Chciałbym podkreślić, że jest to mój subiektywny wybór (pakiety do których brak opisu lub opis był w jakimś pogańskim języku albo też był niezrozumiały po 30 s lekturze były uznane za nieprzydatne). Informacje o działaniu pochodzą z książki ,,The LaTeX Companion'' autorów: Michel Gosens, Frank Mittelbach i Aleksander Samarin (ISBN 0-201-54199-8) oraz opisów zawartych w samych pakietach.
opisany; wart zauważenia pożyteczny, ale nieopisany nie mam zdania (raczej nie podniecający, ale może się przydać) użyteczność wątpliwa lub mocno wątpliwa
Temat | Pakiety |
definiowanie wyglądu tytułów | anonchap, appendix, fncychap, hypbmsec, nccsect, secdot, sectsty, slidesec, titlesec, titletoc, tocvsec2 |
tworzenie dokumentu w postaci pdf | cooltooltips, holtxdoc, hothread, hypbmsec, insdljs, pdfcprot, pdflscape, pdfpages, pdfscreen, pdfslides, pdfslide, pdftricks, vpe |
numerowani linii | ilineno, ledmac, linenox0, lineno, lnopatch, numline |
ramki | boxedminipage, color, dashbox, fancybox, framed, shadethm, shadow, thmbox, xcolor |
terminarz | autofilo, calendar, dates, daytime, dow, evautofl, evntlist, evweek, hlist, hml, hmonth, monthly, timesht, timetabl, yearly |
wygląd elementów dokumentu | adrlist, amsbooka, amsclass, amsdtx, begriff, cclayout, cc4apjrnl, cc4elsart, cc4jt, cc4llncs, cc4siamltex, cc, chappg, combine, cooking, deccomma, decimal, ellipsis, fbithesis, fltpoint, galley2, hanging, icomma, lips, listofsymbols, ltugcomn, ltugproc, magaz, mathdots, memoir, microtype, mwcls, nrcdoc, nrc1, nrc2, nrc, ot1patch, pl, raggedr, ragged2e, ragged, romannum, sepnum, sistyle, tensind, titles, tugboat, unitsdef, units, varsects, xfmgalley, xfm-aip, xfm-arlo, xfm-plain, xfm-tub, xfm-wiley, xfm, xfrac, xhj, york-thesis |
grafika | bez123, boxedeps, coordsys, curvesls, curves, curve2e, ebezier, eepicemu, eepic, emp, epic, epic, epsfig, epsf, eso-pic, fmp, fullpict, gnuplottex, graphics, graphicx-psmin, graphicx, grfpaste, hilowres, lingtrees, logsys, lsc, makeplot, miniplot, nccpic, overpic, pictex2, pict2e, psfragx, psfrag, pspicture, pstricks, pst-all, pst-blur, pst-char, pst-coil, pst-eps, pst-fill, pst-ghsb, pst-grad, pst-gr3d, pst-key, pst-lens, pst-node, pst-optic, pst-osci, pst-plot, pst-poly, pst-slpe, pst-text, pst-tree, pst-3d, ps4pdf, randbild, rrgtrees, sseq, xypic, xytree |
listy, wykazy | cjwoutl, enumerate, enumitem, enum, etaremune, expdlist, itemrule, linguex, listliketab, liststyle, mdwlist, multienum, paralist, revnum, shortlst |
nagłówki i stopki | extramarks, fancyhdr, fancyheadings, fixmarks, fix2col, floatpag, fwlw, head, nccfancyhdr, nopageno, pageno, romanneg, rplain, thumb, underlin, xhead, xmarks |
wzory chemiczne | aliphat, chemarrow, chemarr, chemcompounds, chemist, chemstr, chemsym, corridx, fusering, hcycle, hetaromh, hetarom, locant, lowcycle, methylen, mhchem, polymers, stree, xymtex |
druk ,,dosłowny'' (verbatim), a także listingi programów (konstrukcje w różnych językach programowania, diagramy syntaktyczne) | algorithm2e, alltt, clrscode, cmtt, extract, fancyvrb, filecontents, fvrb-ex, grverb, keyvald, listings, listing, method, mftinc, moreverb, newalg, newvbtm, programs, program, pseudocode, shortvrb, sverb, syntax, tcldoc, url, varvbtm, verbasef, verbatim, verbdef, vrbexin |
egzaminy, quizy, krzyżówki, pytania/odpowiedzi | answers, anufinalexam, crosswrd, dialog, exam, exam, exam, exerquiz, probsoln, qcm, sudoku, web |
notatki na marginesie | changebar, fixme, framed, marginal, marginnote, marn, mparhack, vruler |
