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jsonlite: A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R

A reasonably fast JSON parser and generator, optimized for statistical data and the web. Offers simple, flexible tools for working with JSON in R, and is particularly powerful for building pipelines and interacting with a web API. The implementation is based on the mapping described in the vignette (Ooms, 2014). In addition to converting JSON data from/to R objects, 'jsonlite' contains functions to stream, validate, and prettify JSON data. The unit tests included with the package verify that all edge cases are encoded and decoded consistently for use with dynamic data in systems and applications.

Version: 1.8.8
Depends: methods
Suggests: httr, vctrs, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, R.rsp, sf
Published: 2023-12-04
Author: Jeroen Ooms ORCID iD [aut, cre], Duncan Temple Lang [ctb], Lloyd Hilaiel [cph] (author of bundled libyajl)
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <jeroen at>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: yes
Citation: jsonlite citation info
Materials: NEWS
In views: WebTechnologies
CRAN checks: jsonlite results


Reference manual: jsonlite.pdf
Vignettes: Getting started with JSON and jsonlite
Fetching JSON data from REST APIs
Combining pages of JSON data with jsonlite
A mapping between JSON data and R objects
Simple JSON RPC with OpenCPU


Package source: jsonlite_1.8.8.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): jsonlite_1.8.8.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): jsonlite_1.8.8.tgz, r-release (x86_64): jsonlite_1.8.8.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): jsonlite_1.8.8.tgz
Old sources: jsonlite archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: BrowserViz, CEOdata, ClusterJudge, Cogito, condusco, cyjShiny, D4TAlink.light, dictionaRy, eFRED, ExpressionAtlas, GoogleKnowledgeGraphR, hystReet, instaR, kofdata, openaistream, openblender, rflsgen, rgdax, RGoogleAnalyticsPremium, RGoogleFit, Rlabkey, RSauceLabs, rusquant, RWildbook, seleniumPipes, TMDb, webglobe
Reverse imports: abstr, academictwitteR, Achilles, acled.api, acumos, adformR, adobeanalyticsr, adsDataHubR, aiRly, airnow, airr, alabaster.base, alabaster.mae, alabaster.sce,, alfr, alfred, algaeClassify, algo, allometric, alphavantager, altadata, altfuelr, amapGeocode, AMAPVox, amazonadsR, amazons3R, amazonspR, amberr, amerifluxr, analogsea, animate, aniview, AnnotationHubData, antaresEditObject, antaresRead, AnVIL, AnVILPublish, AnVILWorkflow, aos, apexcharter, appeears, appleadsR, appler, appsflyeR, apsimx, arakno, arcgeocoder, archiveRetriever, archivist.github, arcpullr, ARDECO, arenar, argparse, ArrayExpress, asciicast, askgpt, atom4R, ausplotsR, AutoDeskR, available, awinR, AWR.Kinesis, aws.comprehend, aws.ec2metadata, aws.iam, aws.kms, aws.lambda, aws.polly, aws.transcribe, aws.translate, azlogr, AzureAppInsights, AzureAuth, AzureCognitive, AzureCosmosR, AzureGraph, AzureKeyVault, AzureKusto, AzureRMR, AzureTableStor, AzureVM, badgen, bambooHR, baseballr, batata, bcdata, bcmaps, bdl, bea.R, beakr, bender, BENMMI, bigrquery, billboarder, binancer, bingadsR, binman, biobtreeR, BiocFHIR, BioCircos, biocompute, BiocPkgTools, biodb, biomartr, BIOMASS, biomformat, bioRad, bitmexr, bizdays, blastula, blogdown, blsBandit, blscrapeR, bodsr, bold, bonn, BoSSA, botor, boxr, bRacatus, brandwatchR, brickset, briqr, BrownDog, bs4Dash, bslib, bsplus, bursa, bysykkel, c2z, c3, calpassapi, camcorder, campaignmanageR, cancensus, cansim, canvasXpress, captr, carbonate, caRecall, castor, catSurv, cbioportalR, cbpManager, cbsodataR, ccdR, ccmReportR, CDCPLACES, CDMConnector, cdrcR, CDSE, cellbaseR, celldex, cellscape, censusapi, cereal, Certara.R, cffr, chatAI4R, chatgpt, chattr, checkpoint, ChemmineR, chemodiv, childesr, chillR, chirps, chromote, ChromSCape, cimir, circle, citation, citationchaser, citecorp, citmre, civis, cjar, ckanr, clarifai, cleanrmd, ClickHouseHTTP, climaemet, ClimMobTools, clinDataReview, cloudml, cloudos, Cluster.OBeu, CNAIM, codebook, codemeta, codemetar, cogeqc, cognitoR, cohortBuilder, coinmarketcapr, collidr, colourlovers, colourpicker, cometr, comf, CompoundDb, concaveman, configr, conjurer, connectapi, connectoModa, connectwidgets, conrad, cookiecutter, cookies, countries, covr, cpsR, cranlogs, credentials, crosstalk, crossword.r, crul, crunch, crypto2, cryptoQuotes, cryptowatchR, CSGo, csodata, csvwr, csvy, ctf, cthist, ctrdata, cumulocityr, currencyapi, cwbtools, cyclestreets, CytobankAPI, CytoML, CytoPipeline, czso, d4storagehub4R, daff, dagitty, daiR, danstat, data360r, databraryr, dataone, dataRetrieval, datarobot, datasetjson, DataSpaceR, dataspice, DatastreamDSWS2R, dataverse, datoramar, debrowser, deckgl, deepdep, deepRstudio, DemografixeR, DEPONS2R, deps, DescriptiveStats.OBeu, designer, DEsubs, dextergui, dhlabR, diezeit, diffviewer, dimensionsR, dipsaus, disastr.api, diseasystore, disk.frame, distcomp, distill, dkanr, dlstats, dockerfiler, DockerParallel, docuSignr, Doscheda, dpmr, DQAgui, DQAstats, DT, DTAT, duckduckr, duckplyr, dynatopGIS, ebirdst, ebvcube, ecan, ecce, ECharts2Shiny, echarts4r, ecos, ECOTOXr, edgarWebR, EDIutils, educationdata, eia, EIAapi, eiopaR, elastic, elevatr, emailvalidation, EML, emld, emuR, ENCODExplorerData, enhancerHomologSearch, EnrichIntersect, enrichViewNet, epidata, epidatr, epigraphdb, epitweetr, epwshiftr, esmtools, esquisse, etrader, euroleaguer, Euronext, europeanaR, europepmc, eurostat, evolMap, evprof, evsim, excelR, exCon, exifr, exiftoolr, f1dataR, FaaSr, facebookadsR, facebookleadsR, facebookorganicR, facerec, factset.analyticsapi.engines, factset.protobuf.stachextensions, FAIRmaterials, fanyi, faq, fastRhockey, faux, fbRads, FeatureExtraction, federalregister, fedstatAPIr, feltr, fetchGoogleAnalyticsR, fetchSalesforceR, fflr, ffscrapr, fgga, finnishgrid, firebase, fishpond, fishRman, fishtree, fitbitr, fitbitScraper, fitbitViz, fitzRoy, fixerapi, FLAMES, flashCard, flexdashboard, flexsiteboard, flipdownr, flora, fmpcloudr,, foreSIGHT, FormShare, foundry, fqar, franc, fredr, freecurrencyapi, frictionless, frostr, ftExtra, funkyheatmap, fusionchartsR, GA4GHclient, galah, galvanizer, gargle, gbfs, gdalcubes, GDCRNATools, gde, gDRutils, gemma.R, GenAI, gender, genderBR, genesysr, genieBPC, GenomicDataCommons, geoAr, geojson, geojsonio, geomaroc, geometa, GetBCBData, GetQuandlData, GetTDData, getwiki, geysertimes, gfer, gfonts, ggimage, ggvis, gh, ghql, giacR, GIFT, gistr, gitear, gitgadget, gitGPT, githubinstall, gitignore, gkgraphR, Glimma, gmailr, GNRS, googleadsR, googleAnalyticsR, googleAuthR, googleCloudRunner, googleCloudStorageR, googleCloudVisionR, googleComputeEngineR, googledrive, googleErrorReportingR, googleLanguageR, googlenlp, googler, googleTagManageR, googleVis, googleway, gotop, gprofiler2, gptstudio, gqlr, gradeR, gradientPickerD3, grafzahl, graphhopper, graphql, gridSVG, gson, gtrendsR, guardianapi, guildai, guiplot, GWalkR, gwasrapidd, gwavr, gym, gypsum, h2o, hackeRnews, handlr, hansard, happign, harmonydata, hca, helsinki, hereR, hgnc, HiCBricks, highcharter, hlidacr, hockeystick, hoopR, htetree, htmlwidgets, httping, httptest, httptest2, httr, hypothesis, hypothesisr, ibb, ibmAcousticR, ibmsunburst, iCellR, icesConnect, icesDatsu, idbr, IDEATools, idmc, idpr, ieugwasr, IGoRRR, igvShiny, iheatmapr,, imgrec, immunarch, inegiR, InflectSSP, influxdbclient, influxdbr, instagramadsR, intensegRid, InteractiveComplexHeatmap, ip2location, ip2proxy, ipanema, ipbase, ipeadatar, iplookupapi, ipumsr, IRkernel, IsoMemo, isotree, isoWater, istacr, itscalledsoccer, izmir, JamendoR, JBrowseR, jdenticon, jgsbook, jinjar, jmvcore, jmvReadWrite, jose, jqbr, jrc, json2aRgs, json64, jsonld, jsonstat, jsTree, kaigiroku, keys, keyToEnglish, khisr, kibior, kisopenapi, kiwisR, klassR, klustR, KnowSeq, kntnr, KoboconnectR, kosis, LACE, lacrmr, lambdr, languagelayeR, languageserver, lares, leafpm, leanpubr, learnr, LedPred, leprechaun, LifemapR, lifeR, lifx, lightgbm, liminal, limonaid, lingtypology, Linkage, linkedInadsR, lsnstat, LUCIDus, MAGAR, magmaR, mailchimpR, malariaAtlas, ManagedCloudProvider, manifestoR, manydata, mapboxapi, mapedit, mapping, mapscape, matahari, MazamaLocationUtils, mbbe, measurementProtocol, mediacloudr, memisc, mergen, metabolomicsWorkbenchR, MetaculR, metalite.table1, metaseqR2, meteo, meteospain, metricminer, metro, micar, MicroMoB, Microsoft365R, miniMeta, minioclient, mitre, mlflow, mlr3oml, mnis, modelStudio, MODISTools, moexer, mongolite, mongopipe, Morpho, MouseFM, mpathsenser, mpindex, mscstexta4r, mscstts, mscsweblm4r, msig, mstrio, MungeSumstats, mygene, myvariant, N2H4, nasadata, nasapower, NasdaqDataLink, natserv, ndexr, ndtv, neo2R, neo4r, neonOS, neonUtilities, neotoma2, nettskjemar, newsanchor, nfl4th, NGCHM, ngsReports, nhdplusTools, nhlapi, njgeo, nmadb, noaaoceans, nodbi, nominatimlite, nomisr, NSO1212, nzilbb.labbcat, ocs4R, ODataQuery, oddsapiR, odin, ohsome, okxAPI, ollamar, OmaDB, OmicNavigator, omicplotR, OmnipathR, OnboardClient, oncrawlR, One4All, onelogin, onsr, opalr, openai, openalexR, openbankeR, opencage, opencpu, opendotaR, openeo, OpenMindat, OpenML, OpenSpecy, OpenStats, OralOpioids, ORFik, orthogene, osdatahub, osfr, osmextract, otargen, otpr, ottr, ottrpal, owdbr, owidR, owmr, oxcAAR, oysteR, packagefinder, packer, pacs, pagedown, pageviews, paleotree, PaLMr, pandocfilters, Pandora, pangaear, panstarrs, ParallelLogger, parquetize, patentsview, pathlit, paws.common, pbr, pcatsAPIclientR, pda, pdfetch, pdfminer, pedquant, peermodels, perplexR, pestr, phantasus, PharmacoGx, phenocamr, piggyback, pins, pinterestadsR, pkgcache, pkgdepends, pkgdown, pkgsearch, PKPDsim, planscorer, Platypus, plotly, plumber, plumberDeploy, plumbertableau, plume, pluscode, pmparser, pmxcode, pocketapi, polished, polmineR, polyglotr, postdoc, postlightmercury, potions, powerbiR, preregr, previsionio, priceR, prolific.api, promote, protolite, provDebugR, provParseR, ptm, ptvapi, pubmedtk, puremoe, pushbar, pxweb, PxWebApiData, QBMS, qbr, qgisprocess, qiitr, qtl2, qualtRics, Quandl, quanteda, quantmod, quarto, queryup, QuickJSR, quoradsR, r.proxy, r2d3, r2symbols, r3js, r4googleads, r5r, Racmacs,, rairtable, rAmCharts4, RAMClustR, rameritrade, randquotes, rang, Rapi, rapiclient, rapsimng, RAQSAPI, rarms, Rarr, rATTAINS, ravelRy, rb3, rbcb, rbioapi, rcites, RColetum, rconfig, rcorpora, RCPA, Rcrawler, rcrossref, RCX, RCzechia, rdatacite, rDataPipeline, rdbnomics, rDGIdb, rdhs, rdomains, RDota2, rdracor, rdryad, rdtLite, Rduinoiot, reactable, reactlog, ReactomeContentService4R, ReactomeGraph4R, ReactomeGSA, readit, readNSx, readtext, rebird, receptiviti, rechonest, recogito, red, ReDaMoR, REDCapR, redditadsR, redoc, RefManageR, refuge, rehydratoR, rentrez, repec, repoRter.nih, repr, reproducer, reqres, request, rerddap, RestRserve, reticulate, ReUseData, reutils, reveneraR, ReviewR, Revticulate, revulyticsR, Rexperigen, rextendr, rfacebookstat, rfaRm, rfieldclimate, rfishbase, rfishdraw, rgbif, rgee, rgeedim, rgeoboundaries, rgl, rgl2gltf, rgnparser, rgoogleads, rgoogleclassroom, rgoogleslides, rgtmx, rgugik, rhandsontable, rhub, rhymer, RiboCrypt, ricu, ridigbio, riem, riingo, rinat, RInno, rintcal, rintrojs, ripc, rirods, ritis, RivRetrieve, rjstat, RKorAPClient, rlc, rlist, rmapzen, rmarkdown, RMixpanel, rmzqc, rnassqs, rnaturalearth, rnbp, rnpn, rnrfa, Rnumerai, Rnvd3, roadoi, RobinHood, robis, robservable, Robyn, rockr, rollama, rolldown, rols, RonFHIR, ropendata, ROpenDota, ROpenFIGI, ROpenWeatherMap, rorcid, rosetteApi, rosv, rotl, roughnet, roughsf, rPDBapi, rphylopic, rpredictit, RPresto, rprojtree, RPublica, RPushbullet, rpx, rpymat, rredlist, rrefine, RSBJson, rsconnect, rscopus, rscorecard, rsi, rsinaica, rsleep, rsocialwatcher, RSocrata, Rspotify, rstac, rstatscn, rstudio.prefs, rsurveycto, RTD, rtiddlywiki, RTL, rtoot, rTorch, rtrek, rtry, RTTWebClient, rtweet, rtypeform, rvertnet, rvkstat, rwebstat, Rwtss, ryandexdirect, RYandexTranslate, RZabbix, rzentra, SACCR, safetensors, safetyCharts, safetyGraphics, salesforcer, SAR, sbtools, SC2API, scfetch, scRNAseq, scRNAseqApp, scrobbler, sdcHierarchies, SDMtune, secret, seeclickfixr, seeker, selenium, semnar, sendgridr,, SensusR,, sentryR, sergeant, servr, Seurat, sevenbridges, sevenbridges2, sfarrow, SGP, shidashi, shiny, shiny.benchmark, shiny.fluent, shiny.gosling, shiny.i18n, shiny.react, shiny.semantic, shiny.telemetry, shinyAce, shinybusy, shinyChakraUI, shinyCohortBuilder, shinyFeedback, shinyFiles, shinyfullscreen, shinyGovstyle, shinyHugePlot, shinyjqui, shinyjs, shinylight, ShinyLink, shinylive, shinyloadtest, shinylogs, shinymaterial, shinyMatrix, shinyMobile, shinypanel, shinyRatings, shinyscreenshot, shinySearchbar, shinyStorePlus, shinysurveys, shinytest, shinytest2, shinyTree, shinyWidgets, shopifyadsR, shopifyr, shroomDK, siebanxicor, sigmajs, SignacX, SigOptR, simer, simrel, sketch, skilljaR, slackr, sleeperapi, sleepwalk, SmarterPoland, smartsheetr, smdocker, SMITIDvisu, snapchatadsR, snapcount, SNPannotator, SNPediaR, socialmixr, sofa, solrium, solvebio, sonicscrewdriver, sortable, sotkanet, SP2000, SpaceMarkers, Spaniel, spant, sparklyr, sparklyr.nested, spatialLIBD, spectralAnalysis, spectrino, spidR, spocc, spotifyr, srcr, ssd4mosaic, sship, standartox, statnipokladna, statsearchanalyticsr, statswalesr, stevedore, stmCorrViz, storywranglr, stplanr, studentlife, subscreen, SUNGEO, suppdata, susographql, swissparl, SWTools, systemPipeRdata, T2DFitTailor, tableschema.r, taboolaR, taxize, TCGAbiolinks, TCGAretriever, TCIApathfinder, teal, teal.slice, teamr, Tejapi, telegram,, templr, TestGenerator, testthat, TexExamRandomizer, textrar, tfdeploy, tfrmt, tfruns, ThankYouStars, threesixtygiving, tidycensus, tidycwl, tidyedgar, tidygeocoder, tidygeoRSS, tidyjson, TidyMultiqc, tidyquant, tidyqwi, tidyRSS, tidystats, tidytuesdayR, tidyUSDA, tidyverse, tidywikidatar, tiktokadsR, timescape, timeseriesdb, timevis, tinyscholar, tinyspotifyr, tippy, TKCat, tm1r, TNRS, togglr, tomba, TooManyCellsR, torch, ToxicoGx, tqk, tracerer, trackeR, tradestatistics, traits, translated, traveltimeR, treeio, trelliscopejs, trelloR, tremendousr, trustedtimestamping, TSAR, tseries, tstools, tuber, tubern, twfy, twilio, Twitmo, twitteradsR, TwitterAutomatedTrading, tximeta, uavRmp, UCSC.utils, UCSCXenaTools, uklr, ukpolice, umbridge,, uniswappeR, uptasticsearch, urlshorteneR, usdampr, usdarnass, usethis, V8, vagalumeR, valet, valhallr, vapour, vatcheckapi, vaultr, vectorsurvR, vegalite, vegawidget, vfinputs, viafr, video, VisiumIO, visNetwork, vitae, vkR, vmr, voson.tcn, vosonSML, voteogram, votesmart, vstsr, vvcanvas, vvtableau, vvtermtime, wbstats, WDI, webchem, webdriver, webexercises, WebGestaltR, webmockr, webshot, webutils, wehoop, whereami, whoami, wiesbaden, WikidataQueryServiceR, WikidataR, WikipediR, wikitaxa, wikiTools, windsoraiR, worldfootballR, worrms, wosr, WufooR, x.ent, xaringanExtra, xcms, xgboost, XKCDdata, xmpdf, XR, yahoofinancer, yfR, yhatr, YTAnalytics, zdeskR, zen4R, zipcodeR, zoltr, zoomr, zzlite
Reverse suggests: alabaster.bumpy, alabaster.ranges, amapro, arrow, ARUtools, atrrr, auditor, autonomics, azuremlsdk, AzureStor, basictabler, BiocCheck, blsR, bookdown, bskyr, ChemoSpec, cloudfs, clusterProfiler, coda.base, ComplexUpset, conos, cookiemonster, cowsay, crosstable, curl, d3r, data.tree, datadogr, DataExplorer, datamods, dbx, denvax, designr, dismo, divest, dm, dodgr, downlit, DropletUtils, duckdbfs, easystats, echarty, ecmwfr, edgeR, epiCleanr, EuPathDB, fbar, finch, funchir, futile.logger, gap, geodata, getable, ggeffects, glottospace, Gmisc, googlePubsubR, gtfstools, hfhub, Hmisc, httpgd, httr2, iBreakDown, ingredients, inldata, inlpubs, iNZightPlots, iNZightTools, io, ISAnalytics, jab.adverse.reactions, jqr, jsonvalidate, jsTreeR, justifier, keras3, kgschart, leaflet.extras, leaflet.extras2, leaflet.providers, lgr, lgrExtra, lintr, listviewer, log4r, logger, magick, mapdeck, mastR, metamicrobiomeR, metricsgraphics, MicrobiotaProcess, MiscMetabar, MoBPS, mockthat, naaccr, ncdfgeom, neonstore, networkD3, nflfastR, noctua, oncoscanR, openairmaps, openssl, orderly, osmdata, pak, passport, pathlinkR, pctax, pcutils, pense, PetfindeR, pivottabler, pointblank, PureCN, qtlcharts, RagGrid, rAmCharts, RAthena, rbedrock, rcellminer, rdflib, reactR, REDCapCAST, renv, repurrrsive, rio, riskmetric, rjsoncons, rmapshaper, rosm, Rpoet, rtika, rworkflows, sccore, SCDB, selenider, sharpshootR, shiny.reglog, shinydashboardPlus, shinyInvoice, shotGroups, showtext, simona, sits, slickR, SNBdata, soilDB, speckle, SSEparser, stars, stats19, stenR, stoRy, SummarizedExperiment, sunburstR, swagger, sysfonts, taxalight, teal.modules.general, TextMiningGUI, thematic, TheOpenAIR, this.path, tibblify, tractor.base, treeshap, tximport, ursa, ustfd, VariantAnnotation, vcr, vetiver, wallace, webfakes, whitewater, winfapReader, xaringan, xfun, xplorerr, yulab.utils, yyjsonr


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They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution. We make no claims about them.