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data.table: Extension of 'data.frame'

Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins, fast add/modify/delete of columns by group using no copies at all, list columns, friendly and fast character-separated-value read/write. Offers a natural and flexible syntax, for faster development.

Version: 1.16.2
Depends: R (≥ 3.3.0)
Imports: methods
Suggests: bit64 (≥ 4.0.0), bit (≥ 4.0.4), R.utils, xts, zoo (≥ 1.8-1), yaml, knitr, markdown
Published: 2024-10-10
DOI: 10.32614/
Author: Tyson Barrett ORCID iD [aut, cre], Matt Dowle [aut], Arun Srinivasan [aut], Jan Gorecki [aut], Michael Chirico ORCID iD [aut], Toby Hocking ORCID iD [aut], Benjamin Schwendinger ORCID iD [aut], Pasha Stetsenko [ctb], Tom Short [ctb], Steve Lianoglou [ctb], Eduard Antonyan [ctb], Markus Bonsch [ctb], Hugh Parsonage [ctb], Scott Ritchie [ctb], Kun Ren [ctb], Xianying Tan [ctb], Rick Saporta [ctb], Otto Seiskari [ctb], Xianghui Dong [ctb], Michel Lang [ctb], Watal Iwasaki [ctb], Seth Wenchel [ctb], Karl Broman [ctb], Tobias Schmidt [ctb], David Arenburg [ctb], Ethan Smith [ctb], Francois Cocquemas [ctb], Matthieu Gomez [ctb], Philippe Chataignon [ctb], Nello Blaser [ctb], Dmitry Selivanov [ctb], Andrey Riabushenko [ctb], Cheng Lee [ctb], Declan Groves [ctb], Daniel Possenriede [ctb], Felipe Parages [ctb], Denes Toth [ctb], Mus Yaramaz-David [ctb], Ayappan Perumal [ctb], James Sams [ctb], Martin Morgan [ctb], Michael Quinn [ctb], @javrucebo [ctb], @marc-outins [ctb], Roy Storey [ctb], Manish Saraswat [ctb], Morgan Jacob [ctb], Michael Schubmehl [ctb], Davis Vaughan [ctb], Leonardo Silvestri [ctb], Jim Hester [ctb], Anthony Damico [ctb], Sebastian Freundt [ctb], David Simons [ctb], Elliott Sales de Andrade [ctb], Cole Miller [ctb], Jens Peder Meldgaard [ctb], Vaclav Tlapak [ctb], Kevin Ushey [ctb], Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb], Tony Fischetti [ctb], Ofek Shilon [ctb], Vadim Khotilovich [ctb], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Bennet Becker [ctb], Kyle Haynes [ctb], Boniface Christian Kamgang [ctb], Olivier Delmarcell [ctb], Josh O'Brien [ctb], Dereck de Mezquita [ctb], Michael Czekanski [ctb], Dmitry Shemetov [ctb], Nitish Jha [ctb], Joshua Wu [ctb], Iago Giné-Vázquez [ctb], Anirban Chetia [ctb], Doris Amoakohene [ctb], Ivan Krylov [ctb]
Maintainer: Tyson Barrett <t.barrett88 at>
License: MPL-2.0 | file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: README NEWS
In views: ChemPhys, Finance, HighPerformanceComputing, TimeSeries, WebTechnologies
CRAN checks: data.table results [issues need fixing before 2024-11-25]


Reference manual: data.table.pdf
Vignettes: Benchmarking data.table (source)
Frequently Asked Questions about data.table (source, R code)
Importing data.table (source)
Introduction to data.table (source, R code)
Keys and fast binary search based subset (source, R code)
