8,8), c(.5, .85, .15), c("Event free", "AIDS", "SI"), col=1)
Figure 1.3: This figure (T3) shows estimates of probabilities of AIDS and SI appearance, based on the naive Kaplan-Meier (grey) and on cumulative incidence/Aalen-Johansen functions (black)
Figure 1.4 (T4) reorders the states so the event free is the top group. This author prefers the unstacked version (1.1), which shows more clearly that the probabilities of the two outcomes are very nearly the same.
pstack(ajfit[c(2,3,1)], xmax=13, lwd=2, col=1, ylim=c(0,1),
xlab="Years from HIV infection", ylab="Probability")
text(c(11, 11, 11), c(.2, .55, .9), c("AIDS", "SI", "Event free"))
Figure 1.4: This figure (T4) shows cumulative incidence curves of AIDS and SI appearance. The cumulative incidence functions are stacked; the distance between two curves represent the probability of the different events.
A last point is to note that for cumulative hazard functions, you can do the estimates separately for each endpoint, censoring the other. In the figure below, the estimates from the joint fit and those from the “bad” fits completely overlay each other.
plot(ajfit, cumhaz=TRUE, xmax=13, col=1:2, lty=2,
xlab="Years from HIV infection", ylab="Cumulative incidence")
lines(bad1, cumhaz=TRUE,
lines(bad2, cumhaz=TRUE, col=2,
Figure 1.5: Cumulative incidence fit using the cumlative hazard function
The code below first fits a joint model for the two endpoints, followed by individual models for the two rates, each of which treats the other endpoint as censored.
cfit0 <- coxph(Surv(time, event) ~ ccr5, data = aidssi, id = patnr)
print(cfit0, digits=2)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(time, event) ~ ccr5, data = aidssi, id = patnr)
#> 1:2 coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z p
#> ccr5WM -1.24 0.29 0.31 0.30 -4.2 3e-05
#> 1:3 coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z p
#> ccr5WM -0.25 0.78 0.24 0.23 -1.1 0.3
#> States: 1= (s0), 2= AIDS, 3= SI
#> Likelihood ratio test=23 on 2 df, p=9.3e-06
#> n= 324, number of events= 220
#> (5 observations deleted due to missingness)
cfit1 <- coxph(Surv(time, event=="AIDS") ~ ccr5, data = aidssi)
print(cfit1, digits=2)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(time, event == "AIDS") ~ ccr5, data = aidssi)
#> coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
#> ccr5WM -1.24 0.29 0.31 -4 6e-05
#> Likelihood ratio test=22 on 1 df, p=2.8e-06
#> n= 324, number of events= 113
#> (5 observations deleted due to missingness)
cfit2 <- coxph(Surv(time, event=="SI") ~ ccr5, data = aidssi)
print(cfit2, digits=2)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(time, event == "SI") ~ ccr5, data = aidssi)
#> coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
#> ccr5WM -0.25 0.78 0.24 -1.1 0.3
#> Likelihood ratio test=1.2 on 1 df, p=0.27
#> n= 324, number of events= 107
#> (5 observations deleted due to missingness)
Notice that the coefficients for the joint fit are identical to those where each endpoint is fit separately. This highlights a basic fact of multistate models
The Cox model is a model for the hazards, and the separability allows for a lot
of freedom in how code and data sets are constructed. (It also gives more
opportunity for error, and for this reason the authors prefer the joint approach
of cfit0
). The tutorial fits separate Cox models, page T2404, of the form
found in cfit1
and cfit2
. We can also fit the joint model ‘by hand’ using a
stacked data set, which will have 329 rows = number of subjects for the AIDS
endpoint, followed by 329 rows for the SI endpoint. We had to be a bit cautious
since the tutorial uses “cause” for the event type and the data set aidsii
already has a variable by that name; hence the initial subset call.
