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lubridate: Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier

Functions to work with date-times and time-spans: fast and user friendly parsing of date-time data, extraction and updating of components of a date-time (years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds), algebraic manipulation on date-time and time-span objects. The 'lubridate' package has a consistent and memorable syntax that makes working with dates easy and fun.

Version: 1.9.4
Depends: methods, R (≥ 3.2)
Imports: generics, timechange (≥ 0.3.0)
Suggests: covr, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (≥ 2.1.0), vctrs (≥ 0.6.5)
Enhances: chron, data.table, timeDate, tis, zoo
Published: 2024-12-08
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.lubridate
Author: Vitalie Spinu [aut, cre], Garrett Grolemund [aut], Hadley Wickham [aut], Davis Vaughan [ctb], Ian Lyttle [ctb], Imanuel Costigan [ctb], Jason Law [ctb], Doug Mitarotonda [ctb], Joseph Larmarange [ctb], Jonathan Boiser [ctb], Chel Hee Lee [ctb]
Maintainer: Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: C++11, A system with zoneinfo data (e.g. /usr/share/zoneinfo). On Windows the zoneinfo included with R is used.
Citation: lubridate citation info
Materials: README NEWS
In views: ReproducibleResearch, TimeSeries
CRAN checks: lubridate results


Reference manual: lubridate.pdf
Vignettes: Do more with dates and times in R (source, R code)