Programming on data.table (source, R code)
Reference semantics (source, R code)
Efficient reshaping using data.tables (source, R code)
Using .SD for Data Analysis (source, R code)
Secondary indices and auto indexing (source, R code)


Package source: data.table_1.16.2.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): data.table_1.16.2.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): data.table_1.16.2.tgz, r-release (x86_64): data.table_1.16.2.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): data.table_1.16.2.tgz
Old sources: data.table archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: Ac3net, acdcR, AF, amplican, bdots, bea.R, behavr, birankr, CBRT, cdparcoord, cellKey, cffdrs, Chicago, chicane, chimeraviz, circhelp, classifierplots, colocPropTest, CoSMoS, coveffectsplot, damr, dbWebForms, deconvR, dfmeta, DiDforBigData, didimputation, DiSCos, easycsv, EBPRS, edl, EGM, eyeTrackR, FeatureImpCluster, FOCI, fplot, fplyr, FRASER, gbp, gdxdt, GenomicTools.fileHandler, GenoScan, GladiaTOX, GOTHiC, hdd, heims, HMMcopy, HospitalNetwork, HPLB, IBRtools, immunarch, intervalaverage, KMD, KPC, libbib, limexhub, LKT, lookupTable, lori, LSPFP, metaforest, methrix, microseq, miLineage, mind, ModCon, mpactr, multistateQTL, musica, nlpred, nosoi, opendataformat, orgR, OUTRIDER, panelaggregation, partools, pgTools, pkggraph, PreProcessRecordLinkage, qreport, RapidoPGS, rasterDT, rBiopaxParser, rblt, RCAS, rcprd, reclin2, RegParallel, reinsureR, rMIDAS, robCompositions, RSauceLabs, rusquant, RWildbook, sangeranalyseR, scATAC.Explorer, SeaVal, shinyML, skm, slim, SNPhood, solaR2, SOMnmR, somspace, sqlHelpers, tablecompare, textTools, TIN, TrumpetPlots, twangRDC, twl, WebAnalytics, WGScan, word.alignment, ZIprop
Reverse imports: accessibility, Achilles, acoRn, actel, ActivePathways, ActivityIndex, actuaRE, ADAMgui, adductomicsR, AdhereR, AdhereRViz, ADImpute, AeRobiology, AFM, africamonitor, agcounts, AggregateR, agriutilities, ahw, AICcPermanova, akc, akiFlagger, aLFQ, alpaca, AlphaBeta, amadeus, amapGeocode, AMAPVox, AMIM, amt, Anaconda, animint2, antaresEditObject, antaresRead, AnxietySleep, aopdata, aorsf, AOV1R, APCI, aPEAR, APIS, aqp, arf, artMS, asciiSetupReader, ascotraceR, aslib, ASpli, ASRgenomics, assertable, atime, AtmChile, atSNP, attrib, AUCell, aum, autoCovariateSelection, autonewsmd, autonomics, AutoPlots, autostats, autostsm, aweSOM, bagged.outliertrees, bakR, bambu, BANDITS, Banksy, baseballr, basecallQC, BatchExperiments, BatchJobs, BatchQC, batchtools, bayesLife, BayesLN, bayesMeanScale, bayesMig, bayesPop, bayesTFR, BBmisc, bbmix, bbotk, bcputility, BEclear, bedr, BeeGUTS, benford.analysis, bfw, BgeeCall, BgeeDB, BGmisc, BiasCorrector, biblionetwork, bife, BIGL, bigreadr, bigsnpr, binancer, binomialRF, binsegRcpp, biomartr, BIOMASS, BioNAR, biopixR, bioregion, biscuiteer, bkmrhat, BKTR, BLA, blorr, BMisc, bnbc, BootstrapQTL, BPRMeth, bRacatus, brainGraph, branchpointer, brandwatchR, bratteli, bread, BREADR, bridger2, BRINDA, brmsmargins, brpop, bruceR, bsseq, BTSPAS, BTYDplus, bupaR, BuyseTest, c3, CAGEr, CALF, calmr, CamelUp, camtrapR, CaMutQC, CareDensity, caretEnsemble, cartogramR, casebase, CAST, CATALYST, categoryEncodings, CatEncoders, CatsCradle, causalCmprsk, CausalGPS, cbl, ccdR, ccmap, ccostr, ceas, celda, CellBarcode, cellbaseR, CelliD, CEMiTool, Census2016, Certara.NLME8, Certara.R, Certara.RsNLME, Certara.VPCResults, cglm, changepoint.influence, ChannelAttributionApp, ChemoSpecUtils, ChineseNames, ChIPexoQual, ChIPpeakAnno, chronicle, cicero, citationchaser, citecorp, ciw, clam, cleanTS, ClickHouseHTTP, clickstream, climate, clinDataReview, clinspacy, clinUtils, CluMP, Clustering, clustra, CLVTools, cmapR, cmsaf, CNVRanger, CNVScope, COCOA, coder, CoDiNA, coffee, cohorts, coinmarketcapr, coloc, colorednoise, Colossus, comorbidity, CompareCausalNetworks, compareDF, COMPASS, ComPrAn, compSPOT, CONFESS, CoNI, conleyreg, consensusDE, consortr, ConsReg, constellation, container, CoOL, cooltools, CooRTweet, cophescan, coRdon, CoreGx, CornerstoneR, corporaexplorer, corpustools, corrcoverage, correspondenceTables, counterfactuals, COVID19, covid19br, covid19india, covidnor, CovRegRF, cppRouting, CRE, creditmodel, crew, crfsuite, CRISPRseek, CropScapeR, crosshap, crumble, csa, csalert, csdata, csmaps, CSMES, cstidy, cstime, CSTools, csutil, csv, csvy, ctbi, ctmm, cTRAP, ctsem, ctxR, cubar, curtailment, cusum, cusumcharter, cvAUC, cvms, CWT, cxhull, cyclestreets, cylcop, cytoKernel, CytoML, D3partitionR, daiquiri, daiR, dartR, dartR.base, dartR.popgen, dartR.sim, dartR.spatial, dat, data.table.threads, data360r, DataCombine, dataCompare, datadictionary, DataExplorer, dataframeexplorer, datamods, dataMojo, dataprep, dataPreparation, DataSpaceR, DATAstudio, datazoom.amazonia, dateutils, dblr, dbnR, ddtlcm, decompTumor2Sig, dedupewider, deepdive, DEFormats, DegNorm, delayed, deltaccd, DemoKin, DEScan2, DescTools, designit, DESpace, detectRUNS, DEWSeq, DGM, diathor, diceplot, did2s, Diderot, DIDmultiplegtDYN, difconet, DifferentialRegulation, DiscoRhythm, discSurv, DisImpact, disk.frame, distantia, distillML, DIZtools, DIZutils, DMCFB, do, DominoEffect, doremi, DoubleML, DQAgui, DQAstats, dQTG.seq, DramaAnalysis, dreamlet, drgee, dropR, droptest, dsos, DTAT, dtplyr, DTSg, dtts, DTwrappers, DTwrappers2, dumbbell, dvmisc, dynamite, DYNATE, dynsurv, DysPIA, E4tools, Eagle, easybio, easyr, easysurv, eatGADS, eatTools, eclust, ecocomDP, ecoregime, edeaR, EdSurvey, eeptools, efdm, EHR, EIAapi, EIX, eixport, electionsBR, eltr, EmiR, EmissV, ENCODExplorerData, enderecobr, endogeneity, endoSwitch, enmSdmX, ensr, enviGCMS, eoR, Epi, epialleleR, EpiCompare, epidm, EpiForsk, epigraHMM, EpiMix, EpiNow2, epiomics, epistasisGA, eplusr, epwshiftr, equateMultiple, eSIR, estadistica, EthSEQ, etm, etwfe, eurocordexr, eurodata, europeanaR, eurostat, evapoRe, eventstudyr, evoper, EWCE, exiftoolr, explainer, exploratory, expowo, expss, exvatools, eyeRead, ezr, facmodCS, facmodTS, FACT, factR, faers, faersquarterlydata, FairMclus, familiar, FAOSTAT, farrell, fastdid, fastDummies, fastLink, fastreeR, fastRhockey, fastText, fastverse, fbRads, fcfdr, FCO, fdq, fedmatch, fedstatAPIr, fedup, felp, fgdr, Fgmutils, fgsea, fhircrackr, FIESTA, FIESTAutils, finch, finnsurveytext, fishmethods, fitbitViz, FitHiC, flextable, flightsbr, flippant, FLOPART, florabr, flowGraph, flowml, flowWorkspace, Fluidigm, FMAT, fmeffects, forceplate, forecastML, forestError, formatdown, formulaic, FORTLS, fossilbrush, FourWayHMM, fruclimadapt, fsbrain, FuncDiv, funchir, FuzzyDBScan, fwlplot, fy, GALLO, GARCOM, gasfluxes, gatom, gcite, gde, gDRcore, gDRimport, gDRtestData, gDRutils, gemma.R, gems, GeneGeneInteR, geneplast, GENESIS, GeneStructureTools, geneXtendeR, genomation, GenomAutomorphism, genomic.autocorr, GenomicDistributions, GenomicDistributionsData, GenomicInteractions, GenomicTuples, GenVisR, geobr, geocausal, GeoMongo, GeomxTools, geoperu, GEOquery, GeoTcgaData, GeoThinneR, germinationmetrics, getDTeval, GFE, gfer, gfoRmula, ggbrain, ggcyto, ggdmc, ggetho, ggfacto, ggfigdone, GGIR, GGIRread, ggkegg, ggmugs, ggperiodic, ggPMX, ggpval, ggquickeda, ggsom, ggTimeSeries, GHap, githubinstall, gittargets, GmicR, GMMAT, gmoTree, gnrprod, goat, gompertztrunc, googleCloudVisionR, gpboost, GRaNIE, grattan, grattanInflators, greatR, GREENeR, greport, GRIN2, growthcleanr, GRShiny, GSALightning, gsDesign2, GSODR, gtfs2gps, gtfsio, gtfsrouter, gtfstools, GTFSwizard, GUIDEseq, gunsales, gwaRs, gwascatData, gwasforest, GWASinspector, GWASTools, gwid, HACSim, HaDeX, hagis, hahmmr, hal9001, haldensify, hBayesDM, HCD, HCR, hdpGLM, healthdb, healthyAddress, heatwaveR, hereR, HERON, hesim, heuristicsmineR, HicAggR, HiCBricks, HiCcompare, HiCDCPlus, HiCDOC, hicp, highfrequency, hilldiv, himach, hisse, Hmisc, HMP2Data, hoardeR, HodgesTools, hollr, hoopR, hot.deck, hR, hsrecombi, httk, hudr, hurricaneexposure, hutils, hutilscpp, hwig, hydroloom, hyfo, hypervolume, HYPEtools, i2extras, iCAMP, ICAMS, iCellR, IceSat2R, iCNV, IDEATools, IDmining, ie2misc, ieegio, ifCNVR, iGC, iimi, imabc, imcRtools, iml, immuneSIM, importinegi, imputeMulti, inbreedR, IncDTW, incidence2, inferr, InflectSSP, influential, Information, insurancerating, InterCellar, inTrees, IOHanalyzer, ips, irg, IrregLong, ISCA, iscoCrosswalks, isdparser, IsoBayes, isobxr, isotracer, iSTATS, itol.toolkit, itscalledsoccer, ivdoctr, ivtools, jage, JointFPM, joinXL, journalabbr, joyn, jrSiCKLSNMF, JSmediation, jsmodule, jstable, jsTree, jubilee, JWileymisc, kangar00, kdry, kerastuneR, kesernetwork, kgen, kgraph, kibior, kim, KinSwingR, kisopenapi, kmeRtone, knfi, KnockoffScreen, koRpus, kosis, lab2clean, LabourMarketAreas, labourR, LACE, lacunr, lar, latrend, LCMSQA, ldamatch, ldaPrototype, ldsr, leafR, leakyIV, LearningStats, LegATo, lexicon, LexisNexisTools, lgrExtra, libr, lidR, lightgbm, LilRhino, limorhyde2, lineagespot, LinkHD, lipidr, lisaClust, live, llama, LMPdata, lmtp, loadeR, loci2path, logiBin, LOLA, LOMAR, LOPART, LPDynR, Luminescence, LWFBrook90R, lwqs, LymphoSeq, m5, maditr, maftools, MAGAR, magclass, MAGEE, maicChecks, MANOVA.RM, MantaID, mapi, marginaleffects, margins, mariner, marked, maser, MAST, matman, MatrixHMM, mau, maxaltall, maxent.ot, mbr, mbRes, mcauchyd, mcboost, medrxivr, Melissa, memisc, MesKit, metabolomicsWorkbenchR, MetaComp, metaGE, metagene2, MetAlyzer, MetaScope, meteo, methimpute, methylKit, MethylMix, methylPipe, methylscaper, metR, mggd,, miceFast, miceRanger, MicrobiotaProcess, microeco, midfieldr, miesmuschel, MIMER, mimi, minfi, MinimumDistance, minSNPs, mipplot, MIRA, mirTarRnaSeq, miscset, missCompare, misty, mixgb, mixIndependR, mknapsack, mlbplotR, mldr.resampling, mlexperiments, mllrnrs, mlr, mlr3, mlr3batchmark, mlr3benchmark, mlr3cluster, mlr3db, mlr3fairness, mlr3fda, mlr3filters, mlr3fselect, mlr3hyperband, mlr3learners, mlr3mbo, mlr3misc, mlr3oml, mlr3pipelines, mlr3resampling, mlr3shiny, mlr3spatial, mlr3spatiotempcv, mlr3summary, mlr3superlearner, mlr3torch, mlr3tuning, mlr3tuningspaces, mlr3verse, mlr3viz, mlrintermbo, mlrMBO, mlsurvlrnrs, mltools, mmaqshiny, mnem, mobileRNA, MOCHA, modACDC, ModelMetrics, modelsummary, MoleculeExperiment, MouseFM, MPAC, MplusAutomation, mpwR, mrMLM, mrMLM.GUI, mrregression, MsBackendSql, mschart, msImpute, mslp, MSmix, MSnID, MSstats, MSstatsConvert, MSstatsTMT, mstate, mstclustering, mstrio, mstudentd, mtb, mulea, multicrispr, multifamm, MultiFit, multiHiCcompare, multilevelcoda, multilevelTools, multiWGCNA, MungeSumstats, muscat, musicatk, mutationtypes, mutualinf, mvQuad, mvSUSY, mxnorm, myClim, naaccr, NACHO, naptanr, nc, ndjson, neatR, neatRanges, neatStats, neo4r, NEONiso, neonOS, neonPlantEcology, neonUtilities, nestedcv, net4pg, netgsa, NetLogoR, netSmooth, networkR, netZooR, neuroimaGene, nflfastR, nflplotR, nflreadr, nflseedR, NFLSimulatoR, nlmixr2extra, NMcalc, NMdata, NMsim, nngeo, NNS, noaastormevents, noctua, node2vec, noncompliance, nonmem2rx, normfluodbf, npcurePK, nRegression, nullranges, numbat, o2geosocial, OBIC, obliqueRSF, occupationMeasurement, octad, octopus, oddsapiR, ofpetrial, ogrdbstats, OGRE, okxAPI, OlinkAnalyze, OmicNavigator, OMICsPCA, omicwas, ompr, OnboardClient, OncoSimulR, ondisc, One4All, openCyto, openEBGM, OpenML, OpenSpecy, opentripplanner, optiSel, ORFhunteR, ORFik, origami, orthogene, osmclass, overviewR, owdbr, owidR, paar, packageRank, pairkat, PakPMICS2014Ch, PakPMICS2014HH, PakPMICS2014HL, PakPMICS2014Wm, PAMpal, PAMscapes, PanelMatch, panelWranglR, panstarrs, paradox, ParBayesianOptimization, parseRPDR, parSim, partCNV