temp <- subset(aidssi, select= c(patnr, time, ccr5))
temp1 <- data.frame(temp, status= 1*(aidssi$event=="AIDS"), cause="AIDS")
temp2 <- data.frame(temp, status= 1*(aidssi$event=="SI"), cause="SI")
stack <- rbind(temp1, temp2)
cfit3 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5 * strata(cause), data=stack)
print(cfit3, digits=2)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5 * strata(cause), data = stack)
#> coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
#> ccr5WM -1.24 0.29 0.31 -4.0 6e-05
#> ccr5WM:strata(cause)SI 0.98 2.67 0.39 2.5 0.01
#> Likelihood ratio test=23 on 2 df, p=9.3e-06
#> n= 648, number of events= 220
#> (10 observations deleted due to missingness)
The use of an interaction term gives a different form for the coefficients; the
second is now the difference in CCR-5 effect between the two endpoints. Which
form one prefers is a matter of taste. In the tutorial they used the equation
Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5*cause + strata(cause)
, which leads to a redundant
variable in the \(X\) matrix of the regression and a consequent NA coefficient in
the data set, but does not otherwise affect the results. We can also add
individual indicator variables to the stacked data set for ccr
within type,
which gives yet another way of writing the same model. Last, we verify that the
partial likelihoods for our three versions are all identical.
stack$ccr5.1 <- (stack$ccr5=="WM") * (stack$cause == "AIDS")
stack$ccr5.2 <- (stack$ccr5=="WM") * (stack$cause == "SI")
cfit3b <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5.1 + ccr5.2 + strata(cause), data = stack)
#> ccr5.1 ccr5.2
#> -1.2358147 -0.2542042
temp <- cbind(cfit0=cfit0$loglik, cfit3=cfit3$loglik, cfit3b=cfit3b$loglik)
rownames(temp) <- c("beta=0", "beta=final")
#> cfit0 cfit3 cfit3b
#> beta=0 -1116.689 -1116.689 -1116.689
#> beta=final -1105.102 -1105.102 -1105.102
We can also fit a models where the effect of ccr5 on the two types of outcome is
assumed to be equal. (We agree with the tutorial that there is not good medical
reason for such an assumption, the model is simply for illustration.) Not
surprisingly, the realized coefficient is midway between the estimates of the
ccr effect on the two separate endpoints. The second fit uses the joint model
approach by adding a constraint. In this case the formula argument for coxph
is a list. The first element of the list is a standard formula containing the
response and a set of covariates, and later elements, and the second, third,
etc. elements of the list are of the form state1:state2 ~ covariates. These
later element modify the formula for selected pairs of states. In this case the
second element specifies transitions from state 1 to 2 and 1:3 should share a
common ccr5 coefficient.
common1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5 + strata(cause), data=stack)
print(common1, digits=2)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5 + strata(cause), data = stack)
#> coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
#> ccr5WM -0.70 0.50 0.19 -3.8 2e-04
#> Likelihood ratio test=16 on 1 df, p=5e-05
#> n= 648, number of events= 220
#> (10 observations deleted due to missingness)
common1b <- coxph(list( Surv(time, event) ~ 1,
1:2 + 1:3 ~ ccr5/common ),
data=aidssi, id=patnr)
At this point the tutorial explores an approach that we find problematic, which
is to fit models to the stacked data set without including the stratum. The
partial likelihood for the Cox model has a term for each event time, each term
is a ratio that compares the risk score of the event (numerator) to the sum of
risk scores for all subjects who were at risk for the event (denominator). When
the stack
data set is fit without a strata statement, like below, then at each
event time the “risk set” will have 2 clones of each subject, one labeled with
covariate cause = AIDS and the other as SI. If we look closely, the estimated
coefficient from this second fit is almost identical to the stratified fit
, however.
common2 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5, data = stack)
all.equal(common2$coef, common1$coef)
#> [1] "Mean relative difference: 8.40399e-05"
In fact, if the Breslow approximation is used for ties, one can show that the
partial likelihood (PL) values for the two fits will satisfy the identity
PL(common2) = PL(common1) - d log(2), where \(d\) is the total number of events.
Since the two partial likelihoods differ by a constant, they will maximize at
the same location, i.e., give exactly the same coefficient estimates. One can
further show that if cause
is added to the second model as a covariate, that
this will not change the ccr5 coefficient, while adding an estimate of the
relative proportion of events of each type.