Package source: lubridate_1.9.4.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-devel (arm64): lubridate_1.9.4.tgz, r-release (arm64): lubridate_1.9.4.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): lubridate_1.9.4.tgz, r-devel (x86_64): lubridate_1.9.4.tgz, r-release (x86_64): lubridate_1.9.4.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): lubridate_1.9.4.tgz
Old sources: lubridate archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: accrualPlot, babyTimeR, HEDA, hystReet, orgR, pkdata,, RGoogleAnalyticsPremium, RMOPI, seawaveQ, TreeDep
Reverse imports: academictwitteR, Achilles, acledR, ActiSleep, activAnalyzer, activatr, activPAL, actogrammr, actuaryr, adas.utils, adheRenceRX, AdhereR, adjustedcranlogs, admiral, admiraldev, admiralmetabolic, admiralonco, admiralophtha, admiralvaccine, adobeanalyticsr, adsDataHubR, AdverseEvents, aelab, AeRobiology, agcounts, aire.zmvm, AirExposure, AirMonitor, alfred, almanac, altfuelr, amt, anipaths, aniSNA, antaresRead, antaresViz, AnVILBilling, anyflights, aoristic, AQEval, AquaBEHER, aquodom, archiveRetriever, archivist, arctools, ARPALData, ARUtools, ascotraceR, AtmChile, attrib, audrex, autohrf, AutoPlots, autostsm, autoTS, aws.wrfsmn, AzureAppInsights, baker, bambooHR, banffIT, barrks, baseballr, batata, BatchGetSymbols, BAwiR, bayesforecast, bayesmove, baytrends, BeeBDC, BEKKs, BETS, bioRad, bitmexr, blackmarbler, bluebike, bndesr, boiwsa, bp, bReeze, bridgr, brinton, BRVM, bsam, bskyr, bsplus, bulkreadr, bupaR, busdater, bysykkel, CalcThemAll.PRM, calendar, campfin, camtrapR, cancerscreening, capl, carbonr, ccmReportR, cder, CDSE, CellBench, cercospoRa, cgmanalysis, charlesschwabapi, chevron, childsds, chillR, cif, citmre, cjar, cleanepi, cleanTS, clifro, climwin, clintrialx, clockify, clr, CLVTools, CodelistGenerator, codez, CohortGenerator, Colossus, combinedevents, comtradr, CooRTweet, corella, corporaexplorer, countries, covatest, coveR2, covid19france, covid19sf, covid19tunisia, covid19us, CRANsearcher, crawl, cricketdata, cricketr, cropgrowdays, CropWaterBalance, cruts, crypto2, cryptowatchR, csalert, CSHShydRology, csodata, CSTools, cthist, ctrdata, ctrialsgov, cubble, cvasi, cyclomort, dafishr, dail, DaMiRseq, daqapo, datacleanr, datacutr, datadictionary, datadogr, datamedios, DataMetProcess, dataPreparation, dataquieR, dataRetrieval, DateTimeRangePicker, datetoiso, DBItest, deflateBR, dendRoAnalyst, dendroTools, depCensoring, digiRhythm, disclosuR, diseasystore, dispositionEffect, distantia, distill, dmtools, doublIn, DQAgui, DSSAT, dycdtools, dymo, dynamicSDM, easyr, EBASE, ecocomDP, edeaR, EEAaq, eesim, EHR, EHRtemporalVariability, eia, EIAapi, eider, EloOptimized, envvar, epe4md, epiCo, EpiNow2, epiR, eplusr, epocakir, ErlangC, ern, esmprep, esmtools, EstimateBreed, etl, eurocordexr, euroleaguer, eurostat, evapoRe, EventPredInCure, evprof, evsim, exceldata, ExcelFunctionsR, excessmort, excluder, expDB, exuber, eye, ezplot, fable.ata, fable.prophet, fableCount, fabR, fakir, farr, fasstr, fastRhockey, feasts, FedData, ffp, fgeo.analyze, finnts, fitbitr, fitbitViz, fitzRoy, fixtuRes, fluxible, fmpcloudr, foqat, forecasteR, forecastML, fpp3, framecleaner, fruclimadapt, galvanizer, garma, gbfs,, gemma.R, GenEst, geomerge, GetDFPData, GetDFPData2, GetFREData, GetLattesData, geysertimes, ggblanket, gghourglass, GGIR, ggpmisc, ggpp, ggspectra, ggsurveillance, ghclass, gie, GitAI, GitStats, gk, globaltrends, Gmisc, godley, Goodreader, govinfoR, gpx, gravitas, greenfeedr, grwat, GTFSwizard, gumboot, GVARX, gwasrapidd, GWSDAT, hablar, hatchR, headliner, healthdb, healthfinance, healthyR, healthyR.ts, heatwaveR, heims, hetu, hgnc, hgutils, highcharter, HMDHFDplus, hockeystick, hoopR, HospitalNetwork, hpiR, htsr, humanize, hurricaneexposure, hydroroute, hydrotoolbox, hydroToolkit, HyMETT, HYPEtools, IceSat2R, iClick, ie2misc, IETD, iglu, IGoRRR, ihpdr, ijtiff, imaginator, impactflu, impactr, incR, IndexConstruction, inegiR, injurytools, insurancerating, intensegRid, iNZightPlots, iNZightTS, iotables, ipeadatar, IPEDSuploadables, iperform, iRfcb, ISAnalytics, isdparser, ixplorer, janitor, janus, jenga, jmastats, jpcity, k5, khisr, kiwisR, kntnr, lactater, lambdaTS, lares, lazytrade, LDATS, LifeInsureR, lifelogr, LightLogR, linelistBayes, logib, longitudinalcascade, LTASR, lubrilog, lutz, m5, macleish, macrocol, madshapR, maestro, maicplus, malariaAtlas, margaret, maskRangeR, MassWateR, matman, matuR, MazamaCoreUtils, MazamaLocationUtils, MazamaTimeSeries, mctq, MDPIexploreR, mds, MediaNews, medrxivr, messydates, metajam, meteoland, meteospain, MeTo, metools, metR, metricminer, microbiomeExplorer, microinverterdata, midasml, MigrationDetectR, MIMSunit, mimsy, MixviR, mizer, mmaqshiny, modisfast, moexer, mort, movegroup, mpathr, mpathsenser, msdrought, msSPChelpR, multimorbidity, musica, myClim, naive, namedropR, naptime, nasapower, nbTransmission, nemsqar, NEONiso, neonPlantEcology, neonSoilFlux, neotoma2, newsanchor, ngsReports, nixmass, nixtlar, njtr1, npphen, nser, ntdr, occCite, oceanmap, OmicsMLRepoR, OmnipathR, omock, OnboardClient, onc.api, oncmap, OOS, openair, openairmaps, opendotaR, openeo, OpeNoise, opinAr, orderanalyzer, osmdata, packagefinder, padr, PAMmisc, PAMpal, PAMscapes, parsel, parttime, pastclim, patentr, pathviewr, pcts, pdfetch, peakPantheR, pedquant, periscope, periscope2, pgxRpi, phase, phenofit, PhenoSpectra, PHENTHAUproc, photobiology, photobiologyInOut, phsmethods, PhysActBedRest, piggyback, pingers, piwikproR, planningML, planr, plotdap, pmetar, pmev, PointFore, polished, pollen, polypharmacy, popstudy, PortalHacienda, portalr, PowerSDI, presenter, PriceIndices, priceR, primerTree, projects, prophet, ProPublicaR, proteus, proverbs, PublicWorksFinanceIT, puzzle, PvSTATEM, PytrendsLongitudinalR, quadkeyr, qualtRics, QuantBondCurves, quantdates, quincunx, R.AlphA.Home, radiant.basics, radiant.model, radiant.multivariate, rAmCharts4, rameritrade,, Rapi, RAQSAPI, RavenR, rbi.helpers, RBNZ, RchivalTag, RClimacell, Rcollectl, rcontroll, rcrimeanalysis, RCTRecruit, rdfp, RDML, readapra, readrba, rechaRge, recipes, redcapAPI, REDCapExporter, REDCapTidieR, REDI, RefManageR, refreshr, REN, repana, repoRter.nih, rerddap, respirometry, respR, ResultModelManager, rfars, rfieldclimate, rgoogleclassroom, rIACI, riem, Rigma, ripc, RivRetrieve, RJalaliDate, RKorAPClient, RMariaDB, RmarineHeatWaves, rmweather, rmytarget, rnrfa, Rnumerai, Rnvd3, RobinHood, Robyn, rollinglda, ropenmeteo, rplanes, RPostgres, RPresto, rprev, rqti, rsinaica, rsocialwatcher, RTL, rtrend, rtrends, rts2, RtsEva, rtypeform, rumidas, rwicc, rWikiPathways, Rwtss, rwunderground, rzentra, salesforcer, sampleVADIR, SanFranBeachWater, saotd, sapfluxnetr, saqgetr, schwabr, SDLfilter, sdtmval, seahtrue, seasonalityPlot, secuTrialR, segen, semnar, sense, SensusR, SerolyzeR, shiny.reglog, shiny.telemetry, shinyDatetimePickers, shinyInvoice, ShinyLink, shinyML, simET, simulariatools, siteymlgen, sits, smosr, socialmixr, SoilHyP, SoilManageR, solartime, sorvi, sotkanet, sourcoise, sovereign, spanishoddata, SPARSEMODr, spatsurv, speech, speechbr, SPEI, SPIChanges, spinner, spiralize, spocc, spooky, spotifyr, stacomiR, statgenHTP, stationaRy, statnipokladna, statsearchanalyticsr, stepcount, STICr, SticsRFiles, stocks, stppSim, strand, stRoke, stxplore, sugrrants, summarytools, suncalc, SunCalcMeeus, survivoR, susographql, swaRm, sweep, sweidnumbr, swfscAirDAS, swfscDAS, SWMPrExtension, SWTools, tagtools, tapLock, tashu, tbrf, telemetR, telraamStats, tenm, tetragon, textpress, thinkr, ThomasJeffersonUniv, tibbletime, tidybins, tidycharts, tidycomm, tidyfinance, tidyhydat, tidyllm, tidyquant, tidyquery, tidyrgee, tidysdm, tidytuesdayR, tidyverse, time.slots, timelineS, timeperiodsR, timeplyr, timeR, timetk, tndata, tntpr, togglr, topdowntimeratio, tosca, track2KBA, trackdf, TrafficBDE, trainR, traumar, triact, tsgarch, tsibble, tsibbletalk, tsmarch, TSstudio, tsviz, TUFLOWR, tv, twc, twilio, ubair, ukbnmr, UKgrid, unstruwwel, urlshorteneR, ustfd,, vectorsurvR, VIC5, VicmapR, vosonSML, votesmart, vprr, vvauditor, vvconverter, walkboutr, warabandi, waterData, Wats, wbstats, weaana, wearables, weatherOz, wehoop, WhatsR, when, whippr, whitewater, wikkitidy, winfapReader, worldfootballR, wqtrends, WRTDStidal, wxgenR, xesreadR, xml2relational, xmlconvert, xpect, xray, yahoofinancer, YatesAlgo.FactorialExp.SR, ycevo, yfR, Z10, zipangu, zoltr, zoomGroupStats, ztype
Reverse suggests: adept, admiralpeds, argoFloats, arrow, autoslider.core, autostats, bagyo, basictabler, bcpa, BiocPkgTools, CADF, camtrapdp, casebase, CAST, catmaply, CDMConnector, cft, checkthat, ChillModels, chronicler, climaemet, completejourney, connectapi, constructive, correlationfunnel, coursekata, covidmx, crosstable, csdata, cstime, datarobot, datasetjson, datetimeoffset, diffdf, dint, diversitree, drake, DrugExposureDiagnostics, duckplyr, dynamAedes, ecb, Ecfun, EGRET, eodhdR2, eph, epichains, era, fabletools, Families, fec16, flexrsurv, flexsurv, frenchdata, frictionless, gcplyr, gdalcubes, geslaR, GetTDData, ggformula, ggvis, gt, gtfsrouter, guardianapi, HistData, hms, hmsidwR, htmlTable, hubeau, hyd1d, ibawds, ibdsim2, ie2miscdata, iForecast, implyr, insee, iNZightTools, lterdatasampler, madness, mapbayr, marcher, mcgf, mdsr, messy, midasr, modeltime, modeltime.ensemble, modeltime.resample, momentuHMM, moodleR, mopac, mosaic, move, move2, multidplyr, mvgam, NHSRdatasets, Nmisc, oce, octopusR, OmopSketch, openintro,, PetfindeR, PhilipsHue, photobiologySun, pillar, pinochet, pivottabler, pointblank, processanimateR, processpredictR, ProjectTemplate, ptvapi, puls, purrr, rAmCharts, rasterList, raw, rbmi, rdflib, read.gt3x, readMDTable, rerddapXtracto, RforProteomics, RGENERATEPREC, rinat, RMAWGEN, rmsfuns, robservable, rolap, rols, rtrek, RTTWebClient, santoku, segmentr, SEI, sfhotspot, shide, shinyauthr, shinyloadtest, skimr, slider, spectator, spRingsteen, statar, stats19, sugarglider, tabulog, tatooheene, teal.modules.clinical, tern, testdat, TheOpenAIR, tibble, tidier, tidyfit, tidyindex, tidyjson, tidytransit, timevis, transformerForecasting, treedater, trip, unvotes, usdata, USgrid, UsingR, vegawidget, VirtualPop, whomds, xlr


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