ułatwienie konwersji dokumentu do postaci HTML lub przetwarzanie dokumentu HTML/XML | foilhtml, frames, hlist, hml, hmonth, hthtml, htmllist, html, justify, ldump, svninfo, typehtml, url, verbatimfiles |
kolor | blackdvi, colordvi, colorinfo, colortbl, color, framed, pdfcolmk, pstcol, xcolor |
wersje dokumentu | comment, excludeonly, optional, versions, version, vversion |
powiązania, referencje, hiperreferencje | autind, backcite, backrefx, bibcheck, biblref, bibref, breakurl, camel, cccite, cc2cite, chapterbib, chbibref, cite, crossreference, drftcite, drftcono, endheads, fancyref, fncylab, hxt-bc, hypbmsec, hypcap, hypernat, iagproc, indxcite, labeldeb, lastpage, overcite, prettyref, refcheck, refcount, refstyle, relabel, saferef, showkeys, showlabels, smartref, titleref, totpages, url, ut-backref, varioref, vrflocal, xr |
matematyka | 12many, accents, amsbsy, amscd, amsfonts, amsgen, amsmath, amsopn, amssymb, amstext, amsxtra, ams, apjfonts, arcs, arrsy, bbm, bm, braket, cancel, cases, cellspace, circle, commath, complexity, concmath, cursor, dblfont, deccomma, delarray, deleq, dotlessj, dotseqn, easybmat, easyeqn, easymat, easyvector, easy, elmath, empheq07, empheq, eqname, eqnarray, esdiff, eucal, eufrak, eulervm, euler, euscript, exscale, extarrows, fixmath, fleqn, formular, fourier, functan, gauss, harpoon, lamsarrow, leftidx, leqno, mathbbol, mathcmd, mathdesign, mathenv, mathenv, mathpazo, mathpple, maybemath, mdwmath, mdwtab, mhequ, moresize, mtgreek, nath, nccmath, oldstyle, oubraces, overrightarrow, paresse, permute, pmat, proba, proof, qsymbols, semantic, slashed, sobolev, statex, stmaryrd, subeqnarray, subeqn, tccompat, tensind, tensor, tmmaths, undertilde, vdm, xfrac, yhmath, zed-csp |
spisy (treści, tabel, rysunków itp.) | minitocoff, minitoc-hyper, minitoc, titletoc, tocloft |
rysunki (tabele) ,,oblewane'' tekstem, inicjały | dropping, floatflt, fraktur, lettrine, nccfloats, wrapfig, wrapft, xinitials |
obroty tekstu (i nie tylko) | example, lscape, pdflscape, rotate-textures, rotate, rotating, rotfloat, rotpages |
liczniki, operacje na licznikach | chappg, chngcntr, chngpage, count1to, dcounter, fmtcount, refcount, regcount, remreset, sublabel |
używane wewnętrznie przez inne pakiety | getwidth, ifoption, inicap, mathscinet, mathtools, mhsetup, pcatcode, rkeyval, textcmds |
czas i data | advdate, isodateo, printtim, time, time |
testowanie przetwarzania, wydruki kontrolne | autoerr, changebar, checkend, cmdtrack, colorinfo, diagnose, draftcopy, drftcite, fixme, fnbreak, gdgspace, hilowres, labeldeb, layout, preview, printlen, refcheck, regcount, setspace, showkeys, showlabels, snapshot, somedefs, srcltx, syntonly, tracefnt, trace, typogrid, vertbars, vruler, vversion, xo-grid |
dokument hipertekstowy | backref, hyperref, hyper, minitoc-hyper, nameref, nohyperref, ntheorem-hyper |
diagramy, wykresy słupkowe, schematy | bar, bitfield, bytefield, circ, cuisine, dcpic, dnaseq, ecltree, feynmf, feynmp, flow, histogr, kuvio, msc, multibox, nassi, othello, pb-diagram, pb-lams, pb-xy, pmgraph, pndraw, pnets, pntext, qobitree, register, rrgtrees, scalebar, schedule, semantic, synttree, tableau, termcal, textopo, timing, trees, t-angles, youngtab |
nuty, muzyka | guitar |
tworzenie skorowidzów, słowników itp. | autind, bibref, compare, docidx2e, docindex, glossary, index, ltxindex, makeidx, repeatindex, robustindex, showidx, sort, splitidx, varindex, xindex |