# reprise common1 and common2, using the breslow option
test1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5 + strata(cause), stack,
test2 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5, stack, ties='breslow')
all.equal(test2$loglik + test2$nevent * log(2), test1$loglik)
#> [1] TRUE
all.equal(test2$coef, test1$coef)
#> [1] TRUE
test3 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5 + cause, stack, ties='breslow')
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ ccr5 + cause, data = stack,
#> ties = "breslow")
#> coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
#> ccr5WM -0.70115 0.49601 0.18597 -3.770 0.000163
#> causeSI -0.05456 0.94690 0.13489 -0.404 0.685867
#> Likelihood ratio test=16.62 on 2 df, p=0.0002459
#> n= 648, number of events= 220
#> (10 observations deleted due to missingness)
all.equal(test3$coef[1], test1$coef)
#> [1] TRUE
These identities do not assure the author that this pseudo risk set approach,
where subjects are duplicated, is a valid way to estimate the ccr5 effect under
the assumption of a common baseline hazard. The first model common1
can be
directly fit in the multistate framework by adding the constraint of a common
ccr5 effect for the two transitions; this is found above as common1b
. One can
not directly fit a version of test2
using the multistate model, however, as
the underlying code for multistate fits rigorously enforces a “one copy”
principle: during the entire period of time that a subject is at risk, there
should be exactly one copy of that subject present in the data set. See the
survcheck routine for a more detailed discussion.
We can now generate predicted Aalen-Johansen curves from the Cox model fits. As with any Cox model, this starts by deciding who to predict, i.e. the set of covariate values at which to obtain a prediction. For a model with a single binary variable this is an easy task.
# re-create figure T5 in a single panel
dummy <- data.frame(ccr5=c("WW", "WM"))
pred.aj <- survfit(cfit0, newdata=dummy)
#> data states
#> 2 3
#> [1] "(s0)" "AIDS" "SI"
The resulting curves have an apparent dimension of (number of strata, number of covariate patterns, number of states). We plot subsets of the curves by using subscripts. (When there are no strata in the coxph fit (1 stratum) the code allows one to omit the first subscript.)
oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
plot(pred.aj[,,"AIDS"], lwd=2, col=c("black", "gray"),
xmax=13, ylim=c(0,.5),
xlab="Years from HIV infection", ylab="Probability of AIDS")
text(c(9.5, 10), c(.3, .1), c("WW", "WM"))
plot(pred.aj[,,"SI"], lwd=2, col=c("black", "gray"),
xmax=13, ylim=c(0,.5),
xlab="Years from HIV infection", ylab="Probability of SI")
text(c(8.5, 9), c(.33, .25), c("WW", "WM"))
Figure 1.6: Figure T5 showing predicted curves for AIDS and SI stratified by subjects with CCR5 wild-type (WW) and mutant (WM).
Predicted survival curves from the two fits to individual endpoints
suffer from the same issue as the individual Kaplan-Meier curves
and bad2
: the predicted risk risk of having either
AIDS or SI will be greater than 1 for some time points, which is clearly
impossible. Absolute risk estimates must be done jointly.
The tutorial at this point uses simulation data to further elucidate
the underlying issues between per-endpoint and joint estimates,
which we will not replicate.
We can also fit Fine-Gray models for AIDS and SI appearance. In the survival package this is done by creating a special data set - one for each endpoint. Ordinary Cox model code can then be applied to those data sets.
fdata1 <- finegray(Surv(time, event) ~ ., data = aidssi, etype = 'AIDS')
fgfit1 <- coxph(Surv(fgstart, fgstop, fgstatus) ~ ccr5, data = fdata1,
weight = fgwt)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(fgstart, fgstop, fgstatus) ~ ccr5, data = fdata1,
#> weights = fgwt)
#> coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z p
#> ccr5WM -1.0043 0.3663 0.3059 0.2830 -3.549 0.000387
#> Likelihood ratio test=13.94 on 1 df, p=0.000189
#> n= 2668, number of events= 113
#> (21 observations deleted due to missingness)
fdata2 <- finegray(Surv(time, event) ~., aidssi, etype="SI")
fgfit2 <- coxph(Surv(fgstart, fgstop, fgstatus) ~ ccr5, fdata2,
weight = fgwt)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(fgstart, fgstop, fgstatus) ~ ccr5, data = fdata2,
#> weights = fgwt)
#> coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z p
#> ccr5WM 0.02366 1.02394 0.23554 0.21832 0.108 0.914
#> Likelihood ratio test=0.01 on 1 df, p=0.9202
#> n= 2195, number of events= 107
#> (31 observations deleted due to missingness)
The predicted curves based on the Fine-Gray model 1.7 (T8) use the ordinary survival tools (not Aalen-Johansen), since they are ordinary Cox models on a special data set.