, pathviewr, pathwayTMB, patternator, pbox, pcadapt, PCBS, PCMBase, PCMBaseCpp, PCRA, pcvr, pda, pdynmc, PeakSegDisk, Pedixplorer, pedquant, penaltyLearning, PepMapViz, pepr, pepStat, PGRdup, phantasus, phantasusLite, PharmacoGx, pheble, phenofit, phenomis, PhenotypeSimulator, phers, phm, phonics, PhyloProfile, phyloseq, pingers, pinyin, pivottabler, pk4adi, pkgnet, PKPDsim, pksensi, PlanetNICFI, plinkQC, plmmr, plnr, plotgardener, plotly, pmartR, pmd, pmparser, pmxpartab, pointdensityP, poisFErobust, politeness, polle, polmineR, polypharmacy, pomp, POMS, poolfstat, pooling, popEpi, portvine, posologyr, POSSA, potools, POUMM, power.transform, powerbiR, ppmlasso, PPtreeregViz, pram, pRecipe, precrec, predhy.GUI, prediction, PReMiuM, preputils, PressPurt, previsionio, pricelevels, proActiv, processmapR, processpredictR, prodlim, prolific.api, PRONE, PROSPER, Prostar, protGear, protti, prrd, prt, psborrow, PSF, psichomics, psidR, psmineR, psp, psycCleaning, PsychWordVec, ptable, ptairMS, pTITAN2, PTXQC, Publish, PureCN, puremoe, pureseqtmr, pvda, Pviz, pvLRT, qad, QCAcluster, qckitfastq, qdapTools, qgg, qte, QTL.gCIMapping, QTL.gCIMapping.GUI, qtl2, quickcheck, quickPlot, r2dii.match, R2DT, r2glmm, R3CPET, r3Cseq, r5r, R62S3, R6causal, RABR, RadEro, RadioGx, radlibs, RALSA, rAmCharts, RaMS, randnet, randomForestExplainer, randomNames, rangeMapper, RankAggSIgFUR, RARfreq, rassta, RAthena, ratios, Ravages, RawHummus, rbacon, RBaseX, rBayesianOptimization, rbi, rbi.helpers, rBiasCorrection, rbin, Rborist, rbtt, Rcan, RcextTools, rchemo, RcisTarget, RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp, RcmdrPlugin.RiskDemo, rCNV, RcppGreedySetCover, Rcrawler, rdbnomics, rdfp, Rdiagnosislist, Rdice, RDML, rdracor, readNSx, readtext, realTimeloads, reappraised, rechaRge, recorder, RecordLinkage, recount3, redatam, Rediscover, RefBasedMI, regport, regtools, ReinforcementLearning, remiod, rENA, REndo, replacer, repmis, reproducible, Require, rerddap, resemble, reslr, RESOLVE, respR, restatapi, ReSurv, rfaRm, rfars, rfisheries, rfPred, RFpredInterval, rgbif, rhdf5client, RIbench, RiboCrypt, RiboDiPA, RiboProfiling, ricu, Rilostat, RImmPort, rintcal, rio, rIsing, riskRegression, RITCH, ritis, rlas, rlist, rllama, RLumShiny, RMassBank, rmcfs, RNewsflow, rnpn, Rnvd3, roads, RobinCar, robis, robotoolbox, ROCket, rODE, rollinglda, rorcid, rPackedBar, rprev, rqdatatable, rqPen, Rrepest, rSPARCS, rsparse, rsurveycto, rsyntax, RTCGA, RTCGAToolbox, rtmpt, RTN, RTNsurvival, rtry, rtsdata, RTTWebClient, runcharter, rush, RVA, RWDataPlyr, rWikiPathways, rworkflows, RxnSim, rxode2, ryandexdirect, rzentra, RZooRoH, s3fs, SafeVote, salesforcer, samadb, sampcompR, samplingin, sanityTracker, sansa, SARC, sarp.snowprofile, sarp.snowprofile.alignment, sarp.snowprofile.pyface, saseR, SC2API, scanMiR, scanMiRApp, scCustomize, SCdeconR, scDiffCom, scifer, scMET, scMitoMut, SCnorm, scoper, scorecard, ScoreEB, scoringutils, scPipe, scraEP, scRNAseqApp, scruff, scTreeViz, sdcHierarchies, sdcLog, sdcMicro, sdcTable, SDLfilter, SEA, seAMLess, seedr, seeker, segregation, SELF, semgram, semtree, sendigR, sense, sensobol,, sentimentr, SenTinMixt, sentometrics, sentopics, seqsetvis, SeqVarTools, servosphereR, SEtools, sevenbridges, sevenbridges2, sevenC, sgat, SGP, SGPdata, SHAPforxgboost, shapr, shinyChatR, shinyepico, shinyExprPortal, shinyHugePlot, shinylogs, ShinyQuickStarter, shinySbm, shinyWGD, siconvr, sigminer, Signac, signatureSearch, siie, SimBu, simcausal, simDAG, SimEngine, simfinapi, simitation, simPH, simphony, simplePHENOTYPES, simPop, simstudy, SimSurvey, simtrial, SingleCellSignalR, singleCellTK, sitepickR, siteymlgen, sitree, sitreeE, sjtable2df, sleepr, smallstuff, SmartEDA, smartsnp, smoothic, snapcount, SNPannotator, snplinkage, snpsettest, socialh, socialmixr, soilDB, SoilHyP, SoilTaxonomy, soiltestcorr, solitude, soundgen, spacyr, SpaDES.core,, sparrow, sparseFLMM, SPARSEMODr, SparseSignatures, spaths, SpatialCPie, SpatialFeatureExperiment, spatialHeatmap, SpatialOmicsOverlay, spatialrisk, SpATS, spatsoc, spDates, speaq, spectr, spectralAnalysis, spellcheckr, spicyR, SpliceWiz, splitstackshape, splutil, spocc, SPONGE, sport, SQMtools, squallms, squid, SSHAARP, staggered, standartox, staRdom, statar, statcanR, statgenGWAS, statgenIBD, statgenMPP, statgenQTLxT, Statial, Statsomat, stdReg, stdReg2, stenR, SticsRFiles, stm, stopdetection, stplanr, stppSim, strvalidator, subscreen, subSeq, SUMMER, suncalc, SUNGEO, SunsVoc, superml, surveyplanning, surveyPrev, surveysd, survMisc, susographql, SVMDO, SVN, SWATH2stats, sweater, SWMPr, symphony, synlet, synr, synthACS,, tabledown, tableMatrix, tabulator, tabxplor, takos, TangledFeatures, targeted, targets, taskscheduleR, tatoo, taxonomizr, TCA, TCGAbiolinks, tcgaViz, tcpl, tdsc, TeXCheckR, text2vec, textclean, textplot, textpress, textrank, textshape, textTinyR, TheOpenAIR, TideCurves, TideTables, tidyDenovix, TidyDensity, tidyfast, tidyfst, tidyft, tidygapminder, tidyplate, tidyrules, tidytable, tidyterra, tidytransit, tidyvpc, timeplyr, timeseriesdb, TitanCNA, tLOH, TMSig, TnT, toolStability, topdowntimeratio, tosca, totalcensus, ToxicoGx, toxSummary, TPAC, TPACData, tpm, TPP, tracee, trackdf, tradestatistics, TrafficBDE, trainsplit, transcriptogramer, transport, traveltimeR, treediff, treekoR, treemap, TreeMineR, treeshap, triact, TrialEmulation, tRigon, trimmer, tripr, tsbox, tsdistributions, tsgarch, tsmarch, tsmethods, TSstudio, tstests, tstools, TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis, ttgsea, Tushare, tvtools, twang, twopartm, txshift, uavRmp, UCell, uci, udpipe, ugatsdb, UKB.COVID19, ukbnmr, ukbtools, UKgrid, Ularcirc, Unico, Uniquorn, uptasticsearch, utilsIPEA, validata, VanillaICE, vardpoor, vein, versioning, versus, VIM, vimp, visualpred, vivainsights, VMDecomp, VOSONDash, vosonSML, vote, votesys, VoxR, vvtableau, walkboutr, wally, weatherOz, WeatherSentiment, webtrackR, wehoop, WhatsR, whSample, wikitaxa, wilson, worrms, wpa, wpp2017, wpp2019, wTO, wyz.code.metaTesting, wyz.code.offensiveProgramming, wyz.code.rdoc, wyz.code.testthat, xefun, xesreadR, xgb2sql, xgboost, XNAString, yamss, youngSwimmers, zebu, zeitgebr, zoltr, zoomGroupStats