wyróżnienia tekstu ozdobniki (podkreślenia, druk rozstrzelony i t.p.) | color, compsci, contour, dashrule, fancyvrb, letterspace, oldstyle, scalefnt, shadbox1, shadbox, slemph, soul, textfit, tracking, ulem, umoline, underscore, ushort, wiggly, xcolor |
prezentacje (również PDF) | attachfile, automata, beamer, dljslib, eforms, eq2db, exerquiz, fixseminar, flowfram, foils, ha-prosper, ifmslide, insdljs, movie15, obox, pause, pdfpages, pdfscreen, pdfslides, pdfslide, pdftricks, powerdot, powersem, ppr-prv, prosper, schemes, semcolor, semhelv, seminar, semlayer, semlcmss, semrot, sem-page, slidenotes, slidesec, talk, texpower, tpmultiinc, tppstcol, tpsem-a4, tpslifonts, web |
skład wielołamowy | balance, cuted, fixltx2e, fix2col, flushend, midfloat, multicol, parallel, parrun |
przepisy kulinarne | cuisine |
inne, ciekawe środowiska | algorithmic, algorithm2e, algorithm, alg, amsthm, answers, attrib, boxedminipage, ccalgo, ccaux, ccproof, ccqed, ccreltx, ccthm, compactbib, compsci, desclist, enumitem, epigraph, eqlist, eqparbox, exercise, filecontents, framed, fvrb-ex, genmpage, listing, mathenv, mhequ, midpage, msg, nccthm, newalg, newproof, newthm, notes, ntabbing, ntheorem-hyper, ntheorem, outliner, outline, qed, raggedr, ragged2e, sets, smfenum, smfthm, sublabel, sverb, syntax, tabbing, thcc, theorem, thmbox, varwidth, verse, vhistory, xtheorem |
akcenty | accents, arcs, exaccent, textcomp, undertilde |
definiowanie dodatkowych symboli | aecompl, amssymb, amsxtra, ams, apjfonts, arrsy, chemarr, chemsym, cjwunits, comicsans, complexity, dblfont, dotlessi, dotlessj, esint, esvect, eurosym, extdash, extpfeil, fourier-orns, fourier, fraktur, galois, gensymb, hhtensor, keystroke, latexsym, manfnt, marvosym, mathcomp, mattens, mflogo, mtgreek, nccbbb, nicefrac, noitcrul, overrightarrow, oz, paresse, psgreek, qsymbols, semantic, semtrans, siunits, sobolev, spanish, statex, tccompat, texlogos, tone, trfsigns, vdm, vector, wasysym |
pozostałe pakiety | acromake, afterpage, alphanum, askinclude, at, authblk, bits, bophook, boundbox, cchess, clock, comma, conditionals, csvtools, curve, dottex, dvipaste, easytitle, eurofont, euro, fancynum, fink, grabhedr, gradback, harmony, hexdump, indentfirst, juraabbrev, kvmacros, lambda, lazylist, lhelp, listout, makedtx, mathenv, menu, metre, minutes, misc, moredefs, mtcoff, needspace, nomencl, nth, numprint, onepagem, pagepc, path, pcode, plain, relinput, relsize, setdim, shapepar, shorttoc, skak, slownie, songbook, swrule, texmate, tvz-code, tvz-hax, tvz-user, volumes, xcomment, xspace |
etykiety, wizytówki | envlab, flacards, labels, nicefram, olabels |
obiekty ruchome (table, float lub tworzenie nowych) i ich opisy (caption) | algorithm, boxhandler, captcont, captdef, caption2, caption, capt-of, ccaption, ccapt2, cuted, dblfloatfix, dpfloat, endfloat, figbib, figcaps, figsize, flafter, floatpag, floatrow, float, fltpage, ftcap, graphfig, here, hhsubfigure, hvfloat, mcaption, midfloat, multicap, nonfloat, photo, placeins, plates, rotating, rotfloat, semioneside, sidecap, stfloats, subfigmat, subfigure, subfig, subfloat, topcapt, xo-capt, xo-float |
bibliografia | amsrefs, apacite, autind, backrefx, backref, bibcheck, bibentry, bibleref, biblref, bibref, bibtexlogo, bibtopic, bibunits, breakcites, ccdbs, chapterbib, chbibref, chemcono, citehack, citeref, cite, drftcite, easybib, footbib, harvard, har2nat, jeb-bibl, jurabib, listbib, makebst, mcite, mlbib, multibbl, multibib, natbib, opcit, overcite, splitbib, tocbibind, ut-backref |