# re-create figure T8: Fine-Gray curves
fgsurv1<-survfit(fgfit1, newdata=dummy)
fgsurv2<-survfit(fgfit2, newdata=dummy)
oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(4.1, 3.1, 3.1, 1)) #leave room for title
plot(fgsurv1, col=1:2, lty=c(1,1,2,2), lwd=2, xmax=13,
ylim=c(0, .5),fun='event',
xlab="Years from HIV infection", ylab="Probability")
plot(fgsurv2, col=1:2, lty=c(1,1,2,2), lwd=2, xmax=13,
ylim=c(0, .5), fun='event',
xlab="Years from HIV infection", ylab="Probability")
title("SI appearance")
Figure 1.7: Reproduction of Figure T8 showing cumulative incidence functions for AIDS (left) and SI appearance (right), for CCR5 wild-type (WW) and mutant (WM), based on the Fine and Gray model.
The last plot 1.8 (T9) in this section of the tutorial contains the Aalen-Johansen non-parametric fits stratified by CCR5 status.
# re-create figure T9: curves by CCR type
aj2 <- survfit(Surv(time, event) ~ ccr5, data = aidssi)
oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
plot(aj2[,"AIDS"], xmax=13, col=1:2, lwd=2, ylim=c(0, .5),
xlab="Years from HIV infection", ylab="Probability of AIDS")
text(c(10, 10), c(.35, .07), c("WW", "WM"))
plot(aj2[,"SI"], xmax=13, col=1:2, lwd=2, ylim=c(0, .5),
xlab="Years from HIV infection", ylab="Probability of SI")
text(c(8, 8), c(.34, .18), c("WW", "WM"))
Figure 1.8: Reproduction of Figure T9 showing non-parametric cumulative incidence functions for AIDS (left) and SI appearance (right), for CCR5 wild-type (WW) and mutant (WM)
The multistate model is based on patients from the European Blood and Marrow Transplant registry. The initial state for each subject is bone marrow transplant after which they may have platelet recovery (PR); the end stage is relapse or death. Important covariates are the disease classification of AML, ALL or CML, age at transplant (3 groups), whether T-cell depletion was done, and whether donor and recipient are sex matched.
oldpar <- par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
states <- c("Transplant", "Platelet recovery",
"Relapse or death")
tmat <- matrix(0, 3,3, dimnames=list(states, states))
tmat[1,2] <- tmat[1,3] <- tmat[2,3] <- 1 # arrows
statefig(cbind((1:3)/4, c(1,3,1)/4), tmat)
text(c(.3, .5, .7), c(.5, .3, .5), c(1169, 458, 383))
Figure 2.1: Reproduce Figure T13
We first reprise table T2 to verify that we have the same data set.
#> 853 447 904
#> No gender mismatch Gender mismatch
#> 1648 556
#> 1928 276
#> <=20 20-40 >40
#> 419 1057 728
Next create the analysis data set edata
. The tmerge
function creates the
basic time course data set that tracks a subject from state to state using
(tstart, tstop) intervals of time. We also shorten one of the factor labels so
as to better fit the printout on a page. Printout of a subset of rows shows that
subjects 8 and 11 achieve PR, subject 9 is censored at 3.5 years (1264/365), and
subject 10 dies at about 1 year. Note that the variable for prior platelet
recovery (priorpr) lags the platelet recovery event. The survcheck
call is an
important check of the data set. The transitions table shows that about 28%
(577/2204) of the subjects had neither platelet recover or failure by the end of
follow-up while 383 experienced both. Most important is that the routine
reported no errors in the data.