Reverse suggests: adjustedCurves, amerifluxr, AMR, analyzer, aplotExtra, arcgisgeocode, arcgisutils, arctools, BayesSUR, BEDMatrix, BGData, bigstatsr, bikeshare14, biobroom, BiocParallel, BTM, bysykkel, catcont, causalOT, CellNOptR, centr, cfr, cheapr, checkmate, chem.databases, clustifyr, collapse, colorDF, ComplexUpset, constructive, CopernicusDEM, COTAN, countries, CRMetrics, cryptoQuotes, dang, dataCompareR, datapasta, dataRetrieval, datarobot, dataverifyr, datawizard, DeclareDesign, denvax, drake, Durga, ecdata, ecospace, ecotox, editbl, effClust, ELMER, envalysis, epanetReader, epiCleanr, epiworldR, epm, eventglm, fabricatr, factor256, fastai, filecacher, finbif, fishpond, fixest, flowTraceR, flps, forImage, fst, future.tests, GaussSuppression, GenomeInfoDb, GenomicDataCommons, GenomicScores, ggfixest, ggswissmaps, googleVis, grandR, gsDesign, GSVA, gustave, h2o, handlr, harmony, hbamr, hermiter, htetree, HVT, hydropeak, ie2miscdata, iemisctext, iForecast,, implicitMeasures, ineAtlas, INLAspacetime, inplace, installr, InteractiveComplexHeatmap, interface, ipeaplot, itsadug, ivmte, jab.adverse.reactions, kalmanfilter, kimfilter, Lahman, LambertW, Largevars, lava, lavaSearch2, lay, lazytrade, leiden, lfe, lgr, limorhyde, LMMstar, LocalControl, LogicForest, MatrixExtra, memochange, mergen, metabinR, metamer, MethylSeqData, micemd, MicroMoB, milr, mixvlmc, MOFA2, mrgsolve, multinets, nanotime, netCoin, nfl4th, nhppp, nlmixr2est, onlineforecast, onsr, origin, outliertree, padr, pagoda2, pander, parallelMap, PeakSegOptimal,, pedbp, PhysicalActivity, pins, plotHMM, pmcalibration, pmml, pointblank, PortfolioAnalytics, PP, primer, prioriactions, prioritizr, prnsamplr, ProjectTemplate, qs, qs2, RAINBOWR, randomForestSRC, raqs, Rblpapi, RcmdrPlugin.WorldFlora, rdhs, rdwd, read.gt3x, recometrics, rehh, remotePARTS, reservr, rotor, rpivotTable, rreg, rstanarm, rtop, RTransferEntropy, ruimtehol, S4Vectors, seleniumPipes, SemNeT, sequoia, Seurat, ShinyItemAnalysis, SightabilityModel, skimr, SLEMI, SmallCountRounding, SpaceMarkers, sportyR, SSBtools, sticky, stringmagic, sumFREGAT, tcplfit2, TENxBrainData, TextMiningGUI, textrecipes, TFutils, tidyr, tidysdm, tidytext, tiledb, tinytable, tsdb, TSrepr, unifed, unnest, vaersNDvax, vaersvax, Voyager, vtreat, where, wmm, WorldFlora, WQM, wrMisc, wrProteo, WVPlots, wxgenR, xcore, xcoredata, xpectr, xplorerr
Reverse enhances: dendextend, lintr, lubridate, repr


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