Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- php-pecl-datadog-trace - APM and distributed tracing for PHP
- php-pecl-grpc - General RPC framework
- php-pecl-imagick-im7 - Extension to create and modify images using ImageMagick 7
- php-pecl-imagick-im7-devel - imagick extension developer files (header)
- php-pecl-memcached - Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
- php-pecl-msgpack - API for communicating with MessagePack serialization
- php-pecl-msgpack-devel - MessagePack developer files (header)
- php-pecl-opentelemetry - OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation support extension
- php-pecl-pinpoint - PHP extension for pinpoint-apm<
- php-pecl-redis6 - Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value store
- php-pecl-xdebug3 - Provides functions for function traces and profiling
- php-pecl-xpass - Extended password extension