temp <- subset(ebmt3, select = -c(prtime, prstat, rfstime, rfsstat))
edata <- tmerge(temp, ebmt3, id,
rstat = event(rfstime, rfsstat),
pstat = event(prtime, prstat),
priorpr = tdc(prtime))
#> id dissub tstart tstop rstat pstat priorpr
#> 15 8 ALL 0 35 0 1 0
#> 16 8 ALL 35 1448 0 0 1
#> 17 9 AML 0 1264 0 0 0
#> 18 10 CML 0 338 1 0 0
#> 19 11 AML 0 50 0 1 0
#> 20 11 AML 50 84 1 0 1
# Check that no one had recovery and death on the same day
with(edata, table(rstat, pstat))
#> pstat
#> rstat 0 1
#> 0 1363 1169
#> 1 841 0
# Create the factor outcome
edata$event <- with(edata, factor(pstat + 2*rstat, 0:2,
labels = c("censor", "PR", "RelDeath")))
levels(edata$drmatch) <- c("Match", "Mismatch")
survcheck(Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~1, edata, id=id)
#> Call:
#> survcheck(formula = Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ 1, data = edata,
#> id = id)
#> Unique identifiers Observations Transitions
#> 2204 3373 2010
#> Transitions table:
#> to
#> from PR RelDeath (censored)
#> (s0) 1169 458 577
#> PR 0 383 786
#> RelDeath 0 0 0
#> Number of subjects with 0, 1, ... transitions to each state:
#> count
#> state 0 1 2
#> PR 1035 1169 0
#> RelDeath 1363 841 0
#> (any) 577 1244 383
We then generate the multistate \(P(t)\) curves, a plot that does not appear in the tutorial. It shows the rapid onset of platelet recovery followed by a slow but steady conversion of these patients to relapse or death.
surv1 <- survfit(Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ 1, edata, id=id)
surv1$transitions # matches the Frequencies on page C5
#> to
#> from PR RelDeath (censored)
#> (s0) 1169 458 577
#> PR 0 383 786
#> RelDeath 0 0 0
plot(surv1, col=1:2, xscale=365.25, lwd=2,
xlab="Years since transplant", ylab="Fraction in state")
legend(1000, .2, c("Platelet recovery", "Death or Relapse"),
lty=1, col=1:2, lwd=2, bty='n')
The default fit has separate baseline hazards and separate coefficients for each transition, and is given below. We have used the Breslow approximation for ties so as to exactly match the paper. By default the program uses a robust standard error to account for the fact that some subjects have multiple events. This reproduces the results in the first column of table III.
efit1 <- coxph(Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ dissub + age + drmatch + tcd,
id=id, data=edata, ties='breslow')
print(efit1, digits=2)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ dissub + age + drmatch +
#> tcd, data = edata, ties = "breslow", id = id)
#> 1:2 coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z p
#> dissubALL -0.044 0.957 0.078 0.074 -0.6 0.55
#> dissubCML -0.297 0.743 0.068 0.068 -4.4 1e-05
#> age20-40 -0.165 0.848 0.079 0.076 -2.2 0.03
#> age>40 -0.090 0.914 0.086 0.083 -1.1 0.28
#> drmatchMismatch 0.046 1.047 0.067 0.064 0.7 0.47
#> tcdTCD 0.429 1.536 0.080 0.075 5.7 1e-08
#> 1:3 coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z p
#> dissubALL 0.256 1.292 0.135 0.139 1.8 0.07
#> dissubCML 0.017 1.017 0.108 0.109 0.2 0.88
#> age20-40 0.255 1.291 0.151 0.149 1.7 0.09
#> age>40 0.526 1.693 0.158 0.157 3.4 8e-04
#> drmatchMismatch -0.075 0.928 0.110 0.108 -0.7 0.49
#> tcdTCD 0.297 1.345 0.150 0.145 2.0 0.04
#> 2:3 coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z p
#> dissubALL 0.136 1.146 0.148 0.153 0.9 0.37
#> dissubCML 0.247 1.280 0.117 0.117 2.1 0.04
#> age20-40 0.062 1.063 0.153 0.155 0.4 0.69
#> age>40 0.581 1.787 0.160 0.164 3.5 4e-04
#> drmatchMismatch 0.173 1.189 0.115 0.113 1.5 0.13
#> tcdTCD 0.201 1.222 0.126 0.120 1.7 0.09
#> States: 1= (s0), 2= PR, 3= RelDeath
#> Likelihood ratio test=118 on 18 df, p=<2e-16
#> n= 3373, number of events= 2010
Now draw Figure 2.2 (T14) for baseline hazards.