dodatki do jądra LaTeXa | clefval, dcounter, diagnose, doafter, docmfp, duplicat, dvipaste, dvipscol, everysel, everyshi, export, filecontents, fonttable, ifmtarg, import, inpmath, keyval, ldcsetup, localloc, l3basics, l3chk, l3doc, l3expan, l3int, l3io, l3names, l3precom, l3prop, l3quark, l3seq, l3tlp, l3toks, mff, morehelp, multido, mwrite, namespc, nccboxes, newclude, newfile, newlfont, nextpage, nolbreaks, notoccite, oldlfont, overword, pagesel, patchcmd, perltex, perpage, plprefix, poligraf, polski, regcount, remreset, rmpage, robustcommand, rtkinenc, savesym, selectp, settobox, subfiles, sublabel, substr, tclldoc, template, texsort, textcase, tokenizer, toklist, toolbox, trace, trace, truncate, twoopt, upref, warning, xdoc2, xkeyval, xoutput, xo-alloc, xo-final, xo-here, xo-new, xo-or, xo-page, xo-place, xo-trace, xparse, xtools |
pasery, informacje dla drukarni | cropmark, cropmark, crop, ncccropmark, wmcropmark |
sterowanie wyglądem dokumentu | booklet, cd-cover, classicthesis, coverpage, emulateapj, flacards, fullpage, geometry, hepunits, hep, IEEEconf, layouts, margins, multitoc, nddiss2e, picinpar, pracjourn, rotpages, scale, sciposter, scrlettr, semioneside, showframe, textpos, tocenter, twoup, vmargin, watermark, xpage, 2in1, 2up |
podłączanie innych fontów | ae, altfont, amsfonts, amssymb, anttor, apjfonts, bembo, bold-extra, cmap, cmlgc, cmmib57, concmath, concrete, couriers, cyinpenc, cyoutenc, cyrlatex, dsfont, duerer-latex, em, eucal, eufrak, eulervm, euscript, everysel, extraipa, extsizes, fix-cm, fourier, frcursive, hfoldsty, lcy, lgreek, lhcyralt, lhcyrkoi, lhcyrwin, lmodern, lucbmath, lucidabr, lucida, lucidbrb, lucidbry, lucmin, lucmtime, luctime, mathbbol, mathdesign, mathpazo, mathpi, mathpple, mathtime, mdwfonts, mff, mf-frak, mtimes, mtpro, mt11p, npsfont, oldgerm, ot2, pandora-latex, pdfcprot, proba, psfonts, psfont, pxfonts, qbookman, qcourier, qpalatin, qpxmath, qpxsc, qswiss, qtimes, qtxmath, qzapfcha, russian, sansmath, sans, sexscale, smallcap, ssqquote, startrek, suetterl, texnansi, tipa, tipx, tmmathm, tmmaths, tmmath, tpcmfont, twcal, txfonts, upgreek, va, vowel, yfonts |
biologia | biotex, texshade |
tablice (tabele), ,,wykończenia tabeli'', pozycjonowanie liczb w tabeli, długie tabele | arrayjob, array, arydshln, bigdelim, bigstrut, blkarray, booktabs, colortbl, ctable, dcolumn, delarray, easytable, hhline, listliketab, longtable, ltablex, ltabptch, ltxtable, makecell, mdwtab, multirow, polytable, rccol, slashbox, stabular, supertabular, tabls, tabularx, tabulary, threeparttable, warpcol, xtab, 3parttable |
poprawki do jądra LaTeXa lub innych pakietów | accents, cuted, dblfloatfix, dvipscol, edtab02, fixltx2e, fixmath, fix2col, fix-cm, flushend, footmisc, ftcap, hypcap, hypernat, iagproc, icomma, inpmath, lnopatch, ltabptch, makebox, mfparptc, mparhack, notoccite, onlyamsmath, pdfcolmk, pdflscape, sphack, subscript, tameflts, textcase, xkvltxp |
listy, faxy, korespondencja seryjna | delimtxt, formlett, mpdinbrief, newlfm, serial, textmerg |
przypisy | dblfnote, ednotes, endnotes, fixfoot, floatrow, fnbreak, fnpara, fnpos, fn2end, footmisc, footnpag, ftnright, manyfoot, mfparptc, nccfoots, pagenote, pfnote, savefnmark, xfootnote |
obliczenia | advdate, arabic, brclc, calc, dates, dow, engord, fp, ifthen, labelcas, lcg, lfp, modroman, multiply, permute, polynom, totpages, trig, weekday, xifthen |
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