# a data set containing the "reference" categories
rdata <- data.frame(dissub="AML", age="<=20", drmatch="Match", tcd="No TCD")
esurv1 <- survfit(efit1, newdata=rdata)
plot(esurv1, cumhaz=TRUE, lty=1:3, xscale=365.25, xmax=7*365.35,
xlab="Years since transplant", ylab="Cumulative hazard")
legend(365, .8, c("Transplant to platelet recovery (1:2)",
"Transplant to death (1:3)",
"Platelet recovery to death (2:3)"), lty=1:3, bty='n')
Figure 2.2: Reproduce Figure T14
From the figure, proportional hazards for the two transitions to death could be As we noted before, the partial likelihood construction forces separate baseline hazards for transitions that emanate from a given state, i.e. the 1:2 and 1:3 pair in this case. However, it does allow a shared baseline hazard for transitions that terminate in the same state, i.e., 1:3 and 2:3. The fit below does adds this constraint. The resulting fit replicates coefficients in the “proportional hazards” columns of table T3.
efit2 <- coxph(list(Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ dissub + age + drmatch + tcd,
0:state("RelDeath") ~ 1 / shared),
id=id, data=edata, ties='breslow')
print(coef(efit2, type='matrix'), digits=2)
#> dissubALL_1:2 dissubCML_1:2 age20-40_1:2
#> -0.0436 -0.2972 -0.1646
#> age>40_1:2 drmatchMismatch_1:2 tcdTCD_1:2
#> -0.0898 0.0458 0.4291
#> dissubALL_1:3 dissubCML_1:3 age20-40_1:3
#> 0.2610 0.0036 0.2509
#> age>40_1:3 drmatchMismatch_1:3 tcdTCD_1:3
#> 0.5258 -0.0721 0.3185
#> dissubALL_2:3 dissubCML_2:3 age20-40_2:3
#> 0.1398 0.2503 0.0556
#> age>40_2:3 drmatchMismatch_2:3 tcdTCD_2:3
#> 0.5625 0.1691 0.2110
#> ph(2:3/1:3)
#> -0.3786
The last model of table 3 adds a term for the time until platelet recovery. This variable is only defined for subjects who enter state 2.
prtime <- ifelse(edata$priorpr==1, edata$tstart, 0)/365.25
efit3 <- coxph(list(Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ dissub + age + drmatch + tcd,
0:state("RelDeath") ~ 1/ shared,
"PR":"RelDeath" ~ prtime),
id=id, data=edata, ties='breslow')
print(coef(efit3, type='matrix'), digits=2)
#> dissubALL_1:2 dissubCML_1:2 age20-40_1:2
#> -0.0436 -0.2972 -0.1646
#> age>40_1:2 drmatchMismatch_1:2 tcdTCD_1:2
#> -0.0898 0.0458 0.4291
#> dissubALL_1:3 dissubCML_1:3 age20-40_1:3
#> 0.2609 0.0038 0.2510
#> age>40_1:3 drmatchMismatch_1:3 tcdTCD_1:3
#> 0.5258 -0.0721 0.3182
#> dissubALL_2:3 dissubCML_2:3 age20-40_2:3
#> 0.1320 0.2518 0.0582
#> age>40_2:3 drmatchMismatch_2:3 tcdTCD_2:3
#> 0.5658 0.1668 0.2074
#> prtime ph(2:3/1:3)
#> 0.2952 -0.4069
We have purposely used a mix of state:state notations in the above call for illustration.
A line can refer to state pairs that do not exist, without harm; a last step in the processing subsets to transitions that actually occur in the data. The first line implicitly includes ‘RelDeath’:‘RelDeath’ for instance.
Table T4 of the tutorial reruns these three models using a “clock reset” time
scale. Code will be the same as before but with Surv(tstop - tstart, event)
the coxph calls.
We now predict the future state of a patient, using as our reference set two subjects who are <= 20 years old, gender matched, AML, with and without T-cell depletion. We will use the fit from column 2 of table T3, which has proportional hazards for the transitions to Relapse/Death and a separate baseline hazard for the PR transition.
edummy <- expand.grid(age="<=20", dissub="AML", drmatch="Mismatch",
tcd=c("No TCD", "TCD"), priorpr=1)
ecurve2 <- survfit(efit2, newdata= edummy)
plot(ecurve2, col=c(1,1,2,2,3,3), lty=1:2, lwd=2, xscale=365.25,
xlab="Years since transplant", ylab="Predicted probabilities")
legend(700, .9, c("Currently alive in remission, no PR", "Currently in PR",
"Relapse or death"), col=1:3, lwd=2, bty='n')
text(700, .95, "Solid= No TCD, dashed = TCD", adj=0)
The predicted effect of TCD is to increase the occupancy of both the PR and remission/death states, at the expense of the unchanged state.
Figure 2.3 (T15) separates the remission/death state into two portions, those who had prior PR and those who did not. To create this set of curves we set up the data as the four state models shown below.
oldpar <- par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
state4 <- c("Transplant", "Platelet recovery", "Relapse or death (1)",
"Relapse or death (2)")
cmat <- matrix(0, 4, 4, dimnames = list(state4, state4))
cmat[1,2] <- cmat[1,3] <- cmat[2,4] <- 1
statefig(c(1,2,1), cmat)
etemp <- as.numeric(edata$event)
etemp <- ifelse(etemp==3 & edata$priorpr==1, 4, etemp)
edata$event4 <- factor(etemp, 1:4, c("censor", "PR", "RelDeath1",
survcheck(Surv(tstart, tstop, event4) ~ 1, edata, id=id)
#> Call:
#> survcheck(formula = Surv(tstart, tstop, event4) ~ 1, data = edata,
#> id = id)
#> Unique identifiers Observations Transitions
#> 2204 3373 2010
#> Transitions table:
#> to
#> from PR RelDeath1 RelDeath2 (censored)
#> (s0) 1169 458 0 577
#> PR 0 0 383 786
#> RelDeath1 0 0 0 0
#> RelDeath2 0 0 0 0
#> Number of subjects with 0, 1, ... transitions to each state:
#> count
#> state 0 1 2
#> PR 1035 1169 0
#> RelDeath1 1746 458 0
#> RelDeath2 1821 383 0
#> (any) 577 1244 383
efit4 <- coxph(list(Surv(tstart, tstop, event4) ~ dissub + age + drmatch + tcd,
1:3 + 2:4 ~ 1/ shared),
id=id, data=edata, ties='breslow')
#> 1:2 1:3 2:4
#> dissubALL 1 7 13
#> dissubCML 2 8 14
#> age20-40 3 9 15
#> age>40 4 10 16
#> drmatchMismatch 5 11 17
#> tcdTCD 6 12 18
#> ph(1:3) 0 0 19
# some of the coefficient names change, but not the values
all.equal(coef(efit4), coef(efit2), check.attributes= FALSE)
#> [1] TRUE
The coefficient map (cmap) component of the fit verifies that the final model has a shared baseline for the 1:3 and 2:4 transitions, and separate coefficients for all the others. (The cmap matrix serves as a table of contents for the 19 coefficients in the model. It is used by the print routine to control layout, for instance.) We also verify that this simple relabeling of states has not changed the estimated transition rates.
Last, we redraw this figure as a stacked diagram. We split it as two figures because the version with both TCD and no TCD together had too many crossing lines. Figure 2.3 (T15) corresponds to the left panel.
edummy <- expand.grid(dissub="AML", age= "<=20", drmatch="Match",
tcd=c("No TCD", "TCD"), priorpr=1)
ecurve4 <- survfit(efit4, newdata=edummy)
oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(4.1, 3.1, 3.1, .1))
xscale=365.25, ylim=c(0,1),
xlab="Years since transplant", ylab="Predicted probabilities")
text(rep(4*365, 4), c(.35, .54, .66, .9), cex=.7,
c("Alive in remission, PR", "Relapse or death after PR",
"Relapse or death without PR", "Alive in remission, no PR"))
title("No TCD")
xscale=365.25, ylim=c(0,1),
xlab="Years since transplant", ylab="Predicted probabilities")
text(rep(4*365, 4), c(.35, .65, .8, .95), cex=.7,
c("Alive in remission, PR", "Relapse or death after PR",
"Relapse or death without PR", "Alive in remission, no PR"))
Figure 2.3: Figure